Still no spirit or nurse nerfs?
These killers are running rampant in the game and the devs do nothing to fix them. They are incredibly unfun to play against and in spirits case offer almost no counterplay. If they don’t know how to nerf them yet then at the very least disable spirit until she gets fixed. It is not fun to see only spirits every game and not be allowed to have any chance to win because of it
I agree that they need changes but I don’t think it’s possible to disable a character. Even if it was possible, it’s a terrible idea to do that because that’s not fair for the people that like playing those killers.
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Spirit doesn't need a huge nerf she just needs something to give her counterplay and nurse is fine.
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Were you here a year ago?
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Nurse remove the one thing survivors have to get away from killers out of the game. She needs a new power because her blink will never be balanced. The only way spirit gets counterplay with her current kit is if she isn’t allowed to take and perks that tell her where survivors are or the devs buff the stealth stratagey for survivors but they said they will never do that.
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It’s not fair to every survivor player who is sick on only playing against spirit every game because the devs refuse to nerf her
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I understand that but you don’t play against Spirit every game so it’s not that big of a deal.
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Hardly see them, must be as rampant as the swf hit squads.
The killers are fine, I see far more bad ones than team crushers. Even wiping out the team is usually a result from bad Survivor mistakes.
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Yeah it’s kinda weird. Once these two get their well deserved changes all the rest of the killers can be buffed properly without making these two even stronger in the process
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although it makes me tempted to play spirit every round now
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As a Spirit main, I just don't see how you nerf her or give her counterplay without defeating the purpose of her kit. As a survivor I love playing against her because she's not Shift + W and go brain dead
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nurse is the most balanced killer in the game by a long shot
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oh. I thought it was doctor.
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Can we please nerf spirit already ffs? she literally makes people leave the game!
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Not until something is done about the miserable nature of high level play.
As it stands, Spirit and Nurse are the only ones who can compete there consistently
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Nurse doesn't need a nerf.
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Nurse doesn't need a nerf, she needs the longstanding bugs fixed!
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Didnt nurse get nerfed last year?
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Sorry but no.
when you have the bugs that haven't been patched in 2-3 years like this? No.
Go play nurse. Learn how to play her. Learn the ins and outs of Nurse. then you'll see Counterplay,
This is another post of "I don't wanna git gud. so i'ma complain to the devs that i want this NERFED!"
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Could tell same about SWF too
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Nothing kills off my brain cells faster than hearing someone say that nurse is op.
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Nurse doesn't need a nerf? She's fine where she is
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I mean, if you compare to most other pick rates, they are far more likely to get chosen. The most picked killers in order are literally:
- Huntress - 9.41%
- Blight - 6.6% (likely this high because at the time he was the newest killer, I would argue Nurse and Spirit are most likely 2nd and 3rd most picked now)
- Nurse - 6.58%
- Spirit - 6.32%
- Deathslinger - 6.25%
They are definitely running rampant more often than a majority of the killers. Plus, people often only remember the really terrible games they have, which are most likely to be from Nurses and Spirits. I don't think they are that commonly picked that immediate changes need to made, but I do think it is an issue when the only competitively viable characters are killers who can ignore pallets.
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Spirit is a pain.
Nurse at medium skill is fun. Red rank Nurse is a certain lose.
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No way in hell is that fair. Nurses entire chase is a contest of skill, making her the most balanced killer in the game. Get over your bias before making posts like this.
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Hate to break it to you, but a killer that removes all form of counterplay isn't balanced at all. There's a reason she's been considered the best killer since her release. She does need a complete overhaul as the ability to go through walls will never be balanced.
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I bet you also complain about 1v1 in a heavily teambased game dont you?
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It wouldn't be so outlandish to nerf them if all other killers were up to par. Until other killers are can be competitive at high level play, Nurse and Spirit should never be touched.
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She has counterplay though. She's not like Spirit. Yes, you'll go down eventually, but you can prolong this. She's been considered the best killer because she has the most POTENTIAL out of every killer. You can get really good and just stomp basically every team. She's considered the best killer for the same reason that Yammy is the Cero Espada. The thing is though, you earn every kill you get with her. They can't nerf Nurse, and they won't nerf her for the sole fact that she is already the epitome of balance in dbd. She's only as good as the person playing her, and she has unlimited potential, allowing for unlimited growth as a Nurse. If you get downed by a Nurse, she outskills you. That doesn't need a change.
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Make double range add-ons base kit and triple her fatigue, and double her recharge. I would honestly have no issues with that.
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That's a perfect way of summing up how I felt reading this
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Nope. Nurse is the most balanced because her level of power is directly tied to the skill of the person playing her. This is not the case for any other killer.
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Or, you can buff every other killer, not just base killer mechanics, and leave them alone.
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Problem is nurse will still vastly outshine them all like she does now unless you want every killer to become spirit levels of unfun just to compete
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Yes, lets disable something others paid for.
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Nurse is fine outshining them all considering the amount of time it takes to learn every other killer compared to her. Buffing everything to Spirit level is fine, but I do think that because she takes more time and skill, Nurse should always be more powerful.
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It’s hard to just outright say she takes the most skill. I’ll agree her skill floor is probably the highest but certain killers definitely match her skill ceiling for much less reward like billy, huntress or blight.
Difference is these killers actually have potential counterplay even if the player in question is really good at them
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I don't think so. I learned Huntress in maybe 2 days of playing her. She's not that hard. Know how to mindgame with hatchets, and know where the center of your screen is, and you've pretty much mastered her.
I can't really give accurate info on Billy, because I've been playing him since before Nurse came out, but I never really had a problem with learning him. Tbh I found him to be one of the easiest killers to learn.
When I talk about Nurse, I'm usually talking about Blight by extension. They are basically the same killer. Blight is only as good as the person playing him for the most part. However, you can just play him as an M1 killer, which makes him easier than Nurse to compensate for not being as powerful.
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That’s kinda the issue here. Certain people find certain killers harder than others.
I know that I find slinger extremely hard to play because my aim is kinda garbage. But when I played nurse for her rift challenge while it took 2 or 3 matches to adjust most my matches were 2 to 3k’s
People just find different things challenging therefor will find different killers more challenging than others mind you there is some universally easy killer cough Freddy cough
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In my opinion Spirit definitely needs to be changed she's busted. Nurse I can see the problems but it doesn't get to me and I don't know how we could successfully nerf her again.
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True. I agree with this 100%
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and that BHVR themselves spent 30,000$ on.
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What exactly is the “purpose of her kit?” To be completely unfair and give survivors no reliable counterplay against her?
Just make her intermittently appear while phase walking and buff the passive phasing so that The Spirit knows when it’s happening and can mindgame with it.
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The balance comes from her having a very high skill cap. She is the best if you can play her better than the knowledge of the survivors you are up against about looping her. Did you even bother to read the comments of many before you? I really don't think you played her nor against her enough to comment on whether she needs a nerf or not. That or you, as you've displayed with your comment, don't really absorb any information and just tunnel vision on what you know.
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I've played more than enough of this game, s well as read a lot of the comments. Havent played as her much as I dont find her concept enjoyable, but I've played against her a lot before I practically quit survivor after my break.
Calling a killer balanced because of high skill is a poor excuse for something being balanced. Loads of games that focus on high ranks balance will nerf the high skill character if said character is stronger than any other character by a long margin. For comparison sake, I'm going to take Overwatch. A game that although has some questionable balancing at times, it does balance updates usually by the month meaning that most characters remain balanced. As they focus on higher level play, the stronger characters are nerfed if they're too strong, regardless of skill. It should be the same here.
No killer, even with practice, should be able to remove every form of counterplay and leave the same amount that's left with Spirit, which is luck. If luck is the deciding factor of counterplay for if the survivor escapes a chase or not, then there's something wrong with the killer.
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Nurse is completely fine, you can literally run her around out in the middle of corn for 5 gens without going down if you understand how her power works. This is a failure of your part as a survivor for not practicing and learning against nurse.
As far as spirit goes, shes supposed to be disproportionately rewarded for skill in because she is a FOOS, first order optimal strategy. Now normally such a thing is only used for new players, however I believe spirit is the FOOS for entering red ranks. That is to say, she is meant to be played by players new to red ranks. OhTofu recently made the comparison that rank 20-2 is basically iron-gold players in league of legends, and rank 1 then has all platinum to challenger players. And this is why spirit has to stay where she is because a player with only 500 hours needs some thing to defend themselves against a player with 5000, and other killers with more complex strategies that are adequately rewarded for that increased level of skill are created/buffed to be above her in power, as a FOOS is never meant to be the best strategy.
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"To be completely unfair and give survivors no reliable counterplay against her?"
That statement literally says that you have gone brain dead to just holding Shift + W and playing Ring Around The Pallet. People that play Spirit such as myself understand how to counter Spirit simply because we know how she thinks and what information she needs to track survivor's. It's called "Using Your Brain" something your suppose to do to outplay the other person in a PvP game.
But it doesn't matter I guess. It's okay for killer's to guess but it's bad when survivor's have to guess
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Guessing is not counterplay lol and Spirit does not guess when she can literally hear where the survivors are.
Source: Have played as and against Spirit more than 3 times.
Please do bestow your godly knowledge upon me on how exactly to counter Spirit? Maybe another recycled argument that can be debunked simply by saying Spirit can hear you, is invisible, and moves like 3x as fast as survivors in phase?
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As someone who plays Spirit and consistently 4ks, I still dont understand the counter to Spirit.
Care to enlighten me/us...and if you're so confident that you can "use your brain" why dont you try to prove that you can counter Spirit and step up to that challenge against Scott Jund?
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The way you beat nurse when she blinks through a wall is don’t be on the other side of that wall. She can’t see where you are through the wall unless she has I’m all ears and you’ve just fast vaulted a window. So when you break los you have two options stay on other side of wall or keep running she either has to guess those options. With spirit she just phases and runs behind you. I’d much rather take my chances with a nurse than spirit. And with any killer don’t get caught out in the open with nothing to work with