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Again...Matchmaking things

Purple rank killer matched with Red rank survivors(mostly rank1)...why?

I appreciate the matchmaking time(it's fast) but I think the ranking is a bit unfair. Purple ranks are supposed to be matched with the same rank...right?


  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've been in green ranks for a few days and almost every game one of my fellow survivors is rank 1 or 2. Everyone else is right about in line with me except for that one red ranker. I don't know if this means that matchmaking is getting better or worse.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    This game does not have matchmaking. The sooner you accept this the better you will be. I know it has matchmaking but the ranks are total BS, just like the pip system is BS. Red ranks do NOT mean a player is good. And they reset so often, that often you face lower ranks with many hours that are better than red ranked players. Comms mean more than a rank color that can be earned with time put in. You can get red ranks off dive bombing hooks and barely doing any gens.

  • PHeadisHot
    PHeadisHot Member Posts: 18

    I matched with four red ranks survivors , idk if they’re SWF. Honestly I don’t care about SWF, the main problem I need them to fix is the matchmaking system

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I personally don't mind if they're rank 20, as long as they can loop the killer for days & do gens.

    I got those sort of teammates when mmr was on.

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 377

    Assuming you're not talking about the MMR testing they just started...

    Rank based matchmaking is supposed to pull from 6 ranks above or below yours. So at rank 8 you have a range of 2-14.

  • mad_hatter
    mad_hatter Member Posts: 121

    As a rank 5 killer, last night I got matched against a three man SWF, all rank 1. They were cross-play, while the 4th survivor was on the same platform as me. That 4th survivor was rank 19...

    Could be that all 4 of them were SWF, but if not... man, that sucks for the rank 19.

    Needless to say, I killed the rank 19 and one of the rank 1s, but the other two escaped...

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    The matchmaking is certainly a problem

    I love your username btw

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA- no. That's not always going to be the case. There's a difference between having a challenge and then being completely rolled in a match.

    I use my own personal experience as an example from this one match. I went and played as Pig and got matched against a 4 man rank 1 SWF death squad where they literally spent a good 15 minutes just bullying me around. There was nothing I could at all. They would all rush me, run circles, swap out after I'd hit one, go heal, then jump back in to the running. They'd coordinate flashlights, not for saves, but just to screw with me or I guess so that one of their guys who I'd hit in that loop can go run off and get healed and then come back. That match was a literal nightmare to play. The match ended when like one of their guys disappeared to go slame gens while the other three kept screwing with me. At the end, they all left except for one guy. He stayed and still managed to avoid me, going to one of those big god loops that I would never catch them at, and then died to the end game timer, giving me the pity kill. Yeah, they even made sure that the pity kill they gave me was out of my hands.

    In a match like that I learned absolutely nothing. At the time I was barely a month in to playing this game and there is a lot that I didn't (hell I still don't) understand in this game. Granted I've only been playing for two months now, so yes this was last month that this happened to me. But in a match like that where I had absolutely no control of any aspect of the match, and the coordinated survivors had the game firmly in their control, again to the point where even they made sure that the pity kill they gave me was not done by my own hand, I struggle to see what I could've walked away learning from there other than SWF death squads are OP as hell and matchmaking sucks ass.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,014

    Working as intended. You probably have a high MMR level according to the MMR system.

  • PHeadisHot
    PHeadisHot Member Posts: 18

    I wanted to enjoy the game, but this is getting worse. I would love to tunnel them but I didn’t choose this option cuz this goes against my rules. Every time I match with the red ranks I get only 1k or nothing.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,998

    Even without MMR, purples facings reds is totally fair. There's no meaningful difference between the two.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You play to win. You do what an individual match calls for. If you are restricting yourself with all sorts of extra baggage and restrictions (that I assure the Survivors are not) then you are responsible for your own losses.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because purple is next to red?

    Are we to say a rank 5 cannot go against a rank 4?

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Yeah, I spoke too soon. After making that post earlier I played the rest of the day and encountered the wide range of ranks mentioned above. I'm about rank 8 or 10 and my average was playing with a rank 18 or 19, a rank 8, and a rank 1 or 2.

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    After getting horribly tough matches as killer, I thought I would try the survivor side out. Got matched with a brand new player with 0 hours in the game. He played legion and didn't even use his power a single time. He only got a few hits because some of the other survivors were messing with him and being silly.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    My MMR experience has been weird one match you get a high skilled killer then I got a face camping noob with great survivors who rushed gens and we all got outta there except for that poor Elodie player.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Is so sad....really sad....too many sad... mucho mucho sad