Back to back, baby survivor games.

I'm a rank 1 Killer, and I know that the matchmaking has never been the best. But I just did three games in a row getting paired up against 20s and 16s. Is the matchmaking broken right now? Like is anybody else getting paired up repeatedly with people way out of there rank? It's kinda boring because it's easy games, and it's not fair to them.
Mmr test screwed everyone's game pretty much rn let's give it a time or if it won't work feedback to devs
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It could be that MMR is getting data on players' skills at the moment, assuming low skill for each player right now and will improve with time for everyone.
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I'm getting lots of yellow/green rank survivors on killers I play a lot, but I often let everyone go, so I'm not sure if matchmaking is messing up or if it's functioning perfectly and just thinks I'm way worse than I am because my kill/escape ratio is so terrible.
I did just get adept Nurse, though... and I'm the epitome of a baby Nurse. It was interesting getting it, because my first game was against absolute potatoes and I slaughtered them so hard I didn't get adept. The next few games pitted me against teams that were way better than my baby Nurse ways (a few games that were purples and reds with one new rank player each), I got destroyed a few times in succession, and then I started getting matched with worse teams again and I had a few decent games until I got a yellow team I could get the adept with. (Sadly enough, I just barely got the 4k, which tells me where exactly my Nurse skills are at... but now I don't have to play her for a long, long time, so I'm okay with that.)
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That's the excuse they gave last time. Despite "collecting data" for ALMOST A YEAR
They just can't admit that they don't know how to code it properly. Which is fine, because MMR is a terrible idea
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I got a bunch of rank 1 survivors and im a rank 12. I didn't play well and they weren't great tbh. Game before that was a try hard purple rank TTV's, then after it was all purple again. Got a 1k, 0k and 4k so fairly balanced 😅
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My average, over the last 30 hours of play separated by a few days, has been myself at rank 9 or 10, another survivor at or just below the same rank, a survivor (and killer) at any rank but usually in the teens or close to twenty, and a final survivor at rank 1 or 2.
So I guess everyone's getting representation: The top, medium, and lowest tier players are all consistently paired up together.
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"Collecting data" doesn't necessarily mean that they were collecting skill data last time.
Why is MMR a terrible idea?
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It's exactly what they said they were collecting. MMR is a terrible idea because the game is very unbalanced and has extreme variance, and there's not even a "win" or "lose" set in place.
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They said they had to reset that data, which makes sense: new MMR, balance updates, new players, a lot of time has passed.
There are definitely players with higher and lower skills and the gap is huge and their performance is reproducible for the most part from game to game, so it does make sense to introduce an MMR system. There are more or less clear win conditions for Killers. It's less clear for survivors, but it doesn't matter much, as long as DEVs include the right criteria into the MMR algorithm, the result will be much better than without MMR. MMR does make sense.