MMR Test Results & Feedback (worst one yet)

Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Rank 12. Noticeable but not unreasonable increase in killer queue times (3 minutes, up from 30 seconds)

1 - Ghostface: Rarely played killer. Matched against 1,4,5,5. 5 Gens done. 5 hooks, 1 kill. Very poor matchmaking.

2 - Ghostface: Rarely played killer. Matched against 4, 4, 4, 15. 4 Gens done. 12 hooks, 4 kills. Possibly over-ranked survivors. They were REALLY intent on using the red key/red map/hatch offering they brought, so I just knocked them down one after another as they were going for the hatch.

3 - Pig: Occasionally played killer. Matched against 19, 13, 19, 9 (the 9 was AFK the entire game). 2 Gens done. 11 hooks, 4 kills. Not very good matchmaking, but unfairly skewed since the high rank was AFK the entire time.

4 - Blight: Played twice. Matched against 1, 4, 14, 16. 5 Gens done. 5 hooks, 1 kill. Also zero successful lethal rushes because this power is insanely difficult to get used to. Atrocious matchmaking. This is EXACTLY why new killers need specific MMR; I stood no chance and got zero use out of his power other than running from gen to gen.

5 - Oni: Never played before (bought him fresh just for this MMR test). Matched against: 5, 13, 16, 16. 5 Gens done. 8 hooks, 1 kill. Other than the one higher rank, this is much better than the Blight game. I had no idea how to play this character and it took awhile to figure out the smash attack and all that. Still got dunked on, but at least there weren't any red ranks.

6 - Doctor: Frequently played killer. Matched against: 1, 3, 5, 7. 5 Gens done. 5 hooks, 1 kill. Terrible matchmaking, but at least it's dumping on a killer I have more hours with.

7 - Freddy: Frequently played killer. Matched against: 1, 3, 4, 4. 5 Gens done. 1 hook, 0 kills. This is the kind of matchmaking that's really discouraging. I'm not sure if the MMR is translating "hours played" into "skill" because boy howdy that really needs to not be the case.

8 - Pyramid Head: Moderately played killer. Matched against: 7, 14, 20, 20. 3 Gens done. 11 hooks, 4 kills. Again, terrible matchmaking. I'm not sure if this was a "make up" for putting me against 4 red ranks last time, but facing 20s is as bad as facing 1s.

9 - Cannibal: Moderately played killer. Matched against: 1, 1, 3, 3. 5 Gens done. 1 hook, 0 kills. This is just ping ponging between terrible extremes.

10 - Demogorgon: Rarely played killer. Matched against: 2, 15, 17, 20. 3 Gens done. 11 hooks. 4 kills. I'm sure you can see the pattern here.

So! Thoughts! This is, by a wide margin, the worst MMR test to date. Both of the other ones put me with people roughly around my rank and games typically went from 2-3 kills each. I don't know what you changed, but please change it back. This constant bouncing between all brown and all red is insane. Worse yet: it seems to have no real relation to the killer I'm playing, how much time I've put into them, or how good I do with them.

Despite being rank 12 (and I stayed rank 12 through all ten games), I never once faced a single green-ranked survivor. Do they simply not exist? Is the game only Seasoned Pros and Brand New players? Even allowing for a 3-rank variation on either side, only 5 of 40 survivors were rank 9-15. Eighteen of 40 (almost half) were red ranks and 11 were brown ranks.

Presumably, you've been gathering data for some time now, but I'm not sure what that data might be. Despite averaging 2 kills per game over all 10 games, nearly every one was a blow-out on one side or the other. Only two of the ten games were even remotely back and forth with reasonably appropriate challenges.


  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    I am a rank 15 killer and have only fought rank 1-3s. One game was a full game of rank 2 and 3s. I don't think I can play for the next 2 days.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    Just dropped $140.00 on the game and was fun at first but getting out ranked every game by 15 to 18 levels is getting to the point of not even wanting to play the game. But I am sure that BEHAVIOUR doesn't really care they got my money at this point.

  • MindGame3301
    MindGame3301 Member Posts: 129

    Throughout this entire thing, you are IGNORING the statement about the wide varients in ranks. Also, ranks are not skilled...those rank 20s may have over preformed in their last game. Those rank 1s may have underperformed, or you may have overperformed. Rank is just time played with enough knowledge to do gens and run away from the killer.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited June 2021

    While it is true that the matchmaking was not being done with Rank as the determining factor, the rank IS a cursory indicator of proficiency with the core gameplay elements. One rank 20 survivor never once RAN during the entire match, for example. I do not think they "Overperformed" anything. This is very plainly a brand new person playing their very first game (without having done the tutorial, apparently).

    Likewise, the six rank 1s who kicked my ass up, down, and all around MIGHT'VE been beaten up by a rank 1 killer in their previous game. I don't know. What I DO know is that their talents wildly outmatch mine. Encountering even one hyper skilled Rank 1 at my skill level should be a statistical abnormality, not 15% of all the survivors I faced.

    We have been told that they have been accumulating information over the last year or whatever. In the prior two MMR tests, I got matched with green and purple ranks constantly. I won as often as I lost, but at no point did I feel like there was NO CHANCE for me to catch a given survivor. In short, it felt like I was playing against people at my skill level. This newest test found only people wildly Above or wildly Below me. This can be seen in the ranks, but also in the Gens/Hooks/Kills I listed. Bouncing between 0K and 4K every game is atrocious.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    I just started playing 3 days before the rank resets. So your lose argument holds no ground here. Also in a week the MMR or ELO should have worked it self out that someone that has a rank 20 killer, never played before should not be matched up with a rank 1 Survivor. Regardless if they rank in top 1000 of the players, they have more time and experience in the game with more items and Perks at their disposal, so your point falls flat in the most rudimentary way possible. You don't have to be better if you have access to more Add-ons, Perks, and Items.

    Like I said at this point BEHAVIOUR got my money, I would love to see if they actually care, but the harsh reality is they only care till they get your money than meh.

    If this was right a year ago, than it should be right now, Making excuse for poor management also doesn't sway anyone to your argument nor does it give you any reasonable credibility, it only shows you will shil for a company cause you like them, even if they are doing wrong by their player base.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    That a rank 16-20 killer isn't getting all brown to yellow rank survivors is pretty insane. I don't know what metric they're using, but that's pretty absurd. When I first started the game, it was rare to see so much as a green rank person in a given lobby, much less rank 1s. They REALLY screwed some stuff up on your end. Sorry to hear it, man.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    Hey man thanks.... I really hope they fix it cause I really like this game.....but if I never stand a chance and i need to spend 60 - 100+ hours to become better I got better things to do with my time really

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    I mean, I've spent 400 hours and I still suck at the game. All I want is to get medium-skilled survivors, not be constantly bouncing between World's Best and people who can't find the Run button.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    hhahahah I agree, both are not enjoyable at all, I would rather have good back and forth not a one sided battle

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Kaimick, most killers really only play 2 or 3 different killers. It's not that they don't want to play more, it's just that they don't want to be severely mismatched. With this new match making, it means that they can play killers that they wouldn't usually play. And that means that it takes a few games to properly set their rank. I'm a rank 1 killer, and when I did this match making, it took this MMR system 6 games before it put me verses red ranks survivors.

    That's actually amazing. Now if you only play each killer once and you don't let the MMR system figure out the rank, then yeah it's going to be pretty bad.

    And for you who's a low rank, basically you're the guinea pig that the match making algorithm uses to determine if someone is actually a rank 20 or not. So, if you do decide to play for the next 48 hours I guarantee your matches are going to be the most frustrating thing ever. But know that this is just growing pains and the system does work and you won't be playing verses those killers for long.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2021

    Three Killer games and three Survivor game so far:

    1. Doctor, my current main. Super mis-matched. Most of them played like rank 20s. Had a supposed rank 20 move like at least a green rank would, so I guess he was a closer match than anyone else.
    2. Hag, haven’t really played her recently. Not that bad of a match. Managed to get her Adept done without resorting to the most boring playstyle on the planet.
    3. Nurse, have barely played her but won maybe one match. Super mis-matched, it was obvious these Survivors knew what they were doing. Also managed to show me just how much console Nurse drains the fun out of the game.
    4. Survivor, seemed alright but the Oni was moving suspiciously fast. It was like he had permanent Agitation speed.
    5. Survivor, seemed like another bad match. The other three were going down too quickly.
    6. Survivor, I guess it was fine but I’m not sure if I can call a basement Trapper who only got kills because we messed around at the end good.