Problem with Blue Glyphs

Am I the only one having to either play a lot of games to accidentally find them or STOP HELPING my team in order to look for them and finish the challenge as fast as I can?
I DON'T like having to stop playing normally in order to search for them or having to play 10 games in order to accidentally find them.
Any thoughts? I think they should have like a really loud noise when approaching them, that'd help
I didn’t actively search for mine. I just came across them organically as I didn’t want to waste time tracking them down. Maybe you’re just having bad luck as I got all 3 of mine over 5 matches.
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You don't search and find the glyphs the glyphs will find you
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I just searched for mine right at the start. The way I look at it is that it in some ways does help my team by having us more spread out rather than focused in the same area working on gens. Sure the first minute or so I'm not on a gen but I find the glyph in that time and then in working on a gen the killer most likely won't check for a while since they spawned near that side anyways.
I've found them like 20m away from the borders and got them done first 3 games
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I just try to get chased by the killer, lead them around as much of the map as possible, then make a mental note of where it is when I inevitably find it. Then go get it once I’m unhooked and the killer is on someone else!
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This is the most accurate comment about my experience, and it was a waste of time I could've been doing other challenges IMO.
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I spend the whole round looking for them and sometimes never find them, and my teammates get mad that I don't help (rightfully so). I'm starting to think I shouldn't try to look
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Honestly I find it's better to just play normally as there's a good chance you'll just run into the Glyph on most maps. I believe it took me 4 games to find all 3 gylphs.
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Yes, this is my exact point, and it took me 9 games to get that challenge! OBVIOUSLY without looking for them...
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I have way less problems with glyphs than I do certain other archive challenges. If you run across them mid-match, cool, spend 5 seconds and get a debuff. I preferred when you could get them on killer, because killer is likelier to comb all areas of the map, but I run into the glyph organically every other game. (Got moried over one yesterday, which was a :( moment.)
But take Time On Your Side, which asks your teammates to swarm the hook and unhook you in the killer's face. Same issue with challenges that want 3-4 unhooks in a single match, because they encourage people to get hyper-competitive about unhooks and focus more on beating other players to the hook than unhooking conscientiously. Or Dwight the Brave, which wants you to be useless and hug the killer's butt for sixty seconds. Engineer's Elegy, which wants you to run all over the map touching gens instead of actually sitting down and repairing anything (because if you wait too long, too many gens will be done for this challenge to be possible.) Risky Repairs, which incentivizes 99ing gens and luring the killer over before completing them. The Shield, which encourages you to make unsafe unhooks, run in front of the killer while they're carrying a survivor for no reason, or lead the killer over to an injured person to farm protection hits. Craft Time's Over, which doesn't have the one trial requirement that codifies bad play but whose obnoxiously high counter asks people to waste time cleansing every dull totem they see. There are many challenges that ask you to play memeily or badly, and this is way more of a problem on survivor than killer, because you have a team to screw over if you do them.
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I got them in 3 trials. Didn't really look, I just stumbled on them. But all 3 times I was using OoO and got the Blindness status, which was fun.
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Now THAT'S lucky
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since i am in no rush, usually i can play normaly and the challenges just happen. However, if i have to use a perk or item i dont like to play with, i try to finish it as fast as i can, by dedicating a match or two to it.
If i do killer challenges, (and i dont do all of those) i rush them, though. Special killer, special perk, special map (like the wall-breaking challenge) to get it over as fast as i can.
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They just turn up randomly don't they? I get one every other game when the challenge is set.
How long does the blindness/oblivious effect last?
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Well from what i've seen and sort of tested they don't show up till you've done something ie i do a bit of a generator for example i have more chance that it shows up, if i just run around without doing anything i have way less luck.
also out of um 5 matches it showed up twice in the killer shack that had no basement. So i am always checking there now. After i do some gennie work
And i have had a run of finding 5 times in a row all after i did work on some generators couldn't of course escape cause for some reason its like it knows im playing with a bunch of folks who don't know how to play survivor :/
their either all hanging around him getting knocked down and hooked or hey lets run past that gennie your working on so the killer attacks you and not me instead of being proper decoys to get the job done
so it doesn't appear as if they are just placed on the map at start you have to do something to then manifest them while you play
That's been my experience so far and yet i am still trying to grab one and escape god other survivors really suck sometimes
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New day new match did gennie blue glyph located in the killers shack with basement more proof you need to do something then they manifest and the best place to look first is the killers shack
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I got a legion today who clearly got screwed by the MMR and couldn't get a hit on me until I went for the window vault on a T wall and got sucked into a red glyph instead. She just swiped at it and let me get it, so I let her have the hook. I hope she got fairer matches after that.
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so i am firmly in belief these manifest later in game more often than they just are on the map as they say they are.
I entered the killers shack today and literally watched the glyph manifest in front of my eyes as i walked into the shack.
This not to say they never just appear on their own but if your not finding one do a gennie or two and look around and i firmly suggest always check the killer's shack first if the map has one. :D Your odds shall increase dramatically. The rest is up to you.
Also another good area for the glyph is in the large barn on the huntresses map i think it is. I've found it right in front of that generator multiple times. Good luck out there in the fog.
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I just don't like the negative side effects they give you. It makes no sense.