Is MMR Broken?

I played 5 games today as Freddy. First 2 matches was so sweaty because i faced with SWF groups and only 1 kill i got. They were so good.

And then 3 games i faced with low ranks. On this 3 matches, 8 was highest rank.

I closed game because 0 fun. I hope that is only beta because if mmr will come like that, i do not think i will play anymore. 0 fun i had today.


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012
    edited June 2021

    Low rank matches ended with 0 gens. Noone found my ruin and undying. 2 people died on first hook because other teammates so scared to save them. I kinda felt sad.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I initially thought the test was going so well. When I started out all I was getting were really solid survivors. I'm rank 1 and usually just destroy groups and I was having a ball going up against groups that were better than me. Then it just stopped. and I'd go up against group after group of rank 14s, what in the world happened.

    I get that rank doesn't equal skill, but I can tell you that these low ranks were low ranks. It's like they had no defenses at all.

    Why would ranks get worse rather than better?

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I do not know actually. I tried make matches longer. I just broke all down pallets and patrolled map because give them time. And then i saw noone doing anything. Games was boring. But i had chance to finish matched in 2 - 3 minutes.

  • ThePartyProbe
    ThePartyProbe Member Posts: 8

    I literally just started a few days ago, my killer level is 18 and my Wraith is level 12...and the first 3 games I’ve played have been against red rank survivors; I’m barely getting a hook or 2 in before the game ends, this is so far from fun it’s ridiculous. I’m not playing again until this is over.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    2 escapes are not bad, if i had fun. But today i had 4 escapes match and it was not fun because they were genrush swf and they finished gens so fast. And then one swf group too. I just got one kill. And then i get 4 kills matches. And they were also not fun. Because survivors were low ranks.

    Before today, i had some sweaty games ofcourse but i found games more balanced. Sometimes i was losing, sometimes survivors. But games were fun because everyone were playing well.

    I am not sure but new system working like this i think: If you win matches so much, you will get so good survivors. And when you start lose, you will get low survivors. I do not think that system is healthy and good. And for now, i just tried killer part. I will try as survivor too and i wanna see changes.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    So far it hasn't been to bad.

    I am playing vs survivors that aren't amazing, but aren't terrible, very cocky though.

    It seems better then old matchmaking.