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MMR has failed essentially every time they've tested it, can we move on to another rank system?

At this point BHVR should take some cues from other ranked games, because MMR ain't working for dbd.

I don't know what kind of system could be used, but by now I would accept anything other than the emblems and MMR.

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    There will never be a perfect matchmaking system for this game, it’s really impossible. Not every match will be balanced.

    and if something is not working for a few matches for a minority of the community you will definitely see an exaggerated outcry (which isn’t even that severe now)

    How are you determining that the MMR tests failed? You can’t see the statistics. For all we know it worked great but had some specific issues that were hard to fix (eg insta down killers/abilities).

  • Member Posts: 176

    The test before this one was great for me, much better than any other system they had so far.

  • Member Posts: 353

    These 2 test have been perfect. I actually have teammates now, and I get a survivor teams that actually aren't dumb and have a brain.

    It's fine and way better than the rank system

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    During the last test it's been amazing.

    Today it's been... Sub-par at best. I'm always the best player of the 5 and its concerning that it thinks the killer I literally do Red rank 3/4k streaks with should be paired up with rank 13s.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Like a few posters above me, I also really liked the previous test run, shrug. I'm genuinely surprised by how rough it's been for me this time.

  • Member Posts: 185

    The last MMR test for me was terrible. This one however worked way better for me. Last time with MMR to even 1k I had to use hyper sweated builds on killers that I had deaccent MMR. This one I was still able to use more fun and unique builds but have challenging games but not so much so that I have to run exclusively the meta. Same experience when I was playing survivor though, good teammates but the same few killers. Spirit, Blight(Which I enjoy face I am a fellow Blight main), Hag, and some Nurses but mostly just strider spirits.

  • Member Posts: 176

    How do you know what the mmr-test is about? Did you ask the devs?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    This current test has been a huge success for me. With my main, I got teams that really pushed me, which is a new feeling for me and one that I really like. I actually don't like getting super easy games, I like games where I feel either side could win, it's high tension and I really have to work to be on point.

    And when I played a killer that I hadn't played in about 9 months, the Oni. Sure my first game was against rank 20s, but it only took 6 games to go up against a solid group of red rank survivors who all happened to be rank 2s.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    didn't seem that bad the last time it was on.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    It didn’t? I recall playing with rank 20s as a rank 1 survivor and getting slaughtered by rank 1 killers. “But rank doesn’t matter” when my team is literally within ~5 hours of buying the game.

    MMR is all over the place. I can hardly distinguish it from the current system other than the ridiculously imbalanced matches it throws out sometimes. Like full rank 20 1 perk lobbies into rank 1 killers.

    The emblem system is significantly better. A few tweaks and they can dumpster this Elo system that will ultimately have everyone spamming nurse, spirit, and SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    In other words, you played more than a few matches, unlike these complainers.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    I’m sorry, where have you been the last year? I haven’t been able to switch my killer this entire time because “my elo is being calculated” when I’m now seeing matches from 3-4K hour players directly into lobbies who bought the game today.

    Want me to link you to a killer who played ~50 matches today without dropping a game and still gets rank 20 opponents?

    Get your head out of the developer’s ass. Programming isn’t magic. It’s sloppy in this case.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    That's still happening to me. I usually get one other red rank teammate and the others are around 15-20. You can imagine how my games are going against red rank killers. I'm done until this thing is turned off.

  • Member Posts: 631

    What everyone can't seem to grasp is that MMR is a wildly varying experience for everyone.

    For me personally it has been terrible for the killers I haven't played in a while. Usually with the killer specific MMR I should be facing against reduced skill survivors so I'm not immediately destroyed by using a killer I'm inexperienced with. Instead I've been getting the high skill survivors that the MMR system somehow deemed equal to to my poor twins.

    My survivor experience has been a somewhat mixed bag. For the most part I've been paired with potatoes who are seemingly unfamiliar with the mechanics. With the occassional good match sprinkled in.

    For me it seems like they've been dumping resources into something that isn't half ready for live deployment despite how long it's been in development.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I thought they already got the MMR data in the meantime?

  • Member Posts: 316

    How, as killer every game has been a 4k landslide or a 0k gen rush fest. As survivor most of my teamates can't loop more than 10 seconds and seem lost. A thing I noticed playing as both killer and survivor I'd that people have not been unhooking, the amount of kills I get off of one hook today is stupid. This MMR system has broken the game beyond words.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    How did you come to the conclusion that the mmr test was a failure?

  • Member Posts: 316

    By playing the game and having every match be complete #########

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    They really should have reset everyone to R20 so people would stop focusing on the rank numbers and instead on how the game went.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    In what sense? Did you get non stop SWF teams as killer?

    What was terrible?

  • Member Posts: 631

    Well, my games have been absolutely terrible when I play any killer other than my main. Which sounds fine, but each killer is supposed to have individual MMR. The killers I've played the least are supposed to go against less experienced survivors so I can actually learn the killer without getting curbstomped.

    But that isn't happening, instead I've been getting really good survivors on killers that I have zero idea how to play.

    And like I mentioned in another comment above my survivor games have been mixed results. Most games I get potatoes, luckily I sometimes get good teammates.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    By the fact the last test was a failure. Add in being a 6000+ hour killer matched with 0-20 hour survivors despite winning every game for weeks before and during the test. As a (rank 1) survivor being matched with those same 0-20 hour survivors and being pitted against killers with thousands of hours.

    Not that time in the game means you are skilled but it is a very good indicator you have the slightest idea of what you are doing

  • Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2021

    It's been an awful experience for me and I've been playing for roughly 4 hours today.

    Survivor games are either the killer is massively outmatched because the survivors are good at the game and close to no hooks happen while gens get slammed out quickly or you get the usual old matchmaking solo queue teammates except even worse somehow.

    Killer games seem to be really weird in that I find the matchmaking system tries to balance out good players with bad ones? I feel like I've gotten 1-2 really good players and 1-2 really bad players each game and the rest are average.

    The worst part of the system is the total lack of any kind of information. I can't tell if my MMR is high, low, increasing, decreasing, what my teammates' or opponents' ratings are, etc. It just feels really bad and the matches haven't been any fun and I swear they've become lower quality the more I've played rather than higher quality, despite escaping/4king most of my games today.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe they changed the parameters for this test. Or the challenges screwed up with the stats. Since people did weird stuff in order to complete challenges.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    It’s been over a year. Let me reiterate that. An entire year they have been supposedly gathering data. And I can’t tell any improvement since the last test.

    They only get away with it because they have no competition.

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2021

    So, I’m a new player and I just started the game a few days ago, my Wraith is level 12 and my killer rank is 18...and I’m getting matches with rank 1-5 players. This is kind of broken and really not fun, I feel like I might have to wait the test out before playing again.

  • Member Posts: 316

    As killer every match was a landslide either for me or for them. The amount of one hook kills I got was stupid. Hook one and chase another, and the other 2 dont even attempt a rescue.

    As survivor I would be in a match where all my teamates couldn't loop for more than 10 seconds while the killer couldn't even touch me. If I was unlucky enough to be hooked same thing as before, one does a Gen and the other hides and you just die on first hook. That or the killer just straight up face camps you out of the match.

    EVERY GAME from both side have been absolutely abysmal. So bad that if this stays I won't be.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I really hope they don't go through with MMR. Every match for me has been stressful as hell when I just want to play for fun, not be required to sweat.

    The randomness is what makes the game more entertaining and it makes getting a match with equally skilled players more rewarding. fore example, Ice cream is a great treat every once in a awhile, but if you eat it everyday the enjoyment kinda wears off. Same goes for MMR. I'd rather get some games where I stomp/get stomped and occasionally get perfectly balanced games, because then the fair game feels better to play.

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