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General Discussions

What do you think of iri head after the "rework"?

Member Posts: 5,612
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Obviously its gone down in power we all know that. But i still feel the change peanits mentioned a while ago woulda been better giving it a range requirement. Because most huntresses still do what they did before. They get right up against you pull out the hatchet for a easy instadown. Change feels lazy tbh and didn't address one of the most abusive factors iri head had imho. Maybe others views are different so thats why i created this. Let me know!

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  • Member Posts: 3,012
    edited June 2021

    It is good. Good Huntress mains still using it well. But this add-on will not carry bad killers anymore

  • Member Posts: 667

    It's a bad addon now

  • Member Posts: 185

    I have no problem with faceing it now. Also when using it combined with her other iri add on you can have some fun games.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I rarely went against it before (like, once every month at most) and never used it, and since the change haven't seen it once since PTB. I got really good at making her miss them when she had 3 (but at regular 5 I suck for some reason) so with only 1 I feel like I will be a goddess at dodging! If i ever see one that is.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I feel like her two iri add ons should be combined tbh as one add on

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    A couple of days ago i had a match against a Huntress with both iri addons.

    4 man escape. Do i need to say more?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Trash, at best.

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    How is getting close and instadowning abusive? They are just playing a worse billy/bubba.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    My thoughts exactly. She's essentially a slower bubba/billy with only one shot at getting you. They're basically saying that Bubba and Billy are abusive and OP as well.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    It's garbage.

  • Member Posts: 623
    edited June 2021

    How would that work? You'll be able to break pallets in ~1.25 seconds, giving the survivor no distance and the killer would get a potentially free m1 hit.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I didn't meet any Iri Head Huntress since the rework of it. And I meet Huntress often enough.

    (I never played Huntress. I mean, not yet at least. She's on my list when I'll go learn Killer.)

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Would rather it be based off range instead of capped to one hatchet. Since people just get right up to you and throw that one hatchet. Based on range would be more interesting and rewarding.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I didn't come up with the idea, don't ask me. I'd assume certain numbers would be changed in accordance with this new effect.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited June 2021

    Nah im sayin its fairly boring thats the style most people use. Since its not fairly rewarding in any other way. So going for a range requirement woulda been more rewarding and you wouldn't have felt robbed if a huntress sniped you with a insta down from 20 meters away. Also woulda made the addon worth it of iri rarity since good huntresses would run it because they could easily snipe. Now its fairly boring for both sides. No good huntress will run it because you have 1 hatchet. And bad hunteesses will only use it like a worser saw.

  • Member Posts: 593

    Not bad but not good neither it has stopped the abusive plays where the huntress slugs 3 teamates from the get go but still feel it's missing the range requirement as huntresses now just run behind you and Chuck it into the back of your head

  • Member Posts: 677

    It's worthless because it only synergizes with one other add-on and that's the other iri addon that buffs movement speed to base movement (4.6 m.sec) when you're out of hatchets. I tried making a build around this by running STBFL, PWYF, Bamboozle, and one other pek I cant remember. Basically making huntress a one hit down if I got the one shot otherwise giving her better chase potential for when she was out of hatchets and it performs horribly because it turns you into an m1 killer and thats about it. No real zoning potential or gen protection.

    There's literally no point in running any other addon with it now.

  • Member Posts: 677

    It's worthless because it only synergizes with one other add-on and that's the other iri addon that buffs movement speed to base movement (4.6 m.sec) when you're out of hatchets. I tried making a build around this by running STBFL, PWYF, Bamboozle, and one other pek I cant remember. Basically making huntress a one hit down if I got the one shot otherwise giving her better chase potential for when she was out of hatchets and it performs horribly because it turns you into an m1 killer and thats about it. No real zoning potential or gen protection.

    There's literally no point in running any other addon with it now.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    It would be cool if Iridescent Hatchet refunded you a hatchet for landing hits on survivors, BUT with the downside of lockers only giving you one hatchet per search.

    Would, theorically give a Huntress who never misses, infinite hatchets. However, we're human and do make mistakes, so we'll eventually have to waste time refilling each and every hatchet.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I don't exactly know why it took em that many years to do something that simple

  • Member Posts: 843

    Its probably one of the best nerf they did. The addon got nerf but just enough for the addon to still be worth 7k bp and be relevent in any match. The addon feel perfectly balance too i just dont know why they cant repeat that kind of nerf for every nerf they do instead they kill the thing they touch

  • Member Posts: 133

    Pretty much the laziest way they could have reworked it. Useless now, like 80% of the Iri addons.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Not really. Deathslinger has an iri add-on that instant downs at 16 meters and nobody uses it. I have never seen deathslinger use iri-coin. Range and putting implicit drawbacks is to remove add-on from its use. A lot of killers have that because they like the idea of the add-on that makes killer super powerful (as challenge) but these add-on wouldn't work in current casual mode of the game. Powerful add-on tend to just lead into stomps for killer side and survivors giving up/suiciding. I don't mind going against these add-ons if there was like proper MMR system where you get really good teammates that handle playing vs this, but playing vs iri head huntress is like playing No mither survivor. its like ultra-hard mode. from looking at the teams i get in soloqueue sometimes, I am not sure they'd be able to play No mither-mode.

    there are so many killers that have this, Billy tuned carburetor & iri add-on, Nurse iri-add-ons, Huntress iri add-on, Blight's iridescent Tag, Deathslinger iri-coin, Trickster's Death throes complication.

    Other killers they didn't make good iri add-on like pyramid head or Oni probably because in their development, they couldn't come up with an add-on that would make them powerful. perhaps intentionally they felt powerful enough without the creation of the idea of one.

    after that you have killers like Pig's Amanda letter, Plague's iridescent Seal, Ghostface's caught on tape, Cannibal tuning guide which just have weirdest drawbacks ever. they wouldn't as powerful as premium iri add-ons even if they had no drawback. Rule set.2 feels like it is suppose to read that it makes all survivors blind regardless whether trap is active or not but seems purposely weakened in fear of it being too powerful(?).

    iri add-on balance for killers is really weird. Always has been.

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