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General Discussions

Is it just me or has the # of gen-rush groups exponentially grown lately?

Over roughly the past month, I'd say 4-5 games a night, I run into these groups, SWF or not, that seem hellbent on rushing gens and escaping to the point that there's really very little reason to actually play the game. There's no one person trying to give chase the whole game, there's no one person getting hooked for the unhook points, nothing. These people simply hide with their little claudettes and iron wills and whatever and literally make it a point to spam every gen I'm NOT checking. I can check a gen, find it dead, move on to the next and 40 seconds later the old gen is popped.

These people aren't getting any points outside of the objective, so they're safety pipping at best in most cases, and on the rare occasion I do hook one of them, they D/C instantly, usually followed shortly by 1 or more of the others. I really don't understand the point of playing the game this way. It's a bit like playing Monopoly, hitting Park Place and Boardwalk on the first turn around the board, and then quitting the game. Why even spend the time? I just don't get it.

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  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Is this with all killers or do you main one/a select few?
  • Member Posts: 76

    @The_Crusader said:
    Is this with all killers or do you main one/a select few?

    I main huntress, but I also play pig, clown, spirit and occasionally myers/leatherface/billy. I encounter these groups regardless of the killer I'm playing, but I'll say huntress since she's 70% of my games.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    Is this with all killers or do you main one/a select few?

    I main huntress, but I also play pig, clown, spirit and occasionally myers/leatherface/billy. I encounter these groups regardless of the killer I'm playing, but I'll say huntress since she's 70% of my games.

    Oh. Gonna say Pig, Clown, Leatherface are known for getting gen rushed.

    Billy and Spirit are good. Not sure about Huntress, some people rate her highly, me personally I rate her mid.

    Try using Billy more. Get a lot of experience with him and it keeps happening.

    Honestly being good in chases isn't enough. You walk to gen, survivor sees you and starts runninf, yoi slowly catch up, you hit them, they speed burst away, you hit them again, they go down, you hook them and then you slowly waddle across the map to find a new target.

    All of that takes time and gens get done. You need 2 hooked at once, or 1 hooked and 1 down.

    This is why Billy is good. You instadown survivors so you end the chase before it even begins. You then zoom across the map and find a new target in seconds.

    It sounds to me like you need more pressure. You need the survivors so overwhelmed that they're forced to come off gens. Billy can do that, some killers can't.

    Dont be afraid to change target mid-chase if a new survivor is right next to you. The other will still have to heal. Or give them a quick slap to injure them and then carry on chasing the first guy.

    Try slugging too. If theres an unhook you can slug the injured guy and then chase down the healthy guy. This will force someone off a gen to go heal the slugged guy off the ground.

    Also avoid bad areas. Some areas just aren't worth it  like the inside of Crotus Penn. Or smash a pallet and then find a new survivor.

    Dont get me wrong gens do go very fast. Can be 2 gone before you even hook someone, especially if DS comes into play. Thats why the tier list exists. You need a killer who can ddown survivors so fast they can't keep up.
  • Member Posts: 43

    Hopefully the developers actually fix the game, in terms of gen completion time before adding new cash cows.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:

    I have 1500 hours in this game. Not as much as some, but more than a lot, I'd reckon. I know billy has better map pressure. This isn't really about map pressure. What I'm suggesting is that either an overall evolution in strategy or a dreadful run of bad luck is leaving me with the impression that doing gens has become less of an obstacle than it ever was before and nobody seems interested in doing anything BUT gens. I don't get the point of playing survivor if your only goal is to do the primary objective and run. You're missing out on well over half the game play with that mentality.

  • Member Posts: 1,911
    Personally I gave up on playing low mobility killers for this reason it's not that im trying to 4 k every game I'm more then happy to 2k or 1k. But this is sort of hard to do when survivours keep picking coldwind farm map offerings and are throwing on 4x adrenaline and on average 2x ds. Which ya with killers like billy nurse spirit isnt that bad. However whenever I play immobile killers catching up to these survivours is a massive problem.

    So to compete you often have to hard patrol the area and try and eliminate a player early to slow down the game this kind of gameplay bores me. Red ranks is a really bad place to play these type of killers at least early in the season things are gradually improving as more weaker survivours are ranking up currently but mobility is massively important if you want to compete against solid players. 

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