Killer mains, what would be your biggest QoL request on your main killer?

For me, on Doctor it would be having a better survivor animation post shock indicating both for the killer and survivor if they can perform actions or not. Would give players facing Doc a better understanding that they cannot vault(and thus dont stand in front of a dropped pallet like a deer in headlights), while also giving Doc players a little less micromanagement to keep track of with their own power.
Honestly interested in what other mains like to see slightly altered.
For clown I want them to fix up his antidote a bit. Sometimes the gas will not do anything and sometimes I’ll be nowhere near it and get the effect
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Hillbilly fix his clunky animations. And make add-ons not trash.
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Carry 2 traps.
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Fix Victor so he would have more accuracy against toxic survivors.
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For Freddy, give him his on-release power back.
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The more tbag, the bigger hitbox
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Make base FoV 100°. But apparently that would break the game completely
Oh and also rework all of pyramid head's add ons except the range add ons
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Fix Ghostface, so you get revealed when you should and you don't get revealed when you shouldn't.
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Struggle progress bar.
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Shutting up Wraith while cloaked, but only from the Killer's point of view.
Cloaked mode is the hunting mode, he's supposed to be quick, stealthy and aware.
I can't hear potential footsteps and breathing sounds if most of it is drowned out by HURGL SNARL GROWL.
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Blanket QoL, fix scratchmarks and chase sounds so survivors don't get free escapes with Iron Will and scratchmarks don't randomly dissapear. Basically, revert chase mechanics to mid 2019.
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Fixing Blight's collision.
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Survivors shouldnt be able to complete actions while speared.
i hate this so much. Especially on unhooks - i spear them, they turn around and are already on their way towards me and in the background the other guy magically floats off the hook.
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I want to feel powerful. I dunno, louder footsteps or more impactful hits.
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Blights is without a doubt his collision, dudes collision is absolutely awful
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pig: decrease the time it takes to crouch (combat straps base kit) and make RBTS less RNG based, like trapper traps
wraith: take away true invisibility. TBH it feels way too easy to play wraith now, its sort of boring getting free hits because someone couldnt see me until it was too late
demo: make him easier to control on controller, sometimes when charging shred you walk very weirdly (like you’re sliding, with barely any control)
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FOV slider
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I love Doc but the problem I have with him is how his shock interacts with vaults, it doesn't seem to work this way with pallets, but if a survivor is lagging/desynced on their screen. On their screen they will be slightly ahead and will be able to start a vault whereas on the killers screen they had already been shocked before the vault animation is even close to starting. So, in a way, Doc is punished for laggy survivors.
And it happens when the Doc is at 20MS or so, so its not on the killers end. Having a bad connection is actually a positive when playing against Doc.
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Frenzy fatique base from 4 seconds to 3 seconds please.
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swf lobby indicator, beeing able to sell addons and offerings
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Trapper being able to transport more than 1 trap and to start with at least 3 traps.
Trickster...less knives to down or the laceration meter does not decrease(gives deep wound until you heal) or 115 walking speed if you have no knives.
Legion have him have less cooldown or expose people depending on how many get hit with feral frenzy
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Also 2 other things.
- Sometimes switching bottles is buggy. I can switch from the Antidote to the Tonic (and vice versa), see the indicator, and bottle change colour, but still throw what was previously selected, which is infuriating. Using the wrong bottle just once can be enough to lose the game.
- I really want the ability to switch, and line up which bottle I want to use next to be completely 100% independent of any of the cool downs. I shouldn’t have to wait to switch bottles after an attack or throw.
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A better understandable reveal mechanic for Ghostface. Sometimes I get revealed from a survivor behind a wall and sometimes they look straight at me without me crouching and I do not get revealed. This is not fine for both sides, I feel robbed off sometimes and it is the same for the survivor.
Also a fix to the "lean" mechnic for Ghostface. Most times you have to wait a second or so if you want to lean off something. It feels just odd and makes some plays harder than they should be. I often want to stalk somebody who runs away from me and can not do so because even thou I am stand at the wall I can not lean to get some stalking off.
And while I am at it: A better indicator to tell from where I am being revealed. Currently I am forced to take a more or less educated guess from where the survivor is looking at me.
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Trickster: Hold Main Event as long as you want.
Legion: Get rid of M1s and pick ups eating your power.
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This is why I hate playing as Plague. Use your power and just hear loud as hell whispers. "Sha ba ba sh ba bistoashabab." It's like, damn I can't hear anything over myself. Maybe a generator if I'm close enough to it.
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A few months ago i would have said "make rat liver basekit" but honestly i think Demo is in a very good spot right now
I guess a way to let him break his own portals without addons? i'm not sure
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Yeah sometimes I’ve ended up throwing a antidote at survivors due to his switching
Second change sounds great. That could encourage newer clowns to use the antidote more to
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For Legion, I'd like it if they removed the penalty on your Feral Frenzy gauge when landing a basic attack. There's no reason for it, and it could open up a bit of a chase power if you M1 and catch up with Frenzy.
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Devs go like: We heard you!
*changed the amount of pig traps from 4 to 2.
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I main Blight, and it would be nice if collision was fixed.
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plague makes her easier to pip
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Pig: Movement speed while crouched is no longer slow. You move at the same speed as a Ghost Face when he crouches.
Trapper: All maps spawn the same amount of traps. Trapper starts with 2 by base.
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Hag/Legion main here. I want Hags transition between traps to be much easier. It can be really weird sometimes.
Legion I want a completely rework.
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Remove the 50% of your power gauge gone on m1's for legion it's such a debilitating thing
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There's so many good qol changes that I wish behaviour did in a mid chapter
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To be clear, I’m not saying remove those cooldowns. I just don’t get why switching what bottle you’ll use next is a prohibited thing during a cooldown.
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In fairness to Wraith, survivors choosing to be on gens with poor visual on the surrounding environment when they KNOW they’re against a Wraith is just poor judgment on the survivors part. They’re not seeing Wraith till it’s too late because of THEIR mistake.
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Yeah. I wouldn’t want the whispering to go entirely, but the volume could be reduced a lot please.
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Ghostface: As others have said, better reveal mechanics. Other QoL stuff would be his add-ons. Currently, they're not great. They're all kinda boring and just "Meh". His lean mechanic could also use some work.
Plague: Her whispers need to go. You can't hear a damn thing when you play as her.
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oh boy
- dont touch Wraith
- fix the snow piles of hell in ormond and the entire swamp for blight
- Rework ghostface add ons, make chewed pen base kit, grofit.
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Pig - Crouch speed and boxes to not be visible at start of trial. Maybe they activate with first trap or for hit survivor.
Huntress - Hitboxes for both sides need fixed. Lullaby also not active until first hit. Also Lullaby quieter for the killer so I can hear survivor better.
Fred - Fix his fuking add-ons. Just show you give a damn because what you did to his add-on is fukin pathetic. Pssf good job so far my ass.
Note - When I first started playing the most exciting thing was wondering who the killer was going to be. All 3 of my mains you know soon as the trial starts and can plan for that. Pig I feel it hurts the most since she is stealth and it makes the survivors more aware to watch for crouching piggy.
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For Plague, I want them to fix her hitboxes. I know it's dots and not a stream, and that visually it can be misleading, but there's a major issue where the survivor will react as though they got hit, but not take damage/become infected.
They also should look at her point gains, because it is insanely hard to get good deviousness points on her. I've only gotten above 6000 in matches where I was blatantly farming. Both Corrupt Purge hits and infecting objects should have higher points attached. Maybe 600 instead of 300 and 50 instead of 25 (or there should be a score event from when a survivor gets infected by touching an object you infected.)
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As a Wraith and Myers main, I would like to see Spine Chill nerfed a tad bit to keep it from completely countering my stealth abilities.
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This is a big agree. Ive had the gas miss me and my character still gets "hit" and it feels so unrewarded. Guess its no different then huntress truck hatchets though.
Anyways mine hillbilly:fix the fov bug and increase his fov alittle the bug forces me to run shadowborne to really play billy in some cases. After getting back into billy this and his animations being bugged are the only problems i really have. (Ive gotten pretty much over the overheat in most cases)
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Faster speed while crouched. Like I'll gladly give up Tampered Timer for faster crouched speed.
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delete overheat
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Honestly, I'd want Wraith's bone clapper add-on to be basekit. It's kind of counter-intuitive to his power to announce his presence before he can get a hit on survivors. That's what his snarl, loud footsteps and being visible within 20 meters are for.
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Lord please, this! Trapper needs to be able to carry 2 traps base kit minimum... the fact I have to use add-ons for it is silly.
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I feel like most of what I want would fall under "actual buff" instead of QoL, so I will simply go with "raise the Pig's camera while crouched".