SBM means we can't play nice anymore?

Sitting in the solo survivor queue for 20+ minutes and I just want to know everyone's thoughts.
As survivor I don't mind giving newb killers' kills, I don't care about rank. As Killer I also don't mind giving the hatch to cute baby Dwights.
However with the SBM matchmaking if I gave pity kills/escapes I probably be making it worse for new survivors/killers... They place higher in the SBM system and face harder opponents.
So if the SBM matchmaking comes into place does this mean we have to sweat every game??
As a casual solo survivor/killer I would hate this... I play the game for fun not for escapes/kills. If I think you're a newer survivor/killer I will take it easier on you, but because of the SBM I would have to play 100% every time :(
I know it will be abused but sometimes I wish we had a ranked mode and a casual mode (we all know casual mode would be filled with tryhards..), balancing a 1v4 game like this is hard I know, but to be honest ranked matchmaking was more fun than this.
Sorry for the rant, I've had too many whiskeys and just want to play a casual game and vent.
That's my thoughts, what do you guys think?
So you see, if you say that you are a casual player, then you can still be nice and stuff, your MMR will probably stay very normal not the best but not the worst, the problem lies in people that do want to win no matter what.
So probably when you play as survivor you will see killers that have competitive builds every now and then by that I mean stuff like ruin and pop on every killer with decent addons to great addons.
But if you are nice when you play killer you will probably make that survivor you just let live have harder matches and will probably get destroyed.
Basically unless you care about being the best you can play normally just like you do now, but if you wanna be the best you will have to try every match on both sides.
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I understand that, right now I played a match vs Bubba who was very competitive (4K rank 1). For the record I am rank 12 (took a couple month break).
My issue is I want everyone to have an enjoyable game, hell I even use BPS as solo survivor if I suspect the killer has a hard time.
Also just had a match against an AFK wraith, flashlight blind and escaped via hatch. Matchmaking right now is either vs very good opposition or very bad opposition there is no middle ground...
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For the record I am green rank (yes rank means nothing), but I face either rank 1 or rank 20 where are the purple/green?
Are you extinct?
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I don't think one merciful match is going to throw anyone into the sweat pool. more than likely SBM is a continual averaging of match results. BHVR hasn't released the information on how it works, but we can safely assume that a statistical anomaly here and there isn't going to drastically shift anyone's skill rating
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I hear you, however from personal experience (region may vary) if I play bad against a sweat match I get put into the shallow end. After I get killed in the red rank sweat pit I get put against a brown rank AFK wraith (my teammates were purple/red).
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Yes I'm noticing that with this MMR test when I play killer I'm getting either sweaty survivors, or just brown ranks survivors with no experience. Or when I'm playing survivor I'm getting sweaty killers, or killers that get 1 or 2 downs and end up losing. There is no in between.
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Same! There is just no middle ground anymore, there are no longer rank purple/green opponents only red/brown.
Please let me not be the only one.
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It's a concern of mine and I think a lot of people aren't understanding the potential issue with SBMM.
Somebody's mechanical skill can carry them high enough in MMR that they get very sweaty opponents despite they themselves not wanting to play that way. Perks are extremely impactful and I would wager MMR does not have a way to account for load outs.
Most of my friends are absolutely miserable since MMR has been turned on. You can be casual and be a great player. That will constantly match you with players you simply don't want to play against when you're just trying to relax in the evening. They're winning at the same rate, but a couple of my friends got Stridor Spirits 8 out of 10 games. Who is that fun for?
A friend of mine played 30 games. The only killers she saw were Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Twins, Oni. 30 games. 5 killers. High MMR is miserable unless you actually want to sweat every game. If you're a great but casual player? Oh well. Load up a different game.
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It kinda sucks, but you are right, if the BB Dwight escapes to much he will be facing sweaty r1 nurses.
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I agree, If I were to as survivor bring DS/UB/SG every game chase the killer for 5 gen+ and then get one hooked by the killer I would in SBMM terms die, which would mean I would get placed with weaker killers.
Then the cycle continues, in a 1vs4 game this is easily manipulated.
I can "bully" the killer for 5 gens but as least he kills me my SBMM ranks me lower.
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Ikr. If I was evil I could abuse this. The new survivor gets higher rank in in tern I get lower rank ;) But I'm now that evil yet...
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**Im not evil** YET...
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I'm sorry maybe I am evil :O, but after 1000 hours aren't we all?
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You got a point, I think IM getting my 1000 in some days lol
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Im still pure tho, I have almost 980, Im not at 1000 yet lol
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GL on 1000 ^^, you're views certainly change after it.
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It's something I've noticed in my solo queue games. I've had games where the killer chased me around the entire map twice in a single chase. We're talking 3+ minutes. Maybe 1 gen pops that entire time. I suspect survivors are only being graded on escapes/deaths. My teammates drop like flies and I run these same killers for minutes a time.
There's a lot of nuance that goes into grading survivor performance and I'd bet there is absolutely none is SBMM calculations.
We can't properly give feedback if we don't know what we're evaluated on. I don't trust the devs to evaluate performance.
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Precisely this - ELO (aka MMR) is a statistical measure so an occasional anomaly is not only not an issue but expected.
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Isn't that already the case with normal matchmaking, though? Letting survivors leave after beating them makes them very likely to pip up, while not getting any kills tends to keep you stalled at your current rank despite continuing to learn and improve. I imagine that as more data piles into the system, a single match won't make any significant change to the player's MMR, just like one or two pips isn't going to elevate a player from yellow ranks to red.
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Hate to break it to you, but the game is already like you describe which is why 2/3rds of the people in red ranks are actually pretty bad against a good player.
This is why I generally just play ruthless - if they can't get past somebody like me who's crap at the game, they really don't want to go up against somebody better than me
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Additional thought - Letting people go and get into the high ranks also makes their Dunning-Kruger effect worse; they think their good when they actually aren't.... Then they berate people who actually are playing good because the gameplay that's beating them is "unfun and toxic"
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Everytime SBMM is on I can only play killer. My survivor MMR has to be wrong, I can’t even loop a killer decently and I get rank 1s that shake their head and ######### lol. I think I escaped 2-3 times the day I did try and play (I play duo queue)