Wake Up Buff Concept

Once all Generators are completed, Wake Up activates (This would conflict with my suggested change and tbh it was always a pointless activation condition anyway)
The Auras of the Exit Gate Switches, and any Survivors attempting to open them, are revealed to you within 128 meters. This benefit is shared by all Survivors in the Trial.
You open Exit Gates 5/10/15% faster.
Once 4 Generators have been repaired, you see the auras of any Survivors working on Generators, see the aura of all Generators, and can determine the repair progress of Generators by the colour of their aura.
This means all Survivors in the trial get a signal that somebody is using Wake Up via the aura reveal, and all Survivors share in the ability to know if anybody's currently on the Exit Gates to co-ordinate better.
On top of this, the Wake Up user can keep track of who's on gens once the final one is around, and can keep track of the generator progress from any distance. This means they know when the final gen is about to pop, so they can stand next to the exit gate switch preparing to 99 it.
Much of this co-ordination could be substituted by SWF communication, and I definitely don't think this Perk would change radically in terms of power level, but I think it'd do a better job carving out its current niche. What do you think? (especially if you actually play Survivor, that'd be helpful)
Would make it legit. Not like everyone would use this perk but you at least you would see it a bit more often. I would give it y try. Coll idea.
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Now that you think about it, besides Red Herring which needs an activation condition change, there aren't exactly any anti 3-gen perks for survivors. Problem is most 3-gens are the result of poor decisions in the early game. In other words, this perk is still pretty balanced
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This would be a nice gen-oriented version of Kindred and great for solo survivors.
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I think deja vu is an anti 3 gen perk, If i remember how it works.
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That and Visionary if you want to stretch the definition a bit.