Why are her teeth like that? She was prettier before she got the buckteeth action, even if her hair looks even better.
Kate Denson Character Model Rework

Definetely liking the old model more.
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I like the crack version of Kate
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Her teeth seem a bit messed up tbh
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finally, taylor swift
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Subtle, but not bad. It's hard to mess up someone as beautiful as Kate, and they didn't, but she looks a little too young to me now. Like she went from early twenties to mid teens.
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Pros: She looks more realistic now. The old one looks like her face was cut out of a magazine page.
Cons: She's smiling instead of looking surprised. They literally took expressions away from other survivors and yet they are willing to add a smile to Kate... wth
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Weird, I can't find the tweet for Kate... Someone could link it to me?
Fortunatelly @SenzuDuck has done a thread about it, I almost missed it! She looks cool. I like her as well as Adam. I find her more cute.
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Where was this one posted? I don't see it on their Twitter.
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Why are her teeth like that? She was prettier before she got the buckteeth action, even if her hair looks even better.
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I find it gives her personality.
I can't find it neither... 😭
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Well its not bad but whats up with her teeth, either way she doesn't look bad
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The teeth is just her T-pose expression, not a biggie. She looks pretty.
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Not seeing it posted by DBD is making me think it might be fan made. Seen quite a few of those floating around.
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Apparently they posted it then deleted it shortly afrer
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Oh, you think so? I should wait the official statement then before being hyped.
If it's fan made, it's well done at least.
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Ah, maybe they released it a bit too early by mistake. Good to know. I'm waiting for them to publish it again to be sure it's official. 😸
I wish it is, I really like her new face—her teeth give her cuteness IMO.
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I hate it ._.
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Naaaah! 😭
But you like David, I've read it. At least, you have him!
(I don't like the new Dwight for instance.)
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I do have the new David. And Claudie, too. I like both of em (And Jakey). Dwight I'm on the fence about, Adam didn't change, and the rest I don't really like.
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Ah great, it had to be the character I am currently levelling up.
Leave me alone, BHVR! I don't want changes anymore!
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Hm. I don't know if I like it quite yet. I keep going back and fourth between, "it's not that bad." To, "What have they done to my girl?" Like... I don't know. I agree with others that she looks... Younger? Like teens and she almost loses the look of hopeful songbird, a sophisticated adult and more like ambitious young teen who wrote her first song not too long ago like I just do not know.
I like the hair tho. I like you can see the dirt on her and her tattoos are still there thankfully which adds to my confliction if I like this or not.
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The teeth aren't a big thing. It's just a slightly opened mouth, that's all. And as was mentioned, it's a T-pose (generic default character model pose). She won't always look like that in-game.
I understand people being worried that she has buck teeth now but she's definitely not going to look like that poor kid in the 1997 remake of The Shining.
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That's my thing as well. I don't like how she looks younger there's something about her that doesn't feel like Kate anymore.
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The only character I think needs a makeover is Meg. God, she has a stupid expression on her face.
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Im not sure how you get the "hopeful and sophisticated songbird" look from the old Kate, considering in this very image she looks like a mannequin with soulless eyes. The new Kate has life to her eyes and she looks youthful and energetic. In my opinion, the new changes are a marked improvement.
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I Like It.
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Claudette and Jake look awesome.
I'm wondering if licensed characters will have a chance to get a rework. Cheryl is fine, even if she looks a bit older than her Silent Hill 3 model. But Laurie and Quentin could use a rework!
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I think I connect it more with the backstory of hers + her introduction trailer that just stuck with the old model if that makes sense. She just looks like a step back to me. But like I said, I'm on the fence and haven't decided if I like it or not. I certainly don't hate it. I'm just meh about it atm. I could always change my mind about it in the future certainly.
I'm glad you like it though. :)
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I love this one. I'd need to see it in action to be sure, since the live video always looks different from the model, but I think this is my favorite rework yet.
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Don't like this at all.
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Cheryl looks a little too ragged to me, like a homeless drug addict or something.
Though, to be fair, anyone who's played the games knows why she would look this way.
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I think she's showing a bit too much teeth, but that's something even her old model does. Her skin is also a bit too pale, but otherwise, it's not bad.
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At least she doesn't look like the drugs are JUUUUUST starting to kick in anymore.
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She has lips now, and she looks so much better.
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Looks good to me except for the mouth.
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Yes, actually, she has kind of a big excuse for looking this way. She lived the worst.
(I love Silent Hill!)
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I liked my girl rework, she is still hot.
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She has now been posted on twitter
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She looks like Sam Puckett from iCarly and I honestly kinda like it...
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yeah really don't like it she looks so angry which doesn't fit her character.
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Waiting for Kate to get sick and tired of the killer and start waving around the Butter Sock
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Yep, now after seeing the video version, I'm sure: this is the best remodel so far.
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This is the worst rework so far in my opinion; I really don't like this.
She looks so angry now. It doesn't fit Kate at all.
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One of my favorites so far,she just needs to close her mouth a little
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the new face in this video with resting ######### face is a hard no for me
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I'm a bit late but here the tweet for these on mobile who wants to see it—we don't have the side bar on mobile.
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Wait, so is Kate the last one?
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Please tell me they're updating the face animations to fit the new character models. So far the still images have mostly looked like improvements but the preview vids give them the Jonathan using Steve's animations treatment. They NEED to adjust the animations to fit these new models or they're all going to look weird in game.
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Really not a fan of most of the new model changes, they're brightening most of them up which clashes with the aesthetic and a few of the characters don't even look like the same person anymore, this kate one included.
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Nooo she looks like current Meg 😫