So even if mmr does work, why?



  • VforValens
    VforValens Member Posts: 9
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2021

    No, I'm saying using your situation to complain about DbD's MMR doesn't hold water because no MMR can balance that. It's like saying "If Teslas are so great, how come I can't drive one to the Moon?" when you know perfectly well that no car can do that.

  • VforValens
    VforValens Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2021

    So if no MMR system can balance a group of 2-4 players playing together we shouldn't be implementing MMR period. The majority of survivors that play this game are in SWF's, period. Even if I were playing solo right now with the amount of ######### new players I've gotten on the Survivor side vs Rank 1 and 2 Killers this STILL wouldn't be balanced in any form. This is my MMR, period with or without a SWF.

    It's a fundamentally flawed system to use in an asymmetric game that is all about playing with friends on the Survivor side. So you know your own argument doesn't hold water.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So if no MMR system can balance a group of 2-4 players playing together we shouldn't be implementing MMR period.

    That's not what I said, though. Here's what I said:

    Emphasis on the different play times.

  • VforValens
    VforValens Member Posts: 9

    Easy. Implement it for the group and rumor is we already have it implemented. How else? LMAO.

    It's not ######### hard it's just mathematics. A + B + C + D / 4 = X.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I played Demo and got super sweaty bully squads all last night. I switched to The Twins who I rarely play and got Rank 18-20. After like 5 games of ramming different groups, I got Purple ranks who put up a good struggle. I think MMR rank is great. Survivor was nothing but purple and red with a random yellow who seemed to be pretty good at looping then went into a SWFs group and got green and yellow killers. I will admit that some of my friends are not nearly as good as me so their MMR might have been really bad and combining it brought us to bad killers. After like 3 matches, we got red rank killers again. I think SWFs MMR distorts a little.

    Also, I learned that if it takes over 30 seconds to find a match, we got more green/yellow killers. If it was under 30, it was usually red.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    1. I wont go into discussion the number of killer players, because there are way more aspects to it than just matchmaking.

    Ah ok got u. Yes if you feel stressed by playing against teams or killers of your own level, then yes, mmr will be your nightmare.

    That would assume that you would go against the sweatiest of all, all the time, what is only the case at high mmr. And Ill tell you, there wont be that many players in general. To say that some may drop playing killer because of the constant stresslevel of high mmr may be right. But let me ask you this about the current matchmaking: What about the players at low ranks who face high rank players? Are there not killer players who hit first time rank 15+ and get matched with red rank swf? They quit without even get to know the game to its full extend. What about red ranks who drop killer because of slaying potatoes all the time? what about those who dont want to go against sweat squads anymore as killer? Those also already exist in the current system.

    2. I understand now. Dont worry. Yes you can have stress although you are winning. Let me ask you this.

    Why are you playing killer when you feel stressed out by it?

    And explain to me, why should you not have constantly matches where you feel stressed and give it all you got, tryhard/sweatfest, at the highest level of the game?

    3. Yeah I didnt quite understand what you meant here. Now I got it. Yeah 100%. With mmr you will face high mmr when you are high mmr yourself. You wont have really bad players then.

    And what you are saying is, that the games where you dont feel stressed are the games against really bad survivors. And this is the problem. You cant have a stomp anymore and therefore you cant have fun and mmr is bad. Thats 1:1 what you said. Let me tell you this: Its disgusting that this game allows stomps! It should never be the case. If you want easy games as killer, make a smurf account, play KYF or play bad till you reach low rank or mmr. I dont care. But a matchmaking that allows stomps is awful. And there is no logic in saying: mmr is bad, because then I cant have fun anymore at high elo, because I cant beat up baby players.

    I now understand where you coming from. :) have a nice day

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So, in your case, your friend should be going up against people with 222 hours, slightly under three times his play time, and you should also go up against those very same people, who have 2/3 of your play time. Does that seem balanced to you?

  • deadbybums
    deadbybums Member Posts: 82

    I rarely play this game, I like the game and I keep coming back to play but I'm a casual player. I play solo queue because none of my friends play this game and this new MMR is interesting to say the least. I've come up against killers with no thumbs and equally opposite, killers who don't seem to let me get a single gen done. However, the more I play, the more it's apparent that most of the red rank survivors I'm playing with definitely haven't earned their rank. Playing solo queue and having a good run of games outs me up against some damn near impossible killers, while matching me with thumb aucking mouth breathers for team mates. I'm not saying I'm perfect, I make plenty of mistakes in game but generally I'm red rank solo because I work for it with what little time I have. I dont know how I'm being matched with some of these useless players though, its really ruining my experience.

    Also I've noticed since this MMR has gone up more often than not at entry red ranks, killers are really tunnelling and hook camping far more than usual and there's a lot less DS being used. It's getting really tiresome.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    I disagree with you, for several reasons. First the number of games where I can do literally nothing as Killer are few and far between. Sometimes you get bad spawns and ta gen gets done before you can cross the map, but after that it's not too hard if you're up against equally-skilled opponents to regain control of the match quickly. Pressure gens, get downs and do whatever it takes to regain momentum and dominance. Including slugging, camping or whatever will work. Don't play like an AI and you'll find your games more interesting on both sides.

    If you as a Survivor are safe enough to sit on gens all game then either you are against a vastly less-skilled Killer or you are avoiding interacting with the Killer. If the former, nothing you can do about that. If the latter, maybe don't just be a gen jockey. Do bones. Get the Killer's attention and run them for a while. Focus on saves. But just holding M1 on a gen and nothing else? That's your fault for only being able to do gens.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2021

    You know why you don't have games where you can't do anything as Killer most of the time?

    Because MMR isn't on.

    You lost me at "pressure gens" by the way, you can have the fastest chases known to mankind and it just won't matter if you're not playing a Killer who as both good antiloop AND good mobility because otherwise by the time you've gotten the first hook of the match and gone to pressure someone else, three gens have been done.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    K. If that's what you believe, nothing I say will change your mind. I'll keep succeeding in defiance of your claims.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    i got clapped by a red rank deathslinger, next game i get put against a yellow Leatherface

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    1. I don't really understand where you want to go with this. The current matchmaking ranks system is wrong, I haven't said otherwise, and the MMR system is the "correct", because it doesn't make sense for someone with 100 hours to face one with 4k hours, the problem I see with the MMR system is constantly matching the Killers against 4 incredibly good survivors, because having 4 survivors face a Killer doesn't exert stress, not at least in this game, because you know that apart from you, you have 3 other survivors helping you. Being Killer you are alone, you have to exert pressure on the whole map avoiding that 4 survivors separated at the map from repairing 5 generators.

    2. You just asked me what I've been telling you all this time: for the simple fact that currently matchmaking uses the rank system. As I told you, playing easy matches (or just slightly difficult) and then playing other much more stressful ones feel good, but playing only stressful matches isn't fun, that is why, as I have been telling you since my first comment (and it seems that you forgot), the MMR system will probably cause a lot of Killers to stop playing because of that. I have nothing else to explain in this section, I have already done it but it seems that you don't care.

    3. I don't want you to misunderstand me, when I say easy matches I mean that they are much less stressful, that they simply produce a slight stress (or zero stress), for example survivors who start rushing generators at the beginning of the game but then don't know how to play correct way.

    The problem isn't that there are "stomp matches", the real problem is, above all, the early with the Killers. What they cannot do is put an MMR system that makes you only face survivors who know how to exploit every part of the game, they will repair generators scattered around the map and correctly, they will loop you for a long time, they use meta perks etc. The only way to avoid this is by playing Nurse and Spirit.

    In short, the general problem with the MMR system is that introducing it without fixing certain aspects of the game will make life a lot more difficult and stressful for the Killers.

    As an idea for the future, I see it as perfect, but in the current state of the game I see it very wrong.

  • VforValens
    VforValens Member Posts: 9

    Yeah or hey better yet, a mix of 400 and under hour players but y'know that's a little too hard for the system it seems.

    Weird how it worked as soon as MMR was disabled though.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yeah or hey better yet, a mix of 400 and under hour players but y'know that's a little too hard for the system it seems.

    Hey, it was your suggestion. Don't blame the system that's explicitly being tested and improved upon, own it. I will say, though, it's good that you can recognize problems with your own suggestions.

    Weird how it worked as soon as MMR was disabled though.

    And now the devs have the data required to improve MMR so it can replace the current (crappy) system. I think it's going to be much better to have balanced trials than rolling the dice every time.

  • VforValens
    VforValens Member Posts: 9

    They've had 3 tests now, I have faith in BHVR but at this point I don't have faith MMR will ever work, end of. It's not that hard.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    3 tests isn't a lot, and I'd rather they test it multiple times and get it right than have it fall flat on its face.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    During the last test, my matches were fantastic, and i didnt understand why everyone else had a bad time.

    This test, i had that bad experience. More than half of all killers (i keept stats of my games during the test) were just tunneling hard, and a lot of time i had teammates that didnt know how to handle that, in some cases players with less than 10 hours into the game.