Obligatory Tier List Number 483

Killer Tier List as of 5.0.0, with Nemesis being between Freddy and Demo.
Killer Perks as of 5.0.0 in no particular order, Starstruck Off-Meta, No Way Out Good, Hex: Crowd Control Medium. Eruption Good, Hysteria Medium, Lethal Pursuer Good.
P.S: I know I do these every 10 minutes, but again: they are for fun, they are opinionated. Constructive Criticism welcome, no I will not move Demo to B tier.
Here is mine, if I may share:
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Honestly pretty valid, although one small caveat: Billy is not A-Tier. He's my secondary main other than Demo, and he's really not an AMAZING killer, but he's still pretty good.
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Well, I think he still is A-Tier as he always was, just in the bottom of said tier. An expert Billy can still manage to control a match, even with his new limitations.
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I don't think twins is an A tier killer since there are many other options that are stronger for them for both camping and slugging, the only things they are good at / need to do 24/7 since their chase time is abysmal
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I wouldn't say this tier list is 100% what I feel is right, but it pretty much captures the idea of how I feel about some killers.
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I wouldn't say this is exactly correct. Both because Twins can provide an insane amount of pressure (and not just by camping and slugging), and also saying that Twins rely on slugging and camping is like saying Oni relies on slugging. It's technically true, but their power is literally designed around slugging/camping. (Camping perhaps less so)
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NOED to meta IMO. It’s used in tournaments and in a world where MMR works in theory you will be getting to endgame often.
Monitor / bamboozle to off meta but strong. Monitor is just incredible against solo Q teams and bamboozle still stops the most disgusting loops in the game cold.
Haunted to off meta but strong. It’s not really used anymore since undying replaced it to protect ruin.
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Here's my tier list.
Trapper and Ghostface are so low because they rely on addons to compete, and Billy is so low because he has no very good addons and is overshadowed by Bubba.
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You know what else can provide an insane amount of pressure,
a well set up hag
an oni using his power
huntress being literally anywhere
Even myers given the right addons or solid play
twins for me just doesn't do much of anything well enough to justify being called a good killer, sure you can do X or Y but you know who else can do X or Y, almost everyone else, and the best part is even if the twins are slightly better at it they take 2-3x as long
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I do not agree with that last part. With Twins you can end games more quickly than all of those killers.
Watch Dowsey's Twins winstreak if you don't believe me, he shows off their potential in a way I never could.
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Twins is in A just because of the really strong ability to be able to cover to spots on the map at once really efficiently. Plop Charlotte in a strong choke point and run Victor around a few contested gens and vice verse and you can pretty much cover a game if done well.
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Clown and Pig being higher than Billy is just a straight up lie dude. A few other nitpicks but that's the big one.
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Killers who can end a game faster than twins
Hag after a good web going is slighty faster than twins
Blight especially with ring + blight tag
Plague using corrupt purge
even if they don't always take the oppertunity I can't possibly place the twins above any of these killers as they have much more potential for slugging, snowballing, and ending the game earlier than twins
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To each their own I guess. Just about every Billy I go against gets demolished and I can see why.
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Very nice list, but may i ask why did you put Billy so high up? Is he still good?
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I think Billy still is A-Tier as he always was, just in the bottom of said tier. An expert Billy can still manage to control a match and destroy survivors, even with his new limitations.
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Here`s mine:
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An expert any killer can control most of their games, not trying to say billy is bad either, im honestly still unsure of where to put him. I'd say that if addons are taken into account on both sides billy loses to more killers then if we just consider base kit since he really only has lopro chains for good addons
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might aswell share mine.
a tiny bit outdated, i have to admit, but i'd still mostly side with it.
maybe switch Huntress and Freddy and move Blight and Hag up by one so Oni is #3 of A Tier.
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Console player here, so mine would differ quite a bit from the standard view point. I'd probably place Nem on C tier, seen a few videos where people have trouble aiming his tentacle, with a mouse. So on console i imagine it'll be much worse.
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Probably Lampkin Lane or Badham. Anywhere else is a 4k.
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If we were basing it off of those two maps, then pretty much more than half the roster instantly goes to F tier lol
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Billy goes E- Tier.