Blight is overpowered and needs a nerf

At first, I thought Blight needed a lot of skill to do well. I've seen enough and maybe some is needed but it is far less than required from the survivor. He is carried because there is not enough cooldown between his power and being able to M1 at full speed. Perks only adds a lot of icing on top for this character. I got out of a match on the killer-sided Ormond and it was one of the worst bloodbaths in a long time. He has virtually no challenges here, sprints across the map instantly downing everyone too easily. Very unacceptable. You cannot win against a Blight on most maps because they are too open. It is too easy for Blight to win. Too many deadzones, all he has to do is bump into something and it is a free down, most of the time. He also can turn too much at the end of his sprint so there is almost no counterplay to his spammable power.
His charges replenish too fast and there is not enough cooldown after the M2. Not enough cooldown, no punishment at all for missing a M2. He can spam his power and in only a few seconds he is fully charged again. Why is that possible? A well coordinated team should not be required to have a slight chance at winning. If you are less than a 4 man, you shouldn't automatically lose against this killer loaded down with oppressive perks. His cooldown after using his power should at least be twice as long. He has no punishment for using his power.
Blight needs nerfs and survivor needs buffed so it is fair to play against this killer.
New on "What killer did Sluzzy lose too?" today we have Blight.
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Now this is a good one - top 10 Sluzzy posts for sure! Well done.
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"At first, I thought Blight needed a lot of skill to do well. I've seen enough and maybe some is needed"
This is high praise from you Sluzz
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I think it would be faster if you made posts about killer you dont want to be nerfed, Sluzzy.
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Post states: “Blight is overpowered and needs nerf”
Me: “Is it Sluzzy?”
Me: *Clicks post*
*Sluzzy is the OP*
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You are a very experienced player, dealing with Blight should be relatively easy for you. It is like playing against Old Billy, except that he wants to bump into obstacles instead of avoiding them.
Ruin + Tinkerer is oppressive on him, I will give you that, but that doesn't remove his main counterplay.
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They have several hundred rush hits themselves, I don't know why they're determined to pretend to be a pure survivor main
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They've been on a bit of a streak with Blight!
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Well, they do have some valid points from time to time. The "pure survivor main" idea is probably just an exaggerated manner of presenting them.
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Knew it was you before I even clicked on it, Sluzzo.
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In order to make Sluzzy Threads more enjoyable, this is what I mentally replace her text with when I click on one.
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Strangely enough I find myself agreeing more with Sluzzy by the day. In the ususal fashion it´s worded poorly and blown out of proportion but a good Blight with their standard build and all the other little extras is just as oppressive as a Nurse. A decent Blight doesn´t lose unless they face a very strong SWF and solo players have no real way of dealing with it.
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Precisely. Valid points, yet exaggerated.
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I actually somewhat agree with this. Blight definitely isn’t OP but a lot of maps now have too much space between loops where a decent blight can almost guarantee a hit. Also some of his add ons namely alchemist ring and speed add ons are kinda busted
But overall this is more a map issue and a killer issue
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To be fair blights collision is #########. As long as that is a thing he is very rng depenedent of oh am I gonna bounce off this rock or just slide off it.
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It's starting to be a fun game of mine to say "Sluzzy?" anytime I see a heavily biased anti-killer discussion started.
That can be said for other killers though. The map has strong spots that vary from killer to killer. This is nothing new and is part of the need to adapt to what you are facing.
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Maybe try looping in a small area instead of running in a straight line begging to be downed?
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Sluzzy what are you thinking about Trapper? Nerf or Buff
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I don't have any major issues with Blight, though admittedly I see him once every...month?
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Oh finally I made it to a Sluzzy post on time!
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Yeah that’s true but tbf the best killer in the game is also buggy as #########
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I wonder who will be next
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Not as good as your tinkerer bait but still good; 8/10
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Blight can feel like he's oppressive at times because there's not much to do against him. However, it does take practice to master him and some maps are more against him than for him.
I guess it's another Nurse situation where he's super trash at lower tiers, but Godly when mastered. Those are hard to fix without breaking the balance.
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Ormond is one of his bad maps. His power is awful on indoor maps. At TL walls and short loops he's neglected to an M1. And depending on the main building he'll struggle and Ormond is one of those maps with a main building weak for Blight. And I believe Ormond is not the OP survivor map it use to be it's now better but still best for survivors
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Tbf Sluzzy is right about one thing: his charges do come back pretty quick for a killer that has little to no punishment after missing with his power. I don't think that makes him a problem but if he misses at a loop you usually have to just stay at the loop because he'll get his power back in 5 seconds and catch up to you in an instant. There isn't really a way to play around the cooldown or after the pallet has been broken, it's usually a free hit because of the crappy map design.
His add-ons are DUMB though. Alchemist ring, compound 33, iri tag, double speed and double cooldown...they're ridiculously strong.
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Blight is only op when he have ruin + tinkerer and undying, wich every blight use that soo
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So if i understand, the consensus is that blight is ok but if someone took the time and effort to master him, he's tough to beat so.... The solution is to.... Nerf the character?
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Glad you see my point. You can't gain any distance on him because his charges come back way too fast. Too effective, too much mobility.
Yes, his addons are indeed a major issue. As if his cooldown was near non-existent, it doesn't need to be any less. Wallhacking for an addon should come at a great expense. Like less charges, much slower charges, something. Or shouldn't exist at all. Similar to the Wraith addon, its broken.
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I knew this day would come.
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You can completely negate blight's power by just running into dead zones where there's nothing for him to bump into.
On coldwind maps just run into the corn and stay there. He'll have nothing to bump into on top of having a hard time keeping a line of sight on you.
On ormand just run into one of the open areas with no tiles he can bump into OR run into one of the tight narrow jungle gyms so he can't gain much ground without running into something.
Running a blight is all about zoning him into areas where he performs poorly.
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Has there been any killer that Sluzzy thinks is balanced? I feel like these threads pop up after he had bad game against one.
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Best part of this. Sluzzy came on to show these amateurs how it is done.
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It's funny that you complain about a Blight on ORMOND! When thats one of the maps where blight will glide from every rock without bumping into anything.
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wait until this person finds out about nurse, similar mobility to blight except literally goes through every object lol
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Sluzzy is a nurse main. And if stats are to be believed he’s a good one too. Last I heard he had 10,000 successful blink hits
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I have a genuine question: Do you play primarily solo or do you play SWF as well?
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Saw the title and instantly thought, gotta be sluzzy. Look who it is!
Sluzzy, you’re getting sluzzier my freind.
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Really? That's weird to see then. Nurse is basically Blight except you go through every object... I guess it's okay for Nurse to be super strong but not other top tiers?
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10, 000? They have over 39k!
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Why do people even give attention to people like Sluzzy? Look at their posts, weak bait. Entitled survivor main in a nutshell:
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Ah Sluzzy, right on time.
I needed my daily fix.
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Youre new here. Hi. Sluzzy is a known baiter. Tbh its a meme and no one takes their posts seriously.
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No the problem is that they see the game only at the top 1% on killer side were they stomp everything and seem to be a not really good solo(?) survivor and compare the top on one against the bottom of the other side.
Some points have value but are buried in heaps of over exaggerated bias.
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Yeah idk, I don't think any killers need nerfs before spirit and nurse - not saying they need nerfs, but right now they are objectively way better than even the killers directly behind them, so if anyone DOES get addressed it should probably be them
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THE biggest problem with this game balance wise is that it still doesn't have a decent baseline/foundation.
Solo, swf and killer aren't eye to eye. The rank based matchmaking throwing everything together because of insufficient killer to survivor ratio and there only being 20 ranks with only the softest of rank resets, don't help either. Red ranks are the worst hot pot of skill levels I have ever seen in online multiplayer pvp. Even the normal no ranked queue in league of legends or rocket league match better than this.
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I haven't been to red ranks in a while, but after coming back to killer after months of quitting DBD (right now rank 13) for some reason the purple ranks (normally around 8 or so) are SIGNIFICANTLY worse than yellow ranks, being on par or even worse than brown ranks, and even some early red ranks are just hot garbage. It's weird.
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Taking a bet rn,
He'll lose to Michael Or Ghost Face next week,
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seems like you think every killer should be nerfed.