If you were a survivor, what would your teachable perks be?

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

You don't need to fully explain, you can just say what they'd do or even what they'd be called.

Edit: I'm actually going to flesh out my perks now.

Perk 1: Compassion

While you don't have much to say, you establish quick bonds with others and care about them. Healing speed and unhooking speed is increased by 30/40/50 percent while you heal/unhook the obsession or while the obsession heals/unhooks you. Decreases the chance of being the obsession.

"You good?"-Me

Perk 2: If you want something done...

You do it yourself. You repair generators and heal others 5/10/20 percent faster for every survivor that isn't currently repairing a generator, to a maximum of 15/30/60 percent

"What are these guys even doing?"-Me

Perk 3: Resourceful

You know how to use your surroundings to your advantage. Any items found from chests can be combined to create an item of higher rarity that will have 50/75/100 percent of its charges.

"I learned this trick from Man vs. Wild"-Me

Post edited by DoritoHead on


  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    I stole this from a concept i made. But hey hoh. They were kinda based on me i guess?


    Your boosted health from the entity has given you more strength than before. 

    When you pallet stun the killer the stun lasts 2/3/4 seconds longer.

    Revealing your aura to the killer for 20/15/10 seconds.

    Connection has a cool down of 60/50/40

    Easy Target

    People usually underestimate you and you use it to your advantage to get ahead

    Easy target makes killers missed attacks when in a chase with you take twice as long to recover from. 

    When hit, you gain an injured speed boost for 1/2/3 more seconds than usual.

    Your scratch marks last 6/5/4 seconds longer than usual.


    You know how to use the environment to your advantage. After fast vaulting a pallet. You deem it unbreakable for 10/15/20 seconds.

    While the pallet is blocked you suffer from the exposed status effect, as well as your aura being revealed.

    Trapped has a cool down of 60/50/40

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    My first perk would let me use items faster, at the cost of decreasing the item's efficiency.

    My second one would be something like Lucky Break, helping me break chases when I'm injured or when I have a debuff.

    My third one would probably be based around shifting aggro onto myself, or maybe shift it onto other survivors.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    edited June 2021

    Perk 1: Awakened

    Your ability to not be easily tired as well as your great eyesight and hearing give you heightened senses in the entity's realm

    Your field of view is increased by 9/12/15°

    A survivor that did a loud action is revealed to you for 3 seconds, this effect of the perk has a cooldown of 30/25/20 seconds

    "Entering this fog, I felt as if I grew a 3rd eye. Not one on my head, but it's more like drone I can control with my mind and see through? It's as if I was seeing myself in 3rd person. I'm not the best at explaining this, but you feel it too, right?"

    Perk 2: In the zone

    Once you start, it's hard to stop

    When running for 30/25/20 seconds, this perk gains a token up to a total of 5. This perk loses tokens when you stop running at a rate of 6/5/4 seconds lost each second (i.e. Run for 18 seconds, walk for 2 seconds, the token has 6/8/10 seconds of progress).

    Consume a token when vaulting to increase your vault speed by 20%. Can consume three tokens to vault a blocked window.

    "I couldn't think of a good quote for this, in fact I even had trouble thinking of this one as it was the last perk I made... Ehh, who cares"

    Perk 3: Enjoying the Company

    Despite adding little to conversations, you still love spending time with people. You're not going to let anything hurt these people.

    When within 10 meters of another survivor, this perk starts filling up. Each survivor you're near reduces this perk's cooldown by 1 second, this perk takes 300/270/240 seconds to activate.

    If this perk is full, you can press the ability button near a killer carrying a survivor to punch them and to make let go of them. You become hindered for 5 seconds. The survivor rescued leaves no scratch marks, blood trails, or noise for 10 seconds.

    "Jesus Christ, that hurt like hell! How did that even work is no matter right now, get outta here!"

    Edited Bonus: Description:

    Difficulty: Intermediate

    An introverted socialist, actively trying to get others out of trouble

    His personal perks Awakened, In The Zone, and Enjoying the Company, allow him to locate and save survivors, while taking the heat off of them and get the killer on them to loop more efficiently.

    Post edited by CheeseAnton on
  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Quincy Volstandig:

    When the killer tries to hit you, grab their arm, kick them in the nuts, legsweep them, and finish it off with a metacarpal takedown. They are NOT getting up after that.

    Bitch Slap:

    Enough said in the title 😂

    Weeb: You have the ability to bore the killer to death by talking about Bleach

    The name of the first one I literally stole from Bleach 🤣. It's a technique I created in Karate when I was still reading the Bleach manga. I call it Quincy Volstandig because it's an instant one shot IRL. I made it for street fights. If someone tries to punch you, you grab their arm to prevent them from connecting with you. You kick them to stun them for a short while while you position for the legsweep. You legsweep to get them completely under your control. Finish it with a metacarpal takedown to break/fracture their arm, or to just cause a lot of pain. This is all you have to do to win a fight if they punch at you, so I named it after a different one shot that has a cool name.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Dead Man Walking

    While in the dying state for at least 5 seconds, press the active ability button to stand back up for 15 seconds, during which time you suffer the Incapacitated status effect. If you take damage or the timer runs out you go back down. Recovery progress does not reset when using this perk. The perk deactivates upon use, but reactivates when you are healthy for 80/70/60 seconds

    "If a chainsaw wielding maniac can't kill me, what harm could a bit of walking do?"

    Making an Exit

    You can pry open the hatch without a key by interacting with it for 40/35/30 seconds. Interrupting the action will reset the progress. During this time your aura is revealed to the killer. Multiple survivors with this perk can work together to open the hatch faster

    "Nothing stays locked forever, even without a key"

    Skeleton in the Closet (kind of a silly one)

    Once per trial, if the killer finds you inside a locker outside of a chase you will be teleported to a random locker at least 36 meters away, and the killer will be jumpscared by a skeleton causing them to get stunned for 5 seconds

    "Spooky and scary"

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    "Press the active ability button at any point in the match to instantly die"

    My dream perk.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    These are kind of silly ideas, but I would love to use these.

    Feral Frenzy (but for Survivors):

    You were a Legion main before you realized they were F Tier.

    After being injured, Feral Frenzy activates for 10 seconds. The aura of all hooks are revealed to you.

    You gain an 10%/12%/15% haste effect for the duration of Feral Frenzy.

    Whenever you collide with a hook, Feral Frenzy breaks the hook seconds and resets Feral Frenzy's timer.

    Hooks broken by Feral Frenzy will be broken for 15 more seconds than normal.

    When Feral Frenzy's duration runs out, you are immediately put into the dying state and the perk deactivates for the rest of the trial.

    One Day:

    One day, life won't be so ######### inconsistent.

    After all living Survivors have been hooked at least once, One Day activates until you are hooked again.

    While One Day is active, all Survivors within a 64 meter range of you will be revealed to you via a blue aura (because I just really want to see blue auras).

    After vaulting a pallet or window, you gain an 5%/6%/7% haste effect for 5 seconds.

    Cause For Concern (I like Lovejoy's Are You Alright? okay, sue me):

    This situation is a bit worrying to you, but you'll fight on.

    When hooked, Cause For Concern activates. If the Killer stays within a 16/20/24 meter range of the hook you are occupying, and is not chasing or carrying a Survivor, your hook timer is slowed by 75%.

    After being unhooked when Cause For Concern is active, you are granted the Endurance Status Effect for 6 seconds. Upon being hit with Endurance, you will be given the Deep Wounds status effect.

    Weird perks, I know, but I'd fine these fun to use, especially Feral Frenzy. They might be a bit broken though.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859
    edited June 2021

    Perk 1: entity's favorite: your pact with the entity turns your pain into (bp) gain. While on a hook, you can press the active ability button to willingly sacrifice yourself. Doing so awards 100%/200%/300% more blood points after the trial

    Perk 2: endless greed: you don't care as much about others or escaping as you do about currency so you made a pact with the entity. You gain 100%/200%/300% more blood points for all scoring events but if you perform cooperative actions, the aura of the other survivor/s is revealed to the killer within a range of 20/15/10 meters

    Perk 3: bargain: if you escape the trial with an item, the item is exchanged for blood points. You get 100%/200%/300% of the item's worth in blood points (disregards add ons). If you get sacrificed while carrying an item, the entity will consume the item and offer you 50% of the item's worth in bp instead (disregards add ons)

    Basically the ultimate build for farming at the expense of the team. A dream for sandbaggers

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    Out of the box

    You are creative and can come up with something in almost any situation.

    While crouching, press the active ability button to gather grime on your hands, this action takes 45/40/35 seconds and can be paused.

    If this perk is active, the next time the killer picks you up you will smear their eyes, blurring their vision for 5 seconds and removing all hook auras for 7 seconds.

    This perk can be activated twice in a trial

    Stealthy expertise

    Sometimes tucking your tail behind your legs isnt so bad

    When crouching, you are on all fours, making you more agile. When crouch walking you move 15/20/25 percent faster.

    While crouching, pressing the sprint button will put you in a crawl, while crawling you move 15/20/25 percent faster

    Intense focus

    You do well under pressure, and come out unscathed.

    While in the killers terror radius, all action speeds are increased by 5/10/15 percent

    Teachables from survivor (insert real name here)

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    I'm a track athlete with military aspirations, so my perks might reflect that:

    MOTIVATED: Completing generators, breaking totems or healing two survivors will permanently increase vault speed, unhooking speed, healing speed, by 1/ 1.5 /2% up to a maximum of 10% as well as gaining the endurance status effect for every 3 tokens.

    "Closer, just a little closer, I can just taste that trophy!" - Me.

    BLUNT TRAUMA: New optional objectives appear for players with B.L.T to complete to craft a trench club that can be used on killers who are holding survivors to instantly stun them.

    "These Brits think this battle will be easy, but we are not so helpless. day after day, sweat after sweat, we have worked to prepare for the worst, and as we defended our trench in the past, we will do so again, come on boys, give 'em hell!" - Me

    DELAYED GROUNDS: New optional objectives appear for players with D.G to complete which rewards an active ability to fortify generators, pallets,and windows that killers are unable to vault over, and must kick to destroy. Killer's kick duration is 3 / 4 / 5 seconds which buys time for players to escape or reach another set-up and continue the chase.

    "The best defenses are not immovable but rather flexible enough to adapt to newer attack tactics, and as such, knowing when to retreat is crucial to our commando unit's success. You may leave in shame, but you live, you live to fight another day!" - Me


    Erich Eckart is a defensive commando, and is no stranger to overcoming insurmountable odds. With his perks BLUNT TRAUMA and DELAYED GROUNDS, he is capable to fortifying friendly positions to delay the killer's progress, and buy time for others to escape or complete generators, and his last perk MOTIVATED rewards players for completing objectives and looking after the well being of others, although his abilities can take time to craft from completing optional objectives.

    What Erich's skin might look like:

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Lazy Bastard: Your determination to do nothing of actual value gives you the strength to be lazy, even in the face of danger.

    If you have been standing still or crouching around for more then 30 seconds, gain the endurance status effect for as long as you remain still/crouching.

    Cowardly: (Couldn't think of a quote for this one)

    If the killer surprises you, scream and then sprint at 150% of your normal movement speed for 1 second. You become exhausted for 600 seconds. You cannot recover from exhaustion while sprinting.

    Terrible at games: You suck at most games.

    If you start doing any action, it now takes 20% longer. ######### you.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited June 2021

    Gassy: Your terrible diet has become your greatest strength and weakness.

    Anyone within 12/10/8 meters can hear your consistent back-blasts. While in chase, the Killer will occasionally wobble while moving on account of the smell you leave behind.

    Video Games: Everything is a video game if you put your mind to it.

    If you complete an interaction within 10 meters of the Killer, you shout out "I'M SO GOOD AT VIDEO GAMES" and run at 150% speed for 5 seconds. You gain Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Total Bully: Insult and antagonize at every opportunity.

    While in chase with you, if the Killer misses a standard attack, they will take an extra second to recover. You will be marked with Killer Instinct for 4/3/2 seconds.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    #1. Hyperfocus: Your weakness is also your strength.

    When doing any interraction, press the action button to enter into hyperfocus. During this time, any action will have skill checks and have a 20% increased chance of occuring (for totems, chests and gates, the rate will be the same as if it were healing or gens). A great skill check now gives a 5% bonus.

    However, your FOV is reduced by 11% and your audio perception is reduced by 20%.

    This perk lasts for 15 seconds, and can be used once every 60/50/40 seconds. Cannot work whilst in the process of doing an action.

    "Sorry, I too busy to hear you". - Me

    #2. Rationalist: Every problem should first be confronted by a logical approach.

    When coming across the first treasure chest, you will have a choice between 2/3/4 items. The item list for all tiers is as follows: First Aid Kit, Toolbox, Map, Torch, Firecracker, Broken Key with Unique Wedding Ring, Broken Key with Blood Amber, Broken Key with Gold Token. At Tier 3, there is a 1 in 6 chance a Purple Key might be available as a choice. The tier of the items is completely random.

    "I'm gonna call you the rationalist, because you always look at every angle before jumping in" - Jamie

    #3. Sacrifice: You spent too much time on others; neglecting yourself. However, a sacrifice isn't always in vain.

    When in the struggle phase, the perk becomes active and your first skill check becomes golden and requires a successful skill check. At Tier 1, all slugged survivors will automatically recover to injured. At Tier 2, any slugged survivor will recover to injured and if there are 1/2/3 survivors injured, then 1/1/2 survivors will become healthy. At Tier 3, it has all the benefits of Tier 2, plus the survivor nearest to you will be guaranteed into full health, regardless of status, and gains the Endurance effect for 20 seconds. They will count as one of the survivors to recover to full health.

    "Karma isn't always a #########" - Me.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871


    You thrive in the heat of deadlines.

    After 6 hooks or a teammate dies while one or fewer generators have been completed, procrastination activates. Procrastination grants you a 25% bonus generator repair speed and increases the chance of triggering skill checks by 100%.

  • ChronoSeth
    ChronoSeth Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2021

    Recluse - You are forgettable whenever no one focuses on you, but you know something is wrong if someone does. After 20 seconds without running, noisy actions, and no other survivors within 16 meters of you, your aura cannot be read by the Killer. When another Survivor enters within range, the Killer's aura is revealed to you within 32 meters for 2/4/6 seconds, and the perk goes on a 60/50/40 second cooldown.

    "Don't mind me, sitting here doing my thing. But come over, I'm always ready to listen."

    Protective Sacrifice - Knowing full well that saving someone means they can pass on the deed, you do it readily. See the aura of the injured Survivor for 5/6/7 seconds when you take a Protection Hit scoring event. The protected Survivor gains a 5/6/7% Haste status effect for the same duration.


    You've Got This - Sacrificing your energy, you try your best at making others go further. Healing another survivor up a health state allows them to run at 150% of their normal running speed for 3 seconds, ignoring an existing Exhausted timer, but causes the Exhausted status effect on both you and the Survivor for 60/50/40 seconds. You've Got This cannot be used while Exhausted.

    "It's alright, win this for me."

    Post edited by ChronoSeth on
  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804
    edited June 2021

    Studious Innovator: You read quite a bit and know how to observe, as such you know what you need to do, how to do it, and how to make it better

    For each gen completed this perk gains a token, While working on a gen, you can press E to trigger a difficult skill check, completing this skill check awards 3/4/5% additional gen progress, missing it will not remove any progress but will cause a noise notification and reveals your aura to the killer for 30/25/20 seconds afterwards, if all gens are completed you can trigger this effect on the exit gates

    "Ah, so that's what you're meant to do, now let me do it better"

    Introvert: You prefer to be alone, it helps you focus

    Completing objectives (gens, totems, etc) by yourself gives this perk gains a token, pressing E while this perk has a token will allow you to see the killers aura for 5/7/10 seconds

    "Just let me work on this, I can handle it"

    Puzzling Plans: Your plans make sense, usually only to you

    Performing certain action (gens, totems, chests) will give this perk a token, pressing E while this perk when performing certain actions will activate certain effects

    Idle: See the auras of all other survivors and nearby objects for 3/4/5 seconds

    In front of a chest: Rummage through it again, the resulting item will be of a higher quality and come with 0/1/2 additional addons

    Cleansing a totem: Display a counter that shows how many Dull and Hex totems remain on the map for 5/10/15 seconds

    Being chased: gain a 5/10/15% additional vaulting speed for 10/15/20 seconds

    In front of a broken wall: begin a 25/20/15 second long action that repairs the wall when it is complete

    Opening a Exit Gate: See the aura of the killer for 5/10/15 seconds

    "Going to be honest with you, I was lying when I said I had a complex plan that was prepared for any situation, I've been making it up on the spot entirely"

    Here are mine

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    U up? - Your friends mean the world to you, and seeing them in agony makes you work harder. For every teammate that is in the dying state, gain a 2/3/4% speed increase on gen repairs and healing.

    "Let's patch you up, queen!"

    Check This Out! - Teamwork makes the dream work. While in a chase, any survivor you have safely unhooked can see your aura.

    "Did you see that!?"

    Animal Lover - Your love for animals knows no bounds. At the start of the trial, you will befriend one crow. For every generator you complete (to at least 70% progression), gain a token. Using one token causes the crow to create a loud noise notification on a separate part of the map.

    "Be safe, little buddy!"

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited June 2021

    -Quicklearner: You learn quickly, by are easily demoralized by mistakes. Hitting a Great Skillcheck grants a token. For every token you gain x% bonus action speed, but the Great Skillcheck area is reduced by x%. Missing a skillcheck removes any token accumulated.

    -Adaptation: You like to keep an open mind and, and sometimes help can come from unexpected places. Once per match, you can sacrifice an item by putting it into the basement chest in exchange for the ability to replace this perk with any other perk you own. The perk tier is determined by the rarity of the item sacrificed, plus 0/1/2. Common items grant no perk.

    -Alternative Path: You always liked to explore and discover different paths. Press and hold the Active Ability button for X seconds while standing beside a Breakable Wall to weaken it. Weakened Breakable Walls can be smashed by a running survivor by pressing Space. Smashing a Breable Wall will deactivate Alternative Path for X seconds.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    I would have one perk:

    Dies Instantly - Dies Instantly

  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116


    Gain 4/5/6 token at the beginning of the trial.

    While in chase, every time you slow vault a window, you will instead fast vault.

    "Been doing this since... shut up."

    Light of Day:

    You gain 2/3/4% of the haste status effect for each survivor that's currently hooked.

    "I'm on the way!"

    Who's Who:

    After repairing generators for a total of 100% & performing a safe unhook rescue on another survivor, Who's Who activates.

    After being hooked for the first time, your double will respawn in a random locker with the broken status effect.

    While taking control of your double, you can interact as if you were a normal survivor. But interacting with something will speed up your hook progress by 30/20/10%.

    You will lose connection with your double if:

    • Your double takes any damage.
    • If your main body gets rescued.
    • If your main body reaches the 2nd stage on the hook.

    "Which one is which?!"

  • Lucent
    Lucent Member Posts: 209

    Give up:

    You instantly DC giving your other 3 teammates a 25% boost to repair, heal and tea bagging.

    the killer receives a -25% to run speed and all survivors receive an extra state before the dying state - Just a scratch

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Grand Leap: You find it pretty stupid that no one else has made an attempt to jump across gaps when getting chased. Press the active ability button whenever you aren't interacting with an object to jump in the air and stay in the air for 1 second. The perk then afflicts you with the exhaustion status effect for 8/7/6 seconds. Regardless of exhaustion, you take no stagger whatsoever when falling from high places.

    "Since when did everyone lose their common sense?" -Slim Jim

    Mean Streak: From listening to You're The Best, you kept it in your mind that nothing could ever keep you down. When vaulting a window or pallet and you collide into the killer, stun them for 3 seconds. Once the perk is used, become afflicted with the exhausted status for 60/50/40 seconds.

    "I didn't hear no bell..." -Slim Jim

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Regardless of exhaustion, you take no stagger whatsoever when falling from high places.

    *Old balanced landing on Haddonfield flashbacks*

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    Lean on me: allies within 8 meters get speed increases 5/10/15% to walking, crouching, and wiggling speed.

    It ain't hard to tell: see auras of all gens,chests,totems,and hooks after interaction with same (repair,open,sabotage) within 90 meters for 15/20/25 seconds.

    I'm the man: when you unhook an ally, unhooking/healing/running speed increases 50% for 20 seconds for both you and the person you unhooked.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2021

    Lone worker - you work best free of distractions. Your repair speed when working on a gen alone is increased by 1/3/5%

    Socially awkward - You can concentrate better when away from other people. When more than 32/28/24 metres away from other survivors every action has a 1/3/5% time reduction.

    Controlled Anxiety - you have suffered from anxiety for a long time and have now learnt to control your breathing and movements. Sounds of breathing and footsteps are reduced by 25/50/75%

    There is always a bad perk which I consider to be the 3rd on my list but may counter spirit with stridor. The first 2 stack for gens.

    This one is for fun

    Don't you dare - if someone is going to unhook you and the killer is within an 8 metre radius, kick them to the floor for 1/3/5 seconds. Once per trial lol.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Survivor perk:

    Coward's Reward: You always try to complete your objectives. You've learned the hard way others will take advantage of that fact.

    When it's down to 2 survivors if the other survivor hasn't attempted to work on objectives for 90/75/60 seconds their aura will be revealed to the killer until they have spent 5 seconds working on an objective. Your aura and scratch marks will be hidden from the killer during that time. Coward's Reward will continue to trigger at the above intervals.

    ***** This is a perk I would love to see

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Forgot to mention you'll be stuck in an animation so make sure to position yourself right before landing!

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Add there is no audio warning for the Skill checks, so it would be like you are sloppily trying to get it done before a deadline lmao.

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    Is there one of these discussions for killers and teachable perks?

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited June 2021

    Hyperawareness -

    A life of trauma has taught you to never let your guard down. Increase the sound of breathing and footsteps of killer by 50%. Additionally the killers terror radius is now increased by 4/6/8 meters.

    Born Leader -

    It seems no matter where you are people look to you for guidance. Any generator or totem you interact with will reveal their aura to fellow survivors within 8/12/16 meters.

    Absolute Thirst -

    Everyone you meet is a possible love connection. In an attempt to leave a lasting first impression whenever a killer loses chase on you for the first time your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 15/18/21% for 90 seconds.

    Additionally, you start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

    Absolute Thirst ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40seconds.

    Activation of Absolute Thirst will result in you becoming the Obsession.

  • uncreative_username
    uncreative_username Member Posts: 85


    Seeing your fellow survivors wander around aimlessly fills you with anger

    For every survivor crouching/walking in a (certain amount of meters that increase based on perk level, idk how big meters are in dbd) radius of a gen/injured survivor that you are repairing/healing you get a 5/10/15% increase in progress speed, but you're anger makes skill checks harder to hit.

    -Everyone is USELESS! - Me

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I was thinking about it, I'd be happy to make it if you'd like!