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Does BHVR Like the ‘Grind’? (Rant)

I’ve always had the impression that BHVR wants us to grind, wants us to hunger for more BP so that we can actually be engaged or excited when they offer us double BP weekends or new ways to earn BP (like Tome).


Why is the Prestige mode so lackluster? I would think BHVR would want us to continue to prestige and continue the grind and have a semi-substantial reason to do so. Right now all we get is bloody clothes and a minuscule almost non-existing percentage bump to rare nodes. The worse part is these bloody outfits mean absolutely nothing, because they are bought with BP through playing ‘any’ killer. You can have a full bloody outfit on Trapper and have never played one game with him.

Nobody sees a bloody outfit and is suddenly intimidated by the amount of BP spent. It has no meaning. If a Killer had to personally earn BP individually to Prestige, that would be different. At least then you’d know the killer put ample time and effort on a Killer and should be a notible clue on how difficult/serious this Killer might be. Might even be a new ‘calling sign’ that Killers who ignore cosmetics and choose to wear all bloody outfits are playing seriously and not trying to meme or farm.

I just don’t get it…I’m assuming they don’t care because with the addition of every DLC, tomes, and season pass, they already have enough now to completely ignore prestige.

Sorry about the rant, it’s just every game that has prestige mode, has always made the grind a showcase of time/skill in some way. DBD manages to miss every mark in a fulfilling Prestige mode and it kind of annoys the hell out of me.

Most people try to talk me out of Prestige. I see the general community posts of ‘it’s not worth doing’. Take a HINT. Maybe throw Prestige a bone in your next big update. Sheesh.

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  • Member Posts: 994

    Or make killers/survs have a passive ability which gets stronger with each prestige level.

  • Member Posts: 677

    Yeah! I think that's the general idea I was trying to get across! Thank you, that's a much better way of putting it!

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I think bhvr sees it as a way to keep players coming back to the game, to progress their characters. The way I see it is, once the novelty of 'wow, there's so much levelling to be done' turning to 'ugh, still so much levelling to do', wears off completely it will turn more players away.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Bhvr is out of touch with the game

  • Member Posts: 705

    If the grind was gone, the players would be, too. Guaranteed. You all complain about having to earn your goodies, but if you got them with no effort you wouldn't play.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Yh i think also that it will turn more players away. I know there are some player who want this grind but they should not be the majority. But maybe they are the "whales" who spend the most money in the game.

  • Member Posts: 672

    I just posted an overhaul idea for the bloodweb in feedback. I would love to see a full outfit for each prestige level instead of just one piece of an outfit.

  • Member Posts: 824
    edited June 2021

    Nobody says get rid of the grind but get rid of the 50mil+bp grind just to find perks you like on ONE character.

  • Member Posts: 130

    you're joking, right? I'd much rather have a game where my bloodpoints are spent on items/offerings/cosmetics than perks that are nearly required to win

  • Member Posts: 486

    For the record, I like the grind, I also want to grind out all my P3. What I DONT want is a grind with basically no meaning. I can not realistically justify the need to P3 when what I gain from it is nearly 💯% pointless.

  • Member Posts: 705

    If they're spending money then they don't care about the grind anyway. You just contradicted your own point.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    I dont understand your point. What has spending money for cosmetics to do with grinding for bloodpoints?

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    I actually did only use bloodpoints I earned on the character I played while prestiging my killers. It provided experience and it was fun

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    The grind is pretty awful and the main thing preventing me from recommending the game to friends. If they would just reduce the cost by 1000 per item it would be amazing. At lvl 50 it costs me an average of 55,000bp per level, if that could be reduced to 30-40,000 it would be a huge load off the grind and basically a full web per match or two, given my average bp per Survivor match is 15-20,000and average for killer is 50-60,000 (with BBQ).

  • Member Posts: 133

    Well if bhvr is scared they'll loose player from the game if they reduced the grind they've not so much made a game as they have a skinner box...

    People past the ~2k hour mark essentially have infinite stuff and they still play to 3,4,5k+ hours. More so for survivors, since the survivors are just skins essentially. Once you've hit lvl 40 on all survivors, hell some don't even need 40, you can pretty much dump everything into a single survivor. Surprise surprise it's far worse for killers but you can farm BP easier on killer and they're second class citizens anyway so... no harm no foul i gues.

    I think part of Bhrs justification is ultra rares exist but.... again that's more survivor bias i think. If you'd just have a Kill your friends style inventory, with maybe unlocks based on lvl well.... Having an Iri Head huntress or MDR spirit every single game might be scary but having a rainbow map and 3 BNP's is waaaaaay scarier.

    I'd 100% love progression be tied to level with optional Devotion. Kinda like how Hunt: Showdown does their prestiege if anyone is familiar. Then just make Shards be based on BP earned or something.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    From their perspectives they probably see it as more grind means more hours they play. In practice i know several people who quit the game because of the grind so idk if they ever plan to continue fixing the grind but I sure as ######### hope so

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