Laurie Strode Character Model Rework

This was posted on DBDs Korean Twitter, it has since been deleted but was saved :)
It's a shame they couldn't get Jamie Lee Curtis's likeness for it.
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So, they changed it from not-Jamie to... not-Jamie?
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I mean if they don't have the rights they don't have the rights
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I thought they had done something with the Halloween license recently.
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Getting a little annoyed with them removing the characters' expressions. Ace's smile, David's smug, Laurie's fear. >:(
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She can finally sit with us.
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She looks weird, but so does the old one. Probably because neither one looks like Jamie Lee Curtis.
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Just a fake leaker trying to get links to their website, the same leaker who said all-kill wqs based around LGBT characters and then deleted the post once it was revealed it wasn't.
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This is just the base model. I don't think expressions would show here anyway.
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I have been bamboozled, then.
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I mean, it's a shame that they couldn't get Jamie Lee Curtis's likeness, but she still looks a lot better in my opinion.
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Maybe? I dunno. I hope my boy Ace hasn't lost that sweet smile.
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It’s because the pictures are just a blank face in the actual game they program the face animations like Aces grin and dwights afraid face
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I didn’t really expect them to change it to Jamie Lee Curtis. Even though she said on a stream once she would have been okay with it..
She looks great! The hair seems a little bit too stiff in that short video clip though
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Great, she looks human! I think I'm gonna buy her (or the entire chapter for having Myers as well, one of his perks is cool).
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So.. who are we expecting as second reveal today?
Bill? Tapp? Maybe Quentin???
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I hope this means they fix Danny Glover and Kyle Gallners face aka David Tapp and Quentin
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Now that looks pretty good. She is a lot closer to Jamie Lee Curtis' likeness there.
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Quentin next ? LUL
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This one is 100% the biggest improvement, god damn
You can tell original laurie was made when the team had way less experience under their belt
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They better not do it. I want to continue looking scarier than the killer.
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Damn, she actually look's really good.
I wonder if they actually did get Jamie's likeness for it.
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She looks really good now, all she needs now are new cosmetics.
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Also, didn't Jamie say she'd be down to give her likeness?
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I can definitely see it. Its so much better and closer to Jamie.
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We already got him though
(obviously a joke, made it after Laurie got leaked)
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You think they'll update their portraits as well?
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she looks like drug addict
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That's true!
they just haven't updated Doctor's portrait yet
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I’m not a fan of most of the survivor face reworks tbh, but this one is a big upgrade. Nice.
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Laurie looked awful but this looks good. Now if Quentin ever gets his this game will explode.
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Yeah, I guess maybe we'll hear if they got her likeness when they actually release the model on Twitter.
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Yes please give us the older bad ass Laurie.
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I'd imagine Jamie Lee is an expensive woman to get the likeness of
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It's an improvement, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear, and the animated version looks pretty decent. Not my favorite, but it is an improvement, and that's something.
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She looks really good!
Since Behavior are now showcasing licensed survivors, the next survivor would most likely be either Bill or Quentin.
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Finally I can dust off my Laurie P3 I sure hope they come out soon with the rework.
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Quentin is the one who needs it the most from the three, let's him get it first! 🙏🏻
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Not bad for a licensed model here's hoping they do ash and Quentin next
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######### that is not Jamie Lee Curtis, this sucks worse than the original tell me they're redoing her.
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How do people not realise you can't just make a charcater look like someone without paying out a lot of money, it's clearly not doable or they would.
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Here's hoping Quentin gets the same Laurie treatment.
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All I'm saying is the old version looked more like Jamie than the new one if we can't have Jamie of like a look alike
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Wow! This is a huge improvement from the original. I don't know if I personally see the Jamie Lee Curtis likeness (definitely more than before) but in terms of just general design I think that the newer edition is good!
These character reworks are so hit-and-miss. They either give them a really great rework like this one or change the character into an entirely new, less attractive person (Dwight and Kate, RIP).
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Shirtless Myers, let's go.
Jokes aside, I really like the new Laurie. She looks nice, I'm gonna buy her chapter and play her a bit!
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I'm sorry but the new one looks like if Yui Kimura had a cosmetic to become Laurie Strode I don't like it.
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These are just getting worse and worse. Either way she doesn't look like Jamie Lee Curtis so there are obviously likeness rights at play which I understand, but since that's the case why change her at all? It's a lateral move.
While some of these redesigns are good in terms of making the characters look slightly prettier or more youthful or whatever that nonetheless also changes what they look like, how we perceive them as characters. I wish that they'd just drop this whole idea, or at the very least quit changing what the models actually look like. Use higher definition textures, more polygons, whatever. But don't take away Meg's red hair. Don't make Kate look like a naive teenage girl. Don't make Dwight look like a calm guy who'd look somewhat suave without his glasses.
I hadn't seen these yet. While my overall points remain, I have to acknowledge that after seeing these photos I definitely agree that this one's an actual improvement. I was initially going by the first picture in this thread (which is currently just a headshot against a blank background) and neither the old nor new images were flattering at all. These later pictures, on the other hand, ARE much better and DO resemble Jamie Lee Curtis. So far this is the only redesign that I'm fully in favor of. The rest range from "need work" to "just leave them alone" territory.
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It's true tho if you like it then whatever I just wanted to get my opinion out there
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YAAASS. Finally no more blurry hair for Laurie