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General Discussions

Just got a dc penalty for nothing.

Member Posts: 457
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Good to know this penalty system is so well crafted that we get punished because the game decides that it's a good time to have a problem.

I'd show video proof, but anytime something screws up with ANY game, the built in recording software of the ps4 conveniently cuts it out. So all that's left is a normal video with random jumpcuts, cuts where there should be 15 second freezes.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 5,975

    sounds like the system is working then. Maybe you shouldn't DC just because you don't like how someone plays?

  • Member Posts: 683

    Happened to me last month. The servers took a massive ######### and dc'd me literally right as the last survivor was in animation being sacrificed on hook and right before we went to the end game screen it dc'd me. I got the penalty, lost my items, and didn't get my BP from getting a 4k with a pudding offering used. I was beyond pissed. More so cus I lost my last pudding and add-ons...

  • Member Posts: 457

    Yes, being forced out of the game due to multiple freezes in a row and being punished for something out of my control is the system "working fine"

  • Member Posts: 593

    Can you read? He said he was kicked out for crashes that's completely different to a normal DC this is when the penalty is BS and needs to recognise when the servers are to blame.

    I've had this way too often especially as on Xbox if the killer brings sloppy the hit itself causes massive lag and fps drops normally you just lag end up running into a wall but of that killer already has crappy connection I get kicked from the game and a ban. This is why I feel like they should do some maintenance before this new killer comes but you know as long as their precious PC players can run the game they're happy.

  • Member Posts: 5,975

    If all he did was DC, his penalty would have been so short, that by the time he restarted the game, it would have been over.

    Then he said he leaves games because of campers so his timer was longer.

    YOU obviously didn't read, because if he didn't make a habit of leaving games, then his penalty wouldn't have existed.

    Now, to address your suggestion that the penalty should recognize the DC/crash and not penalize. I ask you, how should they do that? How does the system tell the difference between your internet going out, the server connection dying, and you pulling your ethernet cable because you want to leave the match? How does it tell the difference between a crash due to a game bug, and you ending the process in the windows task manager?

    It can't tell the difference between those things. If you allow one of those things to not provide the penalty, then you provide a loophole for people to just DC whenever they want.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Wow someone's a bit touchy on this subject aren't they

    Well if it is a issue with their servers they can detect it PCs older than time were able to detect when something stops working as it should due to lag and crashes it wouldn't be hard to add a small crash detection to the servers.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Well... I have had killers DC when I am close to exit and baam. DC penalty because.... because I suppose I got out from the match earlier?

    And no, the point is not "but dude it's a 5/10/25 min ban", if it's not justified then it's not justified... and also, there are ways to know if you have restarted your computer (or had to shut down due to lack of power), or if you used the "leave game" button.

  • Member Posts: 6,371

    As far as I know there isn't a single online multiplayer game out there that can tell the difference between connection issues and an actual player dc. So their system treats and penalizes them all the same.

    Even if they somehow could differentiate the causes on PC, no way in heck they could track it through the consoles, which collectively is the larger playerbase now, and they no longer make changes just for one platform anymore, we're all lumped in this together.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    Those mysterious ways must be quite new to the industry because I got punished for crashes and not quitting on several games over the last 10 years, league of legends, rocket league, overwatch and more.

    Those companies didnt have those magical tools to differentiate between crashes neither on the side of their servers nor my PC from quitting in any way.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    do you know how windows knows to mark something as not responding? it times how long it has been from the last time the system has gotten an update from that one program. I've seen my video production software (VEGAS) be marked as not responding while it was proccessing the video I was compiling because there was no response from the program in a certain time frame. this is not the same as detecting if the issue is because of the server loosing connection/power or if something between the player and the server disconnected the line, or if the player's computer locks up etc. nothing can see that and make that determination without seeing EVERY little bit of information, not even the person on one end or another. Also if there was someone with the data from all sides it would be able to be discovered but that never happens.

    in short, it is impossible for a program to know what happened on the other end, it only knows that connection was lost.

  • Member Posts: 383

    I have never gotten a DC penalty when the killer DCd nor has anyone else I've played with.

  • Member Posts: 1,623
  • Member Posts: 5,975
    edited June 2021

    Look, i'm not trying to be rude, or anything.

    I am a software engineer. Servers and computers do not work that way. The best they could do is detect that an entire game server went down (which means all players in the game would DC) and then not penalize you.

    As far as we know, they might actually already do that. It is just extremely rare for something like that to happen on a small scale. It would likely be due to some massive problem with the game itself that requires them to bring things down and make a quick patch to fix things.

    Post edited by Reinami on

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