This MMR test has done more than just match new players with veterans.

TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

It’s also exposed (to me anyway) a lot of survivors that have exploited the current existing matchmaking to heavily depip with the intent of (previously) stomping on newer/noob players (which they’re now NOT being matched with during the test).

I just went up against a Dwight that was one of the best loopers I have ever been up against while I was Doc. He was fully kitted out with T3 Adrenaline, BT, DH, and DS, and he was wearing paid cosmetics.

His rank? Just 19. And he was ridiculously skilled, reading/correctly guessing almost 100% of my moves.

I could’ve accepted the logic that perhaps it’s just a player that has deranked from not playing for many, many months. But to still have sharp skills like that after a really long break isn’t very plausible.

And this isn’t the first time in the past 48 hrs. I’ve had dozens of killer matches against extreme sweat squads only to be shocked at the post match results that there may only be one red rank survivor, and every body else is only between rank 20 to 16.

Yeah i’ve also had genuine baby survivors, poor dears (can’t even give them the hatch because they keep running for their terrified lives), but this other issue I’ve observed has been significant in the past day for me.


  • Silver9
    Silver9 Member Posts: 31

    First they need to fix the MMR. The games lately have been so out of balance I get games where everyone dies fast and gets next to no points and games where everyone escapes immediately and gets next to no points. Nothing in between.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    I have run into this, but it is also completely unimportant when the majority of the gray rank players are so new that they have only two, one, or even NO perks equipped.

    It is my opinion that the matchmaking is obviously adding the survivors skill and dividing by four to group with the killers, when a couple of high skill survivors are grouped together the MMR is grouping them with one low skill survivor and placing them against a killer of medium skill, instead of putting a fourth player with moderate to high skill in the group and placing them against a high skill killer.

    The problem is there are already too many new players brought on by the RE chapter, and the matchmaking isn't programmed to deal with them in a way I think most of us would find satisfying.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567


    But still it shouldn't be like: let's see this new player has only 15hours, but what if they are actually pros? Let's put them in a match with someone with 1500 hours to find out.

  • ethan99
    ethan99 Member Posts: 154

    I came across a lot of this when I was a noob killer. 4 man rank 19 squad with meta loadout, flashlights etc, and of course their profile is always private.

    The nasty ones finish all the gens and purposely leave both gates at 99%, then they charge you with their flashlights, head on, DS, DH, UB.

    Most annoying experience ever but it did teach me how to mind game better, when not to pick up slugged survivors etc. One time is was so stressful that I slugged all four of them hooked 3 and watched the last one bleed out.

    I feel sorry for the new killers that have to deal with that. I now have a hatred towards P3 Claudette/Present Dwight lol.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    No, it doesn't. It is supposed to have been collecting data for the past what, almost year? at this point. It should already have everyone where they should be.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    They stated somewhere in another MMR post, that it has been reseted for this test.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    I don't understand what sense does it make to reset it. Unless they are desperate... :(

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    That's called placement matches.

    Other games use that system, it takes 5-10 games, where you are placed across variety of ranks/leagues/whatever and face opponents varying from a rotting bag of potatoes up to the Sun God himself.

    After said set of matches it sits behind a desk, looks at the results and throws overused poor sad into the wooden league, where his place belongs.

    Or, if said person did well, he goes into a higher placed spot instead of being ranked with fellow "r21 BHVR devs", the guy with 1 perk on his Dwight can now play on par with other reds and purples, because he is just that good.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I think Brown rank should only available for completely new player. Increase the difficult to get out of Brown rank (to Yellow).

    Once theyre over 50h of play time + enough skill to pip to Yellow rank. They will never come back again.

    This is to prevent hard depip and players who take a really long break.

    Yellow-Green-Purple-Red can be mixed together, I dont care how (Purple kiler vs 2 Red 2 Yellow for example). But Brown rank should stand alone.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    ive seen a lot of this too, as survivor

    i keep going against rank 20-18 killers that are pretty decent, with all maxed out perk builds (a lot of them had corrupt/pop/bbq, with a flex 4th perk)

    as much as i hate MMR, im hoping its at least turned on for the RE chapter to protect the new players from going against derankers

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    I made a post about this. Im a new player and did some killer games the 1st day MMR was in. I have 22 hours on my game time played and for 4 games in a row i was ranked with survs with high playtime. In the last game before i decided i cant play this anymore i had survs with 4k, 3k, 2.5k and 1.7k game time. In total out of the 16 survs i faced over the 4 killer games the ones who had their playtime on show on steam added up to a total of around 19K hours. And i have 22 hours....

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    It didnt do that for me. Had match after match where survs actually got harder and had bigger playtime despite the fact i was getting only 1-2 hooks (yes hooks, not kills) per game. Eventually i got put up against a team who got 4 gens done without me even hitting one of them and they just wanted to bully me with flashlights and that. I even made a thread about it with screenshots. I have 22 hours and they had a total of 11k hours combined.

    If what you said is true, why is it giving me harder games the more i fail?

    Since i posted the thread i played a few more and they weren't any better. So i just decided to stop playing killer because i cant handle the fact i have 20 odd hours on this game and it just keeps putting me with teams who have 1/2/3K hours each.

    And i think this is what a lot are upset about. Placement matches are fine but i play other PVP games with MMR systems and ive never encountered it this bad. Sometimes youll get the odd 1 out of 20 games but not 9/10 games in a row.

  • Alexis98
    Alexis98 Member Posts: 20

    It didnt do that for me. Had match after match where survs actually got harder and had bigger playtime despite the fact i was getting only 1-2 hooks (yes hooks, not kills) per game. Eventually i got put up against a team who got 4 gens done without me even hitting one of them and they just wanted to bully me with flashlights and that. I even made a thread about it with screenshots. I have 22 hours and they had a total of 11k hours combined.

    If what you said is true, why is it giving me harder games the more i fail?

    Since i posted the thread i played a few more and they weren't any better. So i just decided to stop playing killer because i cant handle the fact i have 20 odd hours on this game and it just keeps putting me with players/teams who have 1/2/3K hours each.

    And i think this is what a lot are upset about. Placement matches are fine but i play other PVP games with MMR systems and ive never encountered it this bad. Sometimes youll get the odd 1 out of 20 games but not 9/10 games in a row.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Sounds like smurf accounts.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,200

    I'm very glad for the exposure MMR is giving to out the derankers. One great thing about this system is, because it's not known how to works exactly, people cannot exploit any weaknesses.

    Also, MMR isn't perfect, but it is working well to balance players out. Personally, I'm rank 10 and have been facing mainly red ranks since the MMR started, and have been having decent results (which considering I always randomize my builds, I consider this a great compliment!).

    People who derank and have been caught out may well complain because they can't get their easy victories. It's down to perception whether the individual thinks it's working or not, even if it's working perfectly.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237
    edited June 2021

    You can't depip to rank 19, as you can't lose pips past rank 16.

    The reason such a good player was rank 19 is due to rank reset and only rank reset. Seeing as the last one seemingly reset peoples rank at random, you can't even claim they depiped to rank 16 and then got reset to 20.

    I'm not generally one to care about ranking up, the last reset took me from 7 to 17 and I'm still only at 15.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Surely that just further cements how suspicious it was how skilled this Dwight was then... something was definitely way off about the whole group, and just how exceptionally good they were, the Dwight in particular. In fact the one red rank survivor in the match was the first to die.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited June 2021

    On PC I know of how some people exploit the rank system - They just use Steam Sharing to rank up a bunch of free accounts and when they climb out of a certain rank threshold they just swap accounts. I personally know 5 people who do this just to stomp new players because they find it funny / get bored.

    It's not even derankers it's alt accounts being the issue - Ever wonder why you'll play against players who have 1 game on their account sometimes? Anyone who denies this has no idea honestly. It's a bigger issue than you think.

    This one gets it

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237

    No... There's nothing a player can do to make themselves ranks 17-20, only the monthly rank reset can do that.

    So this Dwight got reset... that's it.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    These are the people that are heavily against mmr and are calling the end f days if it ever gets implemented.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    And managed to maintain impeccable skill despite the amount of time that would have needed to pass to reset to such a low rank?!

    I don’t think so.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Reset was necessary as the established MMRs didn’t reflect the current implementation of the system anymore. Nothing desperate about it. Here is the quote:

    Thanks for all the feedback you’ve been providing thus far on the MMR Test that’s going on. 

    We’ve made adjustments since the previous tests and this has meant that the data collected was reset for this particular test. In view of that, you might find more disparity between your matches initially (especially with killers that you’ve not played much of recently) but with continued play these matches should balance out as the system adjusts to what is happening live, resulting in more balanced matches. 

    We will be continuing to monitor and welcome your further feedback.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    MMR = Boooooooooooo! That is all.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,156

    I don't want to defend anyone in any way but don't forget the rank reset bug a month ago. Many people were nearly hard reset in their ranks. It shouldn't be possible to derank/reset below 17 but i was set back to 20 from my comfortable 13-10.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    You think the mmr test is funny....Rank reset is 2 days before the RE chapter release wait till the new RE players get a load of rank reset.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237
    edited June 2021

    Were... you here for the last rank reset?

    I literally just said, everyone got reset at random, some people went from rank 10 to rank 11, some went from rank 1 to rank 20.

    I went from 7 to 17, I'm still only just 15.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Oh yeah; these guys are out there in force. I hunt them for fun. Nothing pleases me more than running down mysteriously impotent Ranks with high Skills. :)

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited June 2021

    Rank resets just need to be locked in place - period. I don't care what system they put into place, you just can't let people have an easy way down the ranks.

    Every time I take a long break from this game and get busted down to the yellow ranks, it's nothing but n00b stomping for most o the night when I come back simply because I have no business being there. Then I get unfounded accusations of depipping myself when frankly I can't be arsed to play this game all the time and maintain my rank.

    Then the only thing we gotta worry about is smurf accounts. Frankly, anybody who wants to do the bloodpoint grind again for a smurf is insane anyway, but whatever.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82

    You couldnt make this up.

    The last two days, during the time skill based mmr was activated, i only got beginner survivor as opponents with my rank 1 billy, like only people with 0 to 20 hours for the most part, real beginner. Now that skill based mmr is deactivated, i get people that have over thousand hours and know how to play the game again. ...

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    Or no they have alternate accounts they play between which is more plausible seeing how skills were so sharp.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    As survivor my experience with mmr was fine up until last night. 4 man swf all red ranks we were matched with greens and yellow. When I played killer first match was rainbow rank and low skill next was rainbow with great skill then it kinda evened out with great matches. In my opinion MMR was great other than last night

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    ran into that today myself. Rank 16 killer going up against survivors of equal or higher rank you play like red ranks and was lucky to get one kill