Kate Visual Rework

TL;DR It is not good, especially in motion :( and I just want to voice that opinion while it can potentially matter.

Longer Form: I am, unfortunately, a Kate main. Got all her outfits, been playing her since I got the game back around Deathslinger's release, and I gotta say this new proposed visual rework just ain't it. In still shots it's Fine, and I can understand why a lot of people think it's prettier. Kate always had a weird look, and while I personally felt like she was better for it, I can understand why some people might disagree. But my issue is that the rework completely changes her entire vibe. Other reworks (usually the male characters) really do just look the same but brushed up to match the contemporary art direction, but this one is just a full redo of the character. Hell, even her skin got lightened, and... why? She looks less like an average country girl now and more like someone's ######### mom in a historical drama set during the civil war.

Anyway, all of that can be justified, and while I might not like the changes it is BHVR's game and they can do what they want. But even IF she's going to be changed like this, something's got to be improved when she's in motion. The short video of her animations looks so bad. She looks so mean in her face and kinda messed up honestly, which I really don't think fits her unendingly positive, beacon of warmth character. This may be a situation like with the Johnathan Byers skin, where the animations and the model just aren't quite matched up yet, but man does it look so bad to me.

Idk if this will matter or anything, I just wanted to post my thoughts on it given that I am a very boring person who simps for a white blonde video game character. A lot of the responses I've seen seem to enjoy the still image and how much "prettier" she is and that's fine, but I think they may be a bit premature.

Anyway, thanks for reading this wall lmao


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Anyone saying her mouth is fine needs to look in the mirror with their mouth slightly open in a relaxed manner (works better with younger people; the older you get the more your bottom teeth show rather than your upper). Look at how much of your upper teeth show. Compare it to new Kate's.

    There's a gap between her front teeth, and the way her upper lip pulls up makes it look like she has an overbite. The difference one millimeter makes to facial proportions is huge.

    Put her in an AC/DC shirt and she's Beavis's best friend.

  • FeminineSlime
    FeminineSlime Member Posts: 91

    lmao Beavis and Butt-head chapter when???

    I agree though; it's either that or lower her nose I think? It's hard to really say what the issue is since so many things changed all at once. Someone I saw said she looked like a hamster which is unfortunately accurate 😔

  • DudelPumaAce
    DudelPumaAce Member Posts: 305

    you mean rabbit tooth Kate xD

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Oh gosh, they're right, she does look like a hamster. o_0  🐹

    Her nose looks kind of bulbous-y straight on.

    The problem is BHVR designs characters with long faces, and their proportions get messed up because long faces are generally less attractive. With Kate I think they're trying to put Angel-skull features on someone with the wrong head-shape.

    Maybe I'm wrong, faces are judged by millimeters and I'm no expert, but even if I'm wrong about the specifics it's still obvious Kate's rework has issues.

  • FeminineSlime
    FeminineSlime Member Posts: 91

    Yeah! The long face thing is an issue in so many games, I've noticed. Almost like game designers aren't also experts on beauty or something. I don't understand why they want to put these new features on her face. Other reworks haven't changed that much except like... Meg, who also got prettied up way too much imo, even if she looks nicer. Maybe they figured Kate was the assumed "pretty girl" and wanted to lean into that or something without really considering how weird it would be.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Personally since they're working on the characters anyway I think they should fix at least some of their head shapes to shorten their faces. That would have the most aesthetically pleasing results. Unfortunately, it's much easier to skip that and just "make do" with the base that's already there. 😩

  • FeminineSlime
    FeminineSlime Member Posts: 91

    BHVR taking shortcuts in development? Unheard of. jk devs ur doing ur best

    They did say it was all TBD so maybe they will go back and make some tweaks to the head models after all. I'll still be sad about the change because I am stockholmed into the OG design, but as long as the final result is good I'm happy.

  • sneakolai
    sneakolai Member Posts: 18


    How many times do I have to type this?

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

    For God's sake, just leave Kate alone and fix what actually needs fixing in the fricking game. You don't need everyone to look like a sexed up twelve year old playing with mommy's makeup with a gentle overbite totally ready for fellatio. Stop. Just stop.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    honestly I felt like they just needed to fix Nea, characters like dwight/david I think look perfectly fine and their new versions look worse and less iconic/familiar. It feels like they change it just to change it, not because it really needed fixing.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,582

    I'm also a Kate main. As anxious as I am to have BHVR "rework" my favorite character, the still images don't look...too terrible.

    But like you said, the animations with the new model look weird. I've noticed it on almost all the survivors they've shown. It's definitely the Jonathan effect. Hope they intend on fixing it. Otherwise, I'd rather keep the current lower res faces with animations that match them.