New matchmaking (the 48 hours test) what are your thoughts?

OffByOne Member Posts: 5
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Today I saw the message of testing a new match making system for 48 hours and was like hell yeah. Finally a new match making system XD But after playing a lot of matches and being always put in OP lobbies and struggling to get a single kill as a killer at most (maybe 2 if they were careless)

Defeated and broken I came here to give feedback lol XD (No, but honestly I felt like I had much more fun yesterday compared to today (with the new match making thing) every match was a sweat fest)

Note: I do respect how the devs are trying to improve things and I am all in on trying new match making systems. It is just I am giving feedback on it and trying to discuss a bit.

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