Should we all just move to Feedback and Suggestions?

stikyard Member Posts: 526

90% chance your post will end up there anyway.


  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    It's the post graveyard, where you get little to no discussion from other players. Just scroll down the General discussion forum, they are nearly all suggestions on how to fix and or improve things.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    It’s the section for feedback and suggestions. You could just go there and participate in discussions as can literally any forum member. That’s not anything like a graveyard.

    if you specifically don’t want a feedback post to be treated as feedback but just a forum discussion then state so in the post.. but many Threads getting moved there are meant as game feedback.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    it's also where the devs look the most so do with that what you will

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Feedback and Suggestions exist for a reason - it's for feedback and suggestions users create FOR the devs about the game. The community team also forwards those kind of things to the developers and to have dedicated sub-forums is the best way to easily filter out what is a suggestion or feedback and what is not, hence why that sub-forum exists.

    That is why threads, that fall under either of those categories, are being moved there. The Forum is not only a place for the community to hang out on and discuss things, but also a place for the community to post their ideas and feedback, in an attempt to express their feelings towards the game, what they think could be changed and how things can be changed. It makes it easier for the Community Team and Devs to go to the dedicated category and read the posts.

    Being able to quickly sort through what is Feedback/Suggestions and what is not, is important here, as it's a matter of time, too. Just like how he two sub-forums for Bugs and Technical Issues instead of just one for both, because they require different kind of attention. In General people might discuss their favorite things about the games or awesome designs they love, etc. Or they want to rant, which they are free to do so too. They all have their own appropriate functions for pretty much the same reason: Organisation and being able to immediately determine what it's supposed to be.

    If you do intend to give feedback on the structure of the forum, then please post it here, as this is the area we would be checking on for Forum Feedback: