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People, please run DS

Member Posts: 282

I'm begging y'all. Please run DS. killers are tunneling and camping far more and it kills me to see y'all die like so quickly just because you refuse to run a perk that was nerfed. All the camping and tunneling you go through is on you, not the killer.

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  • Member Posts: 25

    This is how I feel as well, I never used it before all the nerfs and most likely will never use it now.

  • Member Posts: 119

    DS is trash perk now

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I use it still. I've actually been able to use it quite a bit too.

    Admittedly, I only run it because I don't have Iron Will yet and need something to fill in that perk slot that isn't ######### baby-sitter.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I never run ds before, and i wont now either.

    However, the amount of tunneling i encounter has skyrocket after the nerf, and while it didnt remain on the level it reached directly after the nerf, its still higher than before.

    And since i keep stats of a lot of my survivor games, this is not just a feeling, i have the data that it happens to me. Of course, its statisticly insignificant, and if others experience no difference, i might be wrong in the big picture. But with so many people confirming my experiences, i doubt it.

  • Member Posts: 786
    edited June 2021

    Ds is useless, well I find it useless I have never found use for it ... you either get slugged for a minute or you won’t get to use it at all or you have to go out your way to use it or U outrun the timer ... having to purposely go down just to use it , I would rather use a different perk that will actualy benifit me in the game,

  • Member Posts: 575

    Let's be real though, it does a pretty poor job as an anti-tunnel perk outside of a gen-slamming SWF where the killer can't afford any time loss. The killer eats it once and then just tunnels you straight off second hook because it only works once. And some killers like Nurse, Spirit, and Blight can be right back on you after the stun.

    Not saying I disagree with the change it received though, it was a great change. It could really use some buffs like working off both hooks even if you use it imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    The stun should come with a free Iron Will and no scratch marks for 10 seconds, if they actually want it to be a perk to hard punish killers. It’s literally meaningless against high mobility killers if there’s nothing nearby to use.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Between the threat of ds and bt there is usually no reason for me to ever use ds. It’s mostly the weaker, less experienced killers that will tunnel off hooks when there are other targets available.

  • Member Posts: 576

    Not a chance. I know lots of people love it. I call DS "Dead Soon" cause for me it's always been nothing more than a guarantee to be tunneled after using it.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    I don't care to run it.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I don't like situational perks that will only have an effect if the killer's using a certain strategy. I never ran DS outside of Adept Laurie or a few old rift challenges that required me to be the obsession. I'd personally prefer to run Unbreakable if I had to pick one, since it has wider use. DS won't stop me from getting tunneled out of the game in most cases anyway; it'll just take a few loops longer, unless there's somebody right next to me waiting to take the heat and the killer isn't dead set on eliminating my ass in particular.

  • Member Posts: 621

    NO! You bring borrowed time or don't make the save. I'd rather die on hook then have you farming me!

  • Member Posts: 336

    No, thanks. I'd rather die early running the perks I want to run than die later running perks I don't.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Most tunneling is caused by my teammates and not the killer themselves.

    For example from today: I had a Nea who kept on running straight for the hook in front of Pyramid Head without BT and to no one's surprised pyramid head M2's every rescue and Nea farmed half the team to death(and nearly got me farmed to death too).

    I really don't like the idea that me being farmed by my teammates punishes the killer with a 5 second stun from DS(Not that it would have mattered against PH).

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Gotta agree when with OP for running DS. There's way more instances of ds coming in handy when the killer isn't trying to camp & tunnel you.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Switched it out for Prove Thyself after the nerf. Killers wanna tunnel and camp without consequence, then those gens will be flying!

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    no, im not gonna run a perk that i can potentially use once, waste of a slot, its not a good perk

  • Member Posts: 672

    I don't like using DS. It's very situational and I rarely ever get tunneled, anyway.

  • Member Posts: 819

    DS is not the answer to tunneling, it's merely a temporary solution.

    Players should learn how to run killers, and to focus on gen rushing if a killer IS tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Not gonna run a perk I have no use for. I see campers and tunneling so rarely it would be a waste of a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 329

    This perk either forces you to do nothing for 60 seconds or disable itself when you do something usefull after being hooked. And it's not even working after used once. Wow, such value.

    Completely useless ruined perk.

  • Member Posts: 919

    There were so many times where my teammates found themselves being tunneled to death, they didn't have ds of course. They opted for the dc instead.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I rarely even ran DS pre nerf and still don't run it now. If I get tunneled I get tunneled and the perk isn't gonna prevent it.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    No. There isn't enough senseless tunneling on AU servers to justify it.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I'd rather take it on the chin than to run that ######### perk.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I didn't run it pre nerf. I see no reason to run it now. If the killer tunnels so be it. I don't need to hang around.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Ran it once back in the day to see how it worked and never again. Its a waste of a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 677

    I run ds and bt in all my builds. Sadly someone is always tunneled and/or facecamped in solo. Sometimes its me and sometimes its someone else. Ds and bt cover both bases.

    I just want to cleanse dull totems in peace 😔

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    You could run BT, since that's something you actually have control over.

    The devs destroyed DS but that doesn't mean the killers aren't the ones choosing to take advantage of that.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Im with the op. The amount of times I see a random get tunneled and picked up, and I'm saying pllleaseeee have ds. Nope. Nothing. It sucks

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I rather run a ninja build then Ds. At least with a quiet build I can use it indefinitely.

  • Member Posts: 593

    But it's so useless why waste a perk slot on that perk when I could be running spine chill or something much better also if people bring borrowed time it wouldn't be that much of an issue as the hit with BT at least gives you a speed increase what does Decisive get you other than a 5 second delay.

  • Member Posts: 911

    Stop telling people how to play...

    Im not gonna run DS because i like to run other perks, more consistent perks unlike ds that only gets used one every 10 games.

    Also camping and tunneling is a choice made by the killer, camping and tunneling is not the survivors fault for not running ds

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Never needed it - not wasting a perk slot on something I don't need. When I play survivor I am very rarely tunneled. I think in my 3000+ survivor games I have ran it MAYBE 12 games and got to use it - once. I'll stick to something like SOUL GUARD which I get WAY more use out of.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    DS is still an amazing perk,I really don't get why people think it's bad.I run it every game,it's literally a free escape if you still have it in endgame.

  • Member Posts: 136

    DS still is mostly used to compensate bad plays like being hookfarmed.

    I tried it from killer and survivor perspective:

    As killer I tried to catch the surv as fast as possible after a DS hit and it took me about 10-15 seconds. Okay it CAN be longer if the survivor is really good at chases (in that case I won't even try to tunnel that one and go for a weaker target) and DS is still strong in the endgame, but DS won't stop killers from tunneling at all, it never did.

    As survivor when I bring DS I usually get no use of it because I am a useful mate that either repairs gens or heals his mates after being unhooked instead of doing nothing for 60 seconds.

    The frequency of being tunneled of hook is imho way to low to give me a reason for taking DS instead of another useful perk.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I will never deliberately tunnel, however before the nerf If I was playing killer and saw an unsafe unhook or otherwise ran into someone straight off a hook, I would always assume DS and leave for 60 seconds or so. In my head I would always be trying to play around assuming everyone has DS.

    Now I don't really need to, chances are if someone gets downed straight off hook its worth trying to hook again and the chances of getting DS'ed are much less, so why not if the survivors are making mistakes.

    Having said that, on the flip side having killers more willing to risk the DS off the hook, means if you actualy do run DS you should have a higher chance of actually getting value out of it.

  • Member Posts: 375
    edited June 2021

    I never use DS, neither before the change nor now. When the killer wants to tunnel you, he tunnels you - it's the same with the new one. Sometimes you're just running away and when DS has just run out, you get knocked out. For me it's a wasted perk slot. 

    Also, it's often the teammates that encourage tunneling. They don't save properly, don't take the killer with them. Instead of DS, there should be a perk where you have the option to decline a save - preferably with a kick to the rescuer's face, which costs them a health stat. I would definitely always take that one. XD

  • Member Posts: 952


  • Member Posts: 981

    Thats the spirit. Also Prove Thyself is not nearly as situational as some people think. Most of the time when enough people are alive then you will sit at the final generator with at least one other person.

    Survivors need to punish camping and tunneling. Yes, run DS + Unbreakable if you like it and you want to, but think about this option too.

    Also there are enough times when a Killer does not tunnle but your team throws you under the bus. Unhooking without BT, not taking the aggro from the Killer or - my favourite - unhooked people with BT who desperatly want to eat a hit from the Killen even thou the Killer goes after the one who is healthy. Do not beg to get chased when you can not take it.

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