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Does anyone actually pay attention to the archives story?

Member Posts: 2,270

How many people actually sit and read through the archives story monologues? I have done it to specific characters like Bill but I've never actually tried to go through and unlock the Arcus stories or whatever those are. Do you guys pay attention to that stuff?

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    For the most part yes. I still haven’t read some stories like yui or nurse but the rest I have read through

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes, it’s one of my favourite parts of DBD. If anyone wants specific recommendations, Plague, Jane, Wraith all have great tome lore.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    to read paragraphs I buy books, when I'm playing a videogame I play videogame

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    No, not anymore.

    I did it for the first three Tomes, but afterwards, I did not catch up. And I wont catch up at this point, I just complete the Challenges for BPs and Fragments.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I am getting all challenges and therefore lore entries done either way and yeah I listen to the story’s. Once.. not directly when I unlock them though. And only when I have some time after i played but not enough time for another match..

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Once I get all of them I listen to it all at once rather than when I get them. Sometimes they arent that interesting, but most of them I personally liked.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Also, you can just listen to them on YouTube without needing to do all the dumb challenges

  • Member Posts: 116

    i really dont care i must assume. But its nice they try to put some story behind this

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Yes, I do, some are good, some are..meh

    The Arcus bit looks less like a story and more like a collection atm, but we'll see where the Observer story goes in the future

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Only ones I’ve listened to are my actual favorite characters: Meg Yui and Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Of course not. I don't find lore in this game interesting at all

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Its really hard to keep up with the archives lore with how much of it is locked behind ridiculous challenges as those challenges gate keep the rest of the story.

  • Member Posts: 298

    Yes, I read them all when they're uploaded on the wiki, since I barely play the game and don't complete any challenge at all. I love this game's lore.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I read it only when all pieces of story are unlocked. I wouldn't catch up to the story if I read every piece right after unlock.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Only observers or about entity entries. I do not care about characters lore

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    To be honest, I don't really like those low effort animations as reward. I don't want to hurt creators, artwork looks really great. But animation looks bad and characters mumbling feels akward.

    I would prefer pre-rendered scenes from unreal engine or source film maker with full voice acting.

    Is it much harder or more expencive? Or both?

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Apart from the fact that yes, animating a scene like you said would take more time and effort, I think it's more of an artistic choice that they went with

    I agree though, the animations could look better, even without having to change the art style of the illustrations

  • Member Posts: 981

    Yes, as long as it is about a Killer I like or play.

    Hillbilly was great, Spirit was not to bad and I realy wish for a Ghostface archive.Also observer and entity specifics are quiet nice.

    I like it that they leave you to puzzle some story by comparing add-ons, archives and perk desciptions. This gives me a feeling of doing detectives work. Also resenctly they started adding some details to maps that give hints.

    So overall, yes, I do archives and I like archives.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    The narrator is very tedious. The entries are full of fillers and repetitive. I think Billy's tome was the last one I listened to.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    I read through them instead since I can read faster than the guy talks.

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    I did originally, but then stopped because the writing is absolutley horrid.

  • Member Posts: 209


    They've yet to do anything interesting with the concept sadly.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I would like to, but many of the pieces are locked behind challenges I have absolutely no desire to do. So I don't even read the ones I do unlock at this point.

  • Member Posts: 98

    I like the dbd lore and the stories they are creating but I usually follow along through youtube videos of people explaining them lol

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Not really.

    I did at first, but I just don't care that much nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    As a Jane main ngl her tome was kinda garbage and didn’t do much to improve her character

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Yes!! The lore is one of my favorite things about the game, as though I don't like some of the things in the archives I end up just nitpicking what I like as a headcanon.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    That’s interesting to me since I didn’t care for her original lore much, but thought her tome was great

  • Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2021

    I don't think you realize how much time it takes to make a good 30/40 seconds animation in SFM without using Mocap, which is pretty expensive.

    Not to mention they'd have to create brand new models of the killers before they were taken by the Entity like kid Billy, kid Wraith, young Trapper and so on just for those animations... that would also be incredibly time and resource consuming.

    It just wouldn't be worth it, drawing them is million times easier and faster.

  • Member Posts: 727

    Yeah, I always read a tome archive as soon as I've unlocked it.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I mostly watch the videos if I unlock them. I unlocked all of the survivor ones but only read a few. Killer I've read couple online. Overall haven't been impressed with the archive lore on the survivors/killers. The Legion one was so cringey that I stopped bothering to read the lore they put out. Nurse I only read to see what everyone was fussing about and made me glad I had stopped.

  • Member Posts: 618

    I only have interest in lore for Talbot Grimes (The Blight) and The Observer, as they are the two characters atm that have meaningful lore or remotely eye catching stories. Every other Archive entry beside them is filler that adds more depth to respected characters. Crossing my fingers they are exclusively showing more Blight lore this October.

  • Member Posts: 4,092


  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I only did for a handful of characters who I was really interested in like Dweet, Hillbilly, Wraith, Hag etc. Others I glossed over and just watched their videos like Yui and Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I used to. I wanted to finish Claudette's but the challenges for her were difficult.

  • Member Posts: 631

    I do, personally i love how dbd is expanding the lore. DBD's lore left much to be desired when the game first came out. I wanted to know more than just "sacrifice for spoder god."

    I just wish the observer's story was in chronological order. Bit annoying having to piece that together chronologically across all tomes.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I do. The lore is part of the reason I play this game.

    The early archives are poorly written, but I feel it has improved over time, as has the narrator. They're not for everyone though, which is fine, and you'll sometimes have missteps like Legion's archive, but they're usually decent for the most part. Not good per say, but decent.

    Having said that, the Observer storyline feels like unneeded filler, so I generally look at it, then forget about it until the next challenge.

  • Member Posts: 75

    No I am not interested in the lore whatsoever to be honest but I appreciate that they put effort into it because there are people who do enjoy it.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I love reading the archives, though the last one was a bit meh. Still havent done that many challenges for this tome so cant read this one.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I only watch the little cutscene things. I've never read any of the archive lore.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I love reading the stories behind the characters, though the arcus/Observer stories are too disjoint and abstract for my taste and I'm not very interested in them. I'm more interested in the Fog as a world the characters dynamically inhabit than I am it as a cosmic multiversal murder soup.

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