Reworking useless survivor perks

BigBayBubba Member Posts: 48
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Autodidact : start the trial with 50% decreased speed while healing other survivors, each skill check completed gives you a token up a max 3/4/5. Each token gives you 20% increased speed while healing other survivors

you cant perform great skill checks with Autodidact

Autodidact cant be used while healing with a medkit

Boil Over: increased struggle effects by 50/75/100%

disable the killer's ability to see aura of hooks that are inside a 32m radious

Buckle up: the killer's aura is revealed to you as long is carrying a survivor or within 16m radious of a dying survivor

after healing a dying survivor to the injured state that survivor leaves no scarth marks or pools of blood for 6/8/10 seconds

Babysitter : increased the duration the scrath mark and pools of bloods stay hidden by 10/20/30 seconds

your aura is no longer reveal to the killer after unhooking

Vigil: increased the speed you recover from the debbufs by 30/40/50%

if the debuff is permanent it is 25% less effective

Poised: 50% of the time you spend on a gen equal the duration you don't leave scrath marks ( example 10 seconds on a gen = 5 seconds without scrath marks)

after a gen is completed gain 5/6/7% haste for 20 seconds

Left behind: for each survivor sacrificed or killer gain a token. Each token grants you 10% speed boost for all action for the remaining of the trial

once the hatch has been spawed it is reveal to you when withing a 32/40/48m radious of it

MoM : you can also gain MoM stacks by performing safe unhooks or pallet and flashling saving

what's your thoughts ?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Be careful with autodidact. Healing speed increases can be stacked, which is probably why you don't see as many unique healing perks as we'd like. I think the skillcheck lump sum heal is a good idea, all that needs to be done is your medkit change, possibly having it work on self-heals, and to give skillchecks more consistency, like escaping Trapper traps.

    Same thing with Vigil. Exhaustion being gone in 26 seconds (which is what you get from 50% increase to exhaustion recovery speed) may be a bit overboard, not to mention that the breadth of debuffs make it difficult to apply a number like 25%. How would it work with plague's infection? Doctor's madness? Nemesis' contamination? Those are more all-or-nothing than scalar.

    Poised sounds good, but the haste thing sounds a bit underwhelming. Maybe bump up the speed boost or the time for which you are sped up? Maybe even make it an exhaustion perk, where every time a generator is completed you gain 5 or so seconds of 175% movement speed (to compensate for the lack of control over when generators pop and that you're limited to 5 procs per game at maximum).

    MoM also sounds great, although thematically it might distract from the focus of taking hits. It's supposed to demonstrate resilience in the face of danger, which usually means showing endurance in return for endurance. But game mechanics usually take a backseat to lore so.

    Left behind, babysitter, buckle up, and boil over are certainly buffs, but I think you can go further. A maximum of 30% in return for 3 dead teammates is still underwhelming. Maybe jack it up to 30% per dead teammate. Babysitter is still inferior to borrowed time, and needs to go a little further in order to find its own niche. Buckle up is still giving you unnecessary information (except maybe in sabo builds), and just needs more of an effect than tracking. By its name, you would guess it has something to do with endurance, not healing. Boil Over definitely sounds a lot better, but still leaves it wanting.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I mean what's the point of having perks that are so bad no one uses.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Meme builds just like 4 Up the Ante with 4 Salty Vigo, 4 Slippery Meat or Self-Care with Desesperate Measures, Botany Knowledge and Resilience or Deja vu Alert, Object of Obsession, Kindred or Auto-Didact with Self-Care... There are tons of bad perks that might be fun to use, they are bad but they have a little use. There are tons of useless perks of killer and the post does not talk about them, you wanna know why? Its because its made by a baby surv.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I mean we could just buff all the ######### perks for both sides.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    They all have a use, it might be slight or it might be huge, they might come in clutch in a dedicate build and be bad when used by themselves. There is no point of making allperks good and having to rework every single perk that is not S-A tier perk. No one talks about *useless* killer perks here because this post focus on the survivor side, the game is already easy to survivors, whats the point of having 6 perk pages that are all good perks that might be game changing.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    My question is if the gy that did this post wants to make each perk meta.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Please no lol, there would be tons of perks that killers would have to care and survivors would have tons of perks to care about if they were all good. That my opinion you might have a different one.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Vigil is too strong. Imagine DH every 20 seconds. Not to mention the fact that good survivors walk in chase, so they can get it up multiple times at something like shack or a jungle gym.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    I mean i disagree with a lot of the buffs OP suggested. But perks like Buckle up and Monstrous shrine should get buffed. Not insane buffs just small ones to make them usable

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Buckle Up should've had unlimited range and bigger numbers like 10/15/20 seconds

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,686

    Autodidact : start the trial with 50% decreased speed while healing other survivors, each skill check completed gives you a token up a max 3/4/5. Each token gives you 20% increased speed while healing other survivors

    This makes it much, MUCH worse than it is right now.

    Currently, not getting skill checks mitigates its own disadvantage a little, because the big penalty comes into play less often. However, imagine running this and just not getting skill checks. You'd be stuck with a permanent 50% heal-speed decrease until the game decides to bless you with a check.

    Autodidact either needs another way to get a stack, or a way to force a skillcheck.

    Boil Over: increased struggle effects by 50/75/100%

    Sadly, Boil Over is not something that can be properly buffed, since a killer should be able to get the hook once they have someone hoisted up. If you can reliably cancel that, the game would break down way too much.

    Buckle up: the killer's aura is revealed to you as long is carrying a survivor or within 16m radious of a dying survivor

    16 meters might be a bit much, but I like the idea of some kind of visual indicator that the killer is near the downed survivor.

    Babysitter : increased the duration the scrath mark and pools of bloods stay hidden by 10/20/30 seconds

    That's definitely fair, but it shouldn't be paired with the suggestion to remove the babysitter's aura being revealed.

    Vigil: increased the speed you recover from the debbufs by 30/40/50%

    Too excessive. 50% reduction in exhaustion? That's extremely OP.

    What Vigil SHOULD do, however, is affect the Broken effect. That would give it synergy with Deliverance, Second Wind and For the People.

    Also, you can make it '25% less effective against permanent effects', but since it doesn't affect permanent effects -at all-, that'd do nothing. You could add a line for that though: Effects that would otherwise be permanent instead last 30 seconds.

    Poised: 50% of the time you spend on a gen equal the duration you don't leave scrath marks ( example 10 seconds on a gen = 5 seconds without scrath marks)

    I like this. Having it build up duration as you work and then activate when you finish a gen seems like a good idea.

    Left behind: for each survivor sacrificed or killer gain a token. Each token grants you 10% speed boost for all action for the remaining of the trial

    I wouldn't focus on Left Behind, I don't think it's a perk that promotes healthy playstyles. That said, this little speed boost makes it a bit better, but I think it should go to Sole Survivor.

    MoM : you can also gain MoM stacks by performing safe unhooks or pallet and flashling saving

    Encourages more frustrating play and it might be too strong.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    There are good perks, if you want to use a bad one, thats your problem, not all perks need to be meta.