Chapter:Dark Influences(W.I.P)

DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
edited September 2021 in Creations

Killer:The Caretaker

Lore:An Orphan named Henry Norman lived in a Orphanage in Scotland were Caretakers were People who worshiped the Entity,that would Sacrifice the Orphans to Entity.Henry was a different from the other Children,while the were Outside playing he would be stay Inside & he would be inside reading Book.His Anti-Social Behavior typically caused the Caretakers to talk to him,& in turn those Caretakers took a liking to him.They started to teach him about the Entity,Henry became Fascinated with the Entity.On one Faithful Day,during Nighttime Henry woke up from the Sound of Screaming.He looked for the Source of Screaming which lead to the Library,more specifically from the Wall,but there no Door only a Bookcase.He was stumped,so he went to take a book & go read himself a bedtime story but the Book he took out opened a Secret Passage.He went through the Passage & down there he saw the Caretakers sacrificing an Orphan causing him to gasp,which in turn got him caught.When he got caught he was going to be sacrificed to the Entity but the rejected him.The Caretakers took this as sign that Henry is Special & then started to teach Henry in the ways of the Caretakers.When he grew up he would become the Headmaster & gained the Book of Entity.


115% Killer

36 Meters Terror Radius

Height Average

Power:The Book of The Entity

Base Charges:60

Damaging a Survivor gives back 10 Charges

Demonic Slash(Like Reinhardt's Fire Strike)

Charge up a the Demonic Slash,that goes through Walls,it can be Aimed Up or Down

-It uses 15 Charges to use a Demonic Slash

-It moves 130% speed

-Hitting a Survivor gives back those 15 charges

Entity Grasp(Like Echos Focus Beam)

Make a beam,that slowly drains the Survivor health,when it connects with the survivor

-Survivors in contact with the beam gains the Hindered Status Effect

-It uses 6 charges a seconds

-It takes 5 seconds of contact charges to damage a survivor

Ghost Kids

Around the Map 5 Ghost Kids will Spawn & wander around,they do Different Things based on their Mood.The killer can destroy by hitting Ghost gives back 15 charges.

Happy:When the Trial starts all Ghost start off Happy,Happy Ghost do Nothing but wander

Playful:When a survivor gets Near a Happy Ghost they Become playful,the Ghost will hide nearby

Sad:If the Survivor does not find the Ghost within 30 seconds they become Sad & the aura of the Ghost will be revealed.Survivors near a Sad Ghost gains the Oblivious Status Effect & is revealed by Killer Instinct.The killer destroying a Sad Ghost reveals the Aura of all Survivors for 7 seconds

Angry:After Ghost is Sad for 30 seconds it becomes Mad & will go after the Survivor that made him Made.It moves at 115% & goes through walls if the Ghost starts a chase with a survivor it loses the ability to go through walls.If the Ghost touches the survivor,they will Scream gain the Exposed & Oblivious status effect for the next 60 seconds.Destroying Angry Ghost gives back 60 charges

Joyful:If the Survivor finds the Playful Ghost,they become Joyful will follow the Survivor & give them a 5% speed increase on all Actions for 30 Seconds,after the 30 seconds they Become happy



Your time working with Children causes you to know things like this

When the Hex is Up all healing takes 40/45/50% Longer,their Aura is Revealed to you whenever they Heal.When an Injured Survivor starts to cleanse a Hex their aura is revealed

"Come little one,wheres the BooBoo"Caretaker Erin

Friendly Face

You know how to hide your true intentions

Each time you hook your Obsession , you gain 1 Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens.When a Survivor rescues the Obsession from the Hook, that Survivor will become the new Obsession.All accumulated Tokens are lost when Obsession is sacrificed or killed.

1 Tokens

  •  Terror Radius no longer gets Intense when Close

3 Tokens

  • Terror Radius is lowered by 8 Meters

5 Token

  • Your Aura cannot be Revealed by Survivors

"You can Trust me it is our Good Intentions to take care of you"Caretaker Elie


You know how to get Information you need,even when they are Scared of you

When hitting the Obsession,the Aura of all survivors are Revealed to you for the next 5 seconds

This perk has a 60/45/30 second cooldown

"Tell me little one,you wont be punished as much if you tell me who else did it"Caretaker Diane

Survivors:James Blunt & Hannah Norman

Iridescent Skin:Monroe for James Blunt(Obtained by Buying DLC)

James Lore:An Australian,who at birth was Abandoned by his Parents,who was later adopted by abusive family.They James become Bitter & out of Touch with others & became hunter isolated from others,until he befriended another hunter named Monroe.They were the best of Friends & James only friend.James only trusted Monroe & not others which lead to the discussion of them living started to live together,which lead them to eventually they moved to Scotland.In Scotland there relationship Grew & started having feelings for each other & wanted to settle down & have kids.One night James & Monroe went to Orphanage to adopt a Kid,but a Fog came in consumed them,when the Fog Cleared they arrived at an Orphanage but not the one they were heading to.

Hannah Lore:The Brother Henry,Hannah & Henry were born here in this Orphanage,they are child of the Caretakers of Erin & Diane.Hannah & Henry were Polar Opposites,while Hannah was an Extroverted Energetic Child,unlike her Brother who was Introverted Bookworm Child,their Polarizing Personalities typically caused them to constantly bicker with each other,but that would not stop them from always making-up.One Specific Night,Hannah had a Nightmare of this Spider Like Creature which caused her to Wake Up to the sight of Henry Missing.She went looking for him,which lead her to the Library.In the Library there was an Opening which she Entered & Saw Henry being Sacrificed.She sightly Gasped,causing one of the caretakers to investigate the noise.Hannah quickly bolted away & a chase ensued but she was able to leave the Orphanage,she ran far into the Woods but was still chased.The chase ended when she Trip & fell off of a High Ledge & landed Head-first.She woke Up in a Hospital but doesn't remember anything.After being better she was Sent to a Different Orphanage & years later she got Adopted.Growing Up in a New Family helped her Jog her Memory,when she remembered everything she told the police about whats happening there,which caused an investigation but they found nothing.Hannah wanted to bring them to justice so she decided get evidence.As she approach the Orphanage a fog came in.

James Perks


You know that the World is a Dangerous Place & so to combat this Danger you are Prepared.

When entering a Trial,start the Match with a Random Common/Uncommon/Rare Item that has both Add-On spaces filled.if you brought an item this Item will spawn under you

At the End of the Match escaping with the Item 2x the blood-points gained.

"In the Outback being Prepared or Not-Prepared is Life or Death"James Blunt


You know how to work with what you got

Gain the ability to search the remains of broken Pallet.The Perk activates after 5/4/3 Searches

Once per Trial,go the remains of a Pallet & rebuild it to its dropped position

"Living in the Outback teaches you to be resourceful"James Blunt

Self Reliance:

You can do this by yourself,but help is always Appreciated

When you are unhook a the Obsession or Unhooked by the Obsession the Perk activates

Once a in Trail,If injured & While repairing a Generator you will start to fill your Health Bar(16,24,32 seconds of gen repair)

"Don't worry about me,worry about yourself"James Blunt

Hannah Perks


You have been through worse,this will not stop you

Once per Trial.When downed,use the activate ability button to instantly pick yourself up & gain the Broken Status Effect for 120/150/180 &,gain 150% movement speed for 3 seconds.This Perk will add one hook state towards you.cannot be used on death hook.

"Another Day,another Chance to Escape"Hannah Norman


They wont stop you from escaping

Start the Trial with 3 Token

Within 8 Meters of an Blocked Object,the perk activates,for the next 7/8/9 seconds you can interact with blocked item caused by Perks.

"I will escape & nothing can stop me"Hannah Norman


You have the supernatural ability to know things that you don't quite understand

When vaulting a Pallet or Window,the auras of pallets,vaults,or survivors within 24 Meters are revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds

"Henry i had a Nightmare where this Spider like thing was after me"Hannah Norman

Map:Orphange of the Lost,Realm:Red Forest


Red X=Exit Gate Spawns

Blue Square=Shack

White Lines=Walls/Fences

Black Line Under Locations=Standard Loops

White Line Under Locations=New Loops

Orphanage Floor One

Brown Box=Chest Spawn

Yellow Lines=Stairs

Blue Box=Pallets Spawn

Red Box=Breakable Walls Spawn

Gray Box=Vaults

Orange X=Generator Spawn

Orange Box=Basement Spawn

Orphanage Floor Two

Brown Box=Chest Spawn

Yellow Lines=Stairs

Blue Box=Pallets Spawn

Red Box=Breakable Walls Spawn

Gray Box=Vaults

Orange X=Generator Spawn



Brown Box=Chest Spawn

Blue Box=Pallets Spawn

Red Box=Breakable Walls Spawn

Gray Box=Vaults

Orange X=Generator Spawn

Post edited by DarkMagik on


  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Killer Perks

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Survivor Perks,changed Power,& tittle

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    Ability: very interesting, something completly new, i would like to see it in-game

    Perks: Hex: BooBoo - very cool

    Timeout - I dont like this perk, its frustrating for the survivor and doesnt really benefit you

    Snitch - pretty cool, but why is the cooldown higher on level 3 than on level 1? this makes no sense

    Prepared - useless

    Scavange - unhealthy for the game (+ again why is it harder to activate when its level 3, this makes no sense)

    Self Reliance - why? this perk sucks, even self care is better than this one

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Changed perks added survivor lore

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Changed perks & changed Survivors Lore

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Quotes & changed Angry Ghost

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Map Layout

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Orphanage Layout

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Added Survivor Hannah Norman

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I bookmarked this last night but didn't comment because I needed to sleep for work.

    But, holy hell. This is a lot of work, it's impressive. There are a few things that are a bit wonky here and there, but lordy lord this is awesome