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About BBQ and WGLF

Member Posts: 2,025

I just got slammed by this thought. I think that we can agree that 80% of us use them for BloodPoints, at least for WGLF. What if 4 wasn't the maximum amount of stacks you could get, but 12? Every stack would still give 25% bonus BloodPoints but you would be able to get and 300% bonus BloodPoints instead of 100%. I think it would be nice.

What do you guys think?

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  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I get your point, it would 100% work in BBQ. But if they made it so you could get stacks in more ways with WGLF, like healing, picking up survivors, just like @nursewannabe said. The gameplay wouldn't be affected that much. Becasue unhooking and healing is a big part of a match.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    BBQ gives aura. I think WGLF would has different power. Healing fast dying statu survivors, meh.

  • Member Posts: 708

    just allow wglf to get stacks in additional ways...

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    I remember the days it used to be 50% per stack on wglf to a max of 200%. Happy memories!

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Anything to cut down the grind would be greatly appreciated at this point so I think it is a good idea

  • Member Posts: 2,025
  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Nope, they already feel mandatory for anyone grinding for bloodpoints, most of the community in fact.

    What they need to do is attach the same extra BP tokens to other perks and make it so you can benefit only from the one you get the most (up to a max of 100% extra). That way, we can diversify our builds while grinding.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Yes please! And make the bloodpoints doubled forever as well that would fix the grind super quickly

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited June 2021

    Back then 200% was a lot (after the bw rework) so you could max characters very fricken quickly. But as more and more characters and stuff has been added that 200% isnt so bad now.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    This. Just gave us more BP gain or remove perk tiers. Honestly trying to use perks on anything like this is just bandaid solution.

  • Member Posts: 911

    It would be better to actually fix the grind than to buff the bloodpoint perks

    Remove perk tiers and increase bloodpoints gained a bit.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    As a stop gap sure why not, however it doesn't really fix the actual issue its helping to remedy.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Maybe having a heal system just like second wind, but each full heal would give a stack ?

  • Member Posts: 583

    All they need to add to WGLF is heal states count as a stack

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    WGLF is actually really helpful against sluggers and heals insanely quickly, especially with a Medkit too. Use it for both the extra BP and for anti-slugging. But it'd be nice if it allowed for stacks to be earned in more ways.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    But this is Behaviour. They fix all the game issues through perks

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    The bonus would be nice but I can see why they placed the limiter at least with we're going to live forever. With survivors capping out at 4 prevents one person from making all the saves leaving room for others to gain the rescue points as well.

    For killer that would be nice but I could see adding a stipulation that each hook must come from an alternate Survivor to prevent farming a single Survivor out.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I just think healing someone up from dying state should give a stack.

    as it is currently I sometimes don’t want to heal someone up with the boosted speed as an unhook actually gives me a stack…

  • Member Posts: 88

    Yes exactly.

    WGLF just encourages the entire team to rush hooks for a save, regardless if if loses them the game, Because if they get a safe unhook they not only get a buttload of points but also even more from the WGLF stack. Given that why would you NOT hook rush as opposed to spending a boring 80 seconds on a gen for far less rewards comparatively?

    An easy fix I would suggest is also giving WGLF a stack every time you complete the equivalent of a generator. This would encourage people to not bother rushing hooks if the killer is camping or if it unsafe.

  • Member Posts: 621

    WGLF is not good, this and BT should be combined before any sort of xp grinding buff should be considered.

  • Member Posts: 566

    If you combined WGLF with BT you would completely eliminate the "unhook safely" part.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Because survivors farmed each other. Everyone would instantly drop what they were doing, to be the first on the hook. They didn´t even wait for the killer to leave.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    does that go both ways (BBQ & WGLF)?

    if so, im 100% in!

  • Member Posts: 88

    Err, B&C doesn't affect match quality except possibly in a postive way.

    WGLF can cause issues though where survivors only want to get unhooks, and a campaign killer wins because of this.

  • Member Posts: 800

    I'd actually argue that they should make those bp gains a built in feature so we'd stop having to use bbq/wglf just to get bp and rather have those perks be used for the ability they grant like BBQs aura reading. Because all adding that bp gains to other perks would result in the same problem, youd have to take that specific perk over another u may want more because of the bp gains. I'd change 90% of my builds to something I actually wanted, if that would be the case.

    It just sucks feeling like I only have 3 perks to ever work with bc I don't wanna gimp myself out of gains while grinding out unlocking perks for everyone. That's just me tho

    Side topic: Anyways mind me asking what your survivor build is? Assuming it has wglf on it like mine always do lol....mostly wanna try a diff build, always gotta have that perk equipped bc I am NOT missing out on those bps.

  • Member Posts: 1,871
    edited June 2021

    Not sure about making this feature baseline, at least not for the current implementation of WGLF. I believe the current hook-bomb issue is due to people farming stacks and making it baseline removes the decision factor of when I want to have farming matches and when I want to play with interesting full builds. It would just make the problem spread even more, IMO. Attaching the tokens to perks with similar niches would at least grant some freedom. Some points that could reduce the dependency on those perks are:

    1. Attaching 1 token to each perk slot. If the perk activated 1 time in a match, you get a token for the slot. So if you use each perk at least once in a match, you're rewarded with 100% extra BP.
    2. Adress the main issue and reduce the grind but removing perk ranks. Suddenly the biggest BP sink in the game is gone.

    I use different builds for grinding along with WGLF:

    • Exhaustion + Small Game + Inner Strength: lots of heals and totem hate. Very good for tanking protection hits for tokens.
    • Exhaustion + Spine Chill + Iron Will: general build when I am not in the mood for jump scares or want an edge against Spirits.
    • Exhaustion + Repressed Alliance + Spine Chill: Repressed allows me to go for rescues/chases while blocking ruin/pop and highlighting the aura of the gen for my teammates to complete. Very good build in higher-level gameplay.
  • Member Posts: 800

    Welp you sold me on that idea, I much more prefer that way of getting stacks lol Just one activation of a perk grants a stack....freedom of perk builds without overly effecting gameplay..I dig it. I also think there's alot of bloodweb bloat especially on the surv side.

    About your builds, sorta expected something along the lines of: Repressed Alliance, Detectives Hunch, Steak Out.. because those are the perks I hear you mention alot!

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    Get rid of aura reading and dying healing boost and make them base kit. The grind really needs to be lessened. Speaking of grind, at least make characters three starting skills start at tier 3.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    I interchange DsH and Small game a lot. DsH is my favorite to learn totem spawns in new and reworked maps, especially indoors. After memorizing them, I start using Small Game for the totem counter and bc it doesn't require activation.

    Stake-Out is a nice off-meta perk, but it's been a while since I used it. If you can consistently land Great Skill Checks, it's better than resilience IMO as the devs recently buffed the chance to trigger skill checks with toolboxes by 5 times. I am yet to test after those changes, but it has a place in my heart :p

  • Member Posts: 800

    Oh ok I getcha! To be honest outta those 3 builds you listed I really dig the idea of the Repressed Alliance build. I could see it coming in clutch in quite a few situations. Especially against ruin or other perks/situations. Probably the one I'll end up using or attempting to use. I love underrated perks alot lol

    Mind me asking what exhaustion you typically run?

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I'd like it. Personally I'd make the current bonus of BBQ and WGLF basekit and add bonus BP onto the Perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    The BP parts of the perk should just be base kit.

  • Member Posts: 1,030
    edited June 2021

    I'm guessing you weren't around when WGLF could actually go to 300%? It was a mess of unsafe unhooks and farming.

  • Member Posts: 250

    I hate the way WGLF is now, it's completely counter productive to gaining stacks but BBQ&C isn't, this is really unfair. what they need to do is switch the functions of WGLF and We'll Make It. This way, it will be beneficial for both the player and the teammate, the player is gaining stacks more easily and the teammate is getting healed. It will also pair nicely with borrowed time.

    And for those who actually like the current fuction of WGLF will still be able to use it through We'll Make It.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Both should require the same effort to get stacks. BBQ not only is easier to get stacks but a wealth of map knowledge for doing the simple objective.

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  • Member Posts: 684


    killers can already get enough points to play like as***les, so if you upgrade one you got to upgrade the other to be fair.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I've never quite understood why people get so triggered about the comparison of BBQ and WGLF. Survivors already get considerably less BP on average. And with WGLF they actually have to compete with eachother for stacks.

    Meanwhile BBQ rewards you for.... the way you're supposed to play by default. At least that WGLF has another use now. Though I find it weird they gave it a revive bonus but don't give a token for a full revive or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    DH and BL. The former is more consistent, but the latter is my favorite. Unfortunately, there are lots of maps in which is almost impossible to get an activation (looking at you, Shelter Woods).

    Not a Huge fan of Lithe or SB, although I still think SB is the most skill expressive exhaustion in the game. I am yet to purchase All Kill DLC to get SH, will probably do it along with the RE. I think it has potential against Demo and other killers that incorporate breaking pallets in their kit.

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