So.. I’ve add Desperate Measures to my No Mither Builds.

No Mither + Desperate Measures + Resilience.

Might sound meme to have a healing perk in this build, but it’s actually for really fast hook saves.

Resilience is already a pretty self explanatory perk when paired with No Mither, but with Desperate Measures, with no other survivors injured other than myself and whoever is on the hook, I always have a 37% increase to unhook speeds at minimum.

This feels pretty significant. It’s almost like having match long No One Left Behind without the aura reading, and it’s current activation conditions.

I can rush in, dodge a hit if the killer is camping, and get a survivor off their hook fast enough to have them get a head start before I take a protection hit to go down for them, forcing the killer to abandon tunnelling who was rescued, unless they don’t care that I can get back up.

