What are you most excited for the RE chapter?

As we only have 3 days left to wait for the chapter to come out, let’s talk about what we’re most excited for that’s coming. I’ve played DBD for just over a whole year and so far, the RE chapter is the one that I’ve been excited for the most. I love RE and the fact it’s coming to DBD is super exciting with the addition of all the cool things coming. So I’ll start this thread off by naming all the things I’m looking forward to for this chapter:
- I can’t wait to play on RPD. I understand that this map might be horribly designed in terms of gameplay and can be very confusing to navigate. However, I’m a big fan of RE 2 and I know the map very well as I can’t wait to play on the map as some of my favorite killers.
- In terms of perks, I’ll start off with Lethal Pursuer. This perk at first glance doesn’t seem very good as it only activates for the first 7 seconds of a match but I’m very interested to use it as it could be very effective. I’ll certainly be trying this out on some of my favorite killers like Blight and Spirit. I might even try it on Huntress at some point to try and see if I can get a cross-map hatchet at the start of the match.
- Flashbang is another perk I’m looking forward to using as it was very fun when I used it on the PTB. The grenades are also some of my favorite items from RE 2 and seeing them be used in DBD is very hype.
- My third and final perk that I’ll mention is Blast Mine. It’s going to be very fun and also very effective to make much more distance on a killer planning to use PGTW on a gen. I’ve been able to use this perk quite a few times on the PTB and it was one of my favorite perks.
- I’m looking forward to the new soundtrack coming to the main menu as it is a very well done soundtrack. I even spent time listening to it on the PTB because it was so cool.
- Being able to play as Nemesis. I found him pretty fun to play on the PTB and I also found him super fun to play against. I think BHVR did a pretty good job with balancing Nemesis in making him strong and also making him feel like Nemesis from Resident Evil. Now I’ll admit I don’t know how to utilize Nemesis that well yet but I will eventually learn.
- I’ve decided to “save the best for last” as the thing I’m most looking forward to is hopefully going to be a Claire Redfield legendary skin. I’ve said it before but Claire is my favorite character from Resident Evil and to hopefully be able to play as her in DBD is going to be so hype. I know it isn’t 100% guaranteed yet but I’m so anxious to find out if she’ll be in the game or not.
I'm excited to watch the backlash from all the power creep in this next one involving flash bangs, and flashlights and stuns.
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Flashbang for sure it's essentially a free firecracker that isn't event exclusive
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Im excited to see this release a few days after rank reset and all the RE fans see how this game really is after they get bullied into the ground...on both sides of course.
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I'm looking forward to everything; Jill, Leon, Nemesis, RPD, the new perks. It's new, fresh, and fun and gives me something else to work for on the game. 3 new characters to P3 and max out, still wish the grind was less though... A lot less.
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Why, the master of unlocking of course. Jill has always been my favourite RE character, I'm super happy that she's being added.
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I don’t have anything against Jill but I love Claire so much that I was very disappointed they chose Jill over Claire.
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I'm not sure I've ever been able to say this about a new DBD chapter but I'm looking forward to everything. I'm also a massive Resident Evil nerd so I might be a bit biased.
Nemesis has always been my favorite monster in the RE series so playing him is just brilliant. I played him for like 10 hours straight in the PTB.
Jill and Leon are my absolute favorites from the series.
Blastmine + Flashbang = Happy fun times.
As much as I like DBD I always wished I could be more combative playing as survivor like you can in Identity V and this chapter finally gives a little bit more of that to me.
RPD of course looks fantastic.
I have to say if ever a chapter was made for me this is about as close as you could get. It's literally my wish list made manifest.
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The map! I just love the RPD building!!!
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I think they should have done 2 seperate maps for this chapter, east side and west side, as I feel it's a bit too big.
Being a huge zombie fan boy though I'm looking forward to zombies, wish there were more than 2.
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i cant wait to bomb and flashbang killers also its nice to have an azarovs like indoor map with multiple floors
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PUNCH THE SURVIVOR! I mean... playing Nemesis was a lot of fun and I can't wait to play him again and figure out how his perks work with others in a ranked setting where I also understand the controls much better.
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I'm looking forward
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If the rumours are true (which I'm 90% sure they are) then I'm most excited for the Claire legendary skin
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I’m only interest in new maps in terms of graphic.
But I’m sure I’ll be bored or even hate it after some times because of its bad gameplay design.
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Honestly i’m really hungry. Can’t wait to eat a Jill Sandwich. That better be a charm or something.
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I'm very excited for the zombies!! It's definitely gonna add to the horror vibe for this game.
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Probably the survivor perks. Nemmy's perks are pretty bad, and his power is also underwhelming af. If they've buffed it and changed it around a bit I'll be excited to play him but right now he's a meh version of Demo.
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Hopefully an influx of new players so I don't constantly have people 12 ranks higher than me in every game.
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This for me too.
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" You Want S.T.A.R.S? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S!"
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Nemesis. He was crazy fun on the PTB and I can't wait to get my hands on him and the RPD map and come up with many more awesome builds on him. A Killer with built-in map control and a reliable ranged attack that breaks pallets? Dream come true.
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Lethal Pursuer. Finally no more searching for survivors in the early game, only for all four of them to have gotten the God spawn.
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I am excited for being more toxic. Steps:
- First hide your flashlight near to you.
- Get your flashbang with repair gen 50%.
- Trap generator with Blast Mine and make noice with pallet or windows for get killer to generator.
- When killer get stun by Blast Mine, wait and when killer is leave bait generator with Red Herring. Hide in locker.
- If killer is search you around and if you get chance, stun killer with Head On.
- And then use your flashbang on killer.
- Take your flashlight back and loop killer around map.
I am waiting it :)
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Claire is soo boring. I was so ecstatic they used the fan favorite Jill
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Ok what is boring about Claire? Please explain.
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Lol not when many survivors are talking about using distortion. And that will cancel you out
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Idk. Nothing special about her. Jill is much more kicka*& and better. Also prettier. Stronger too.
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everything mostly jill. I also want claire and ada
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lol survivors giving up one of their second chance perks for distortion.
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I mean I guess people are entitled to their own opinions but I really love Claire.
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1- playing as my husband Leon
2- playing in the rpd
3- Punching survivors
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2 things. I want to punch survivor's in the face and beat on some cows and pretend Im Rocky.
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A new power-up killer. I know, right now his T3 isn't that useful, but even if they don't patch it I'm gonna have fun trying to reach it.
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Playing on RPD, and playing as Nemesis and Jill.
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The new legendary survivor portraits!
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Things I'm excited about:
- flashbangs
- hex perks being useless for 2 weeks (at least)
- S.T.A.R.S.
- all the new players
- lightborn being meta
- the new mmr (they will probably release it together with the RE chapter)
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Try that ######### on me.
I dare you, I double dare you, My Friend!
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I believe I answered this somewhere else but I don't remember.
Flashbangs! Literally my favourite edition to the game yet
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People actually think Jill is pretty? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Jill, but I wouldn't say she's pretty (at least not in the RE3 remake).
Edit: I'm most excited for Leon and the RPD map!
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Ever since I started playing the game back in 2016 I've always thought "man it'd be really nice if the Entity would send me a little backup every once in a while" finally I got my wish with zombies. Nemesis will be my main if for no other reason than the zombies (but I like his other stuff too). Would be nice to have a bit more interaction with them like summoning/commanding/buffing them but I honestly never thought I'd even get ai minions in the first place so I'm just super glad to have them
Aside from that, another thing I've always wanted was for firecrackers to be a baseline item but the flashbang perk is even better I think, since you can get more than one per game and you don't have to worry about running out of items in your inventory since it's tied to a perk
Blast Mine is also really cool, I like the idea of trapping/protecting generators (######### repressed alliance I'm gonna pretend it doesn't exist)
And of course looking forward to everyone and their dog running Lightborn and Distortion for a few weeks
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See you in fog my friend :)
You can kill me, i am fine with that. But i will complete my challange
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An extra 3 feet of range on a lethal attack isn't useful??
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It's +1 meter. That's it. Still takes three full Tentacle Strikes to down a fully healthy Survivor.
As for what I actually am happy for, I like the Survivor perks a lot.
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I'm excited about this one too!
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*laughs in lightborn
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1 meter is 3 feet.
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Either way, it barely changes anything.