I wish there was a viable third generator regression option to Ruin and Pop

Don't get me wrong, I like Surge (possibly too much) but it just really doesn't hold a candle to either of the two giants of regression. And it's probably the best of its kind.
-Oppression - Lack of information on what generators got hit, hefty cooldown, gen kick requirement and pitiful base regression make this underwhelming.
-Overcharge - Useless against players at purple ranks or above.
-Eruption - 90 second cooldown, basic attack requirement on a down, the need to kick each gen individually while off cooldown, all for a measly 6% regression. Could be decent if tweaked, but definitely not in its PTB state.
-Surveillance - One of my favourite perks but not really a gen slowdown perk, more of a tracking perk.
Are there any others I'm missing? Besides Corrupt, but calling it a gen slowdown perk is iffy at best, more like an early game slowdown and borderline tracking perk. I just wish there was a good third option - it doesn't need to synergise with Ruin or Pop or anything. And yes, you do need slowdown at higher levels, I wouldn't really call this negotiable.
There's more than enough gen slowdown option in the game as it is. People already fill their loadouts with nothing but gen regression and slow down to their detriment. If you think you need more than 1 gen slowdown in any given build then you're doing something wrong and should re-evaluate how you play a match because you're trying to put a square block into a round hole.
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That was constructive
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That’s a bold statement to make. Why would you ever put all of the gen regression in the hands of a single totem; especially with counterforce coming out soon.
Pop is trash on a ton of killers because you will frequently have to make the decision to actually use the perk or to get the pressure you need by chasing the survivor off of it. Pop hardly keeps the gens under control by itself, 20 seconds off a gen is nothing. Especially when it take can take you 10-20 seconds to even go out of your way to use it.
And if you go into a match without either, the gens are done in 4-5 minutes by a good team. If you are not playing a strong killer and can get looped for a minute or two not having ruin can be condemning because you will never catch back up in pressure and are immediately relegated to hard tunneling a single survivor or trying to cling to a 3 gen.
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I think at this point it's really really hard to design a new decent slowdown perk that doesn't become broken/too oppressive with other perks and killers
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I wouldn’t look at Oppression as a regression perk. It’s more of an info perk for high mobility killers. I.e. you’ll know where to rush next upon a failed skill check.
Yeah, Overcharge needs some love. It’s really only viable on Doc, same way Hoarder is only viable on Twins. Again, think of Overcharge as more of an info perk.
Honestly I don’t think we’ll see anything as powerful as Ruin or Pop ever again because of the risk of power creep (stacking). Dead Man’s Switch can potentially be very strong UNDER the right circumstances, but even that could use some buffs/tweaks.
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I personally love Dying Light and think most people sleep on this one.
The only issue is I seem to always find the obsession first...
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I honestly wish killers weren’t so dependent on running gen regression perks. I’d like to have a good variety of builds without feeling helpless doing so.
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BHVR doesn't want more viable options. Survivors already complain about Pop and Ruin being used together, even though they literally have an anti-synergy.
Who cares about diverse gameplay? The survivor mains might have to learn about another perk that does something of value for a side they'll never play. Imagine the outrage it would cause! The money that would be lost!
Also, it's nice to see someone else who actually uses Surveillance.
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Another viable option? So we can throw in another big slowdown into the current forever builds?
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Running the same regression perks does get old. It would be nice of there was more variety of perks in that category. I think the problem is that ruin is too strong of a regression perk for them to be able to make another equally strong regression perk. If one existed and people ran them all together it could be really unbalanced. They would have to make it such that the mechanic of the new perk doesnt synergize with ruin but does with other perks.
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I really hope they don't add another one. Last thing I want is games where the killer has Ruin, Pop and another meta slowdown perk on that level.
At that point it would be overkill
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Hear me out; nearly every killer that's playing "serious" will have a gen slowdown perk. Just like how nearly every "serious" survivor will have an Exhaustion perk. In the past, Devs said that the reason why so many of the gen slowdown perks were weak was because of the possibility of stacking multiple ones.
Why not add an Exhaustion-like status affect (shared cooldown) to Slowdown perks to deter stacking them, then buff the really crappy slowdown perks to be on par with Ruin, Pop, etc?
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Dying Light would be decent if they removed the extra action speed for the obsession. Such a stupid decision to keep that part of the perk when they reworked it.
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Unironically one of the best ideas on this forum
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Hell nah....
Your idea is to basically nerf the current stronger slowdown perks so that you can buff the weak slowdown perks to be as bad as the new nerfed slow down perks? You should work for a korean dev studio.....1 step forward and 2 steps back is their go to for development.
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I think it's more so to tone down stacking potential like the DS nerf.
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Surge absolutely is a good alternative on most killers. It's much better than Pop, thats for sure, because you have to take into account the time you've wasted in order to physically use a perk. Surge doesn't waste any.
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Surge has potential too but only on chase based M1 killers like clown or slinger imo
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All that idea would do is remove slowdown stacking, which is something that isn't even good to begin with and exists purely to make it easy to kill average players.
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I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "Why would you ever put all the gen regression in the hands of a single totem." It sounds like suggesting that I meant to incorporate all the various gen slowdowns into ruin which is not what I meant so I'm going to assume that you meant more along the lines of 'Why would you only want 1 gen slowdown in your build?' and I'll answer that question. If I'm wrong in this assumption please clarify. There's a ton of perks out there that alter what you can do in a match. If you focus your perks and addons for a specific function you become exceptionally good at that 1 thing allowing you to effectively master it. If you do that with gen slowdowns then you'll extend the length of the game for sure and that may be enough to get you the win that you're after but you'll have a harder time in chases, you'll have a harder time doing mind games or tracking or locating survivors. In general the survivors will have an easier time bullying you in those chases because they'll be making their builds around a variety of things to do, while you are hyper focused on just this one individual thing of slowing down the gens. As a killer you are playing against 4 other people that's 4 opportunities for a build that will counter you. If you hyper focus on a single element of the game like gens you are more likely to run into players that will take advantage of your weaknesses. When you spread out your build more you have more tools at your disposal for applying pressure, giving survivors other things to do than gens, and opportunities to end chases quicker meaning you need less time. Overall I find that too many killers focus on trying to get their 4 kill without giving up a single generator. That's pretty hardcore of an objective. I mean you have 5 generators worth of time to kill up to 4 people and you don't even need to kill everyone to have a good match. Treat the time as a resource not as your only tool, manage it. You don't need to try to give yourself infinite time that's ridiculous because there's only so many bloodpoints you can earn in a given match. If you cap out your points in 20 minutes why spend another 30 minutes drawing out the game with gen regression because you haven't gotten your kills yet? There's a point where it's time to move on and get to another match and managing your time in a match a much better option than sacrificing everything else to maximize it.
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Oops, yeah. Surge is good. Better than is given credit anyway.
I’m a bit naughty and stack Overcharge, Oppression, and Surge on Doc. I rarely lose.
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The issue with Dying light is before you can get any significant value the game will be over. Its more of a win more perk
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Many fail to see the bigger picture with Dying Light. It can be an incredibly oppressive anti-heal and slugging tool when paired with Sloppy.
Yeah, the Obsession is granted an altruism bonus, but that kind of relegates the Obsession into a forced position of babysitting everyone once Dying Light gains significant power late game, instead of helping with gens as much as they should because they don’t get the penalty.
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You just said above “if you need more than 1 gen regression perk you are doing killer wrong”
And I’m saying why would you only use 1 when the best gen regression perk in the game is liable to be dead in under 20 seconds, and half the killer roster doesn’t have the mobility to take advantage of pop?
Most killer perks are hot garbage so there’s no reason not to run multiple gen perks. Because those are the ones that will help you win the most. It’s like hmmm I can save .2 seconds off kicking a pallet or I can have a perk that buys me an entire extra minute to play hmmm which to bring.
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Eruption is so frustrating to me. Looked like a really well designed regression perk but in the end it has so many downsides and restrictions, as if the devs were so incredibly afraid of making it strong, I really hope it will receive some buffs when going live tomorrow.
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While No Way Out on paper looks like a bad perk, it's actually not as bad as I thought. In fact, it's become a staple to my Clown build.
It's kind of a slowdown perk if you think about it. Even if you complete the last gen, you still have to wait 42 seconds in order to open an exit gate. Unfortunately it still has its downsides, but it's come in clutch for me a lot of times.
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I think ruin and PGTW is enough.
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Personally, I'm pretty okay with our current gen regression perks. I think it's hard to be at Ruin or Pop level, while not being overbaring to play against. (Which, let's be real, Ruin and Pop can be hard for solo teams to play against sometimes- depending on totem spawns and how hard a killer defends a 3 gen- but the two both have viable counters.)
Personally, I actually like running Thana with Sloppy for general regression. Sure, it doesn't regress gens immediately or anything, but I like that you do get rewarded for playing well, and that there's a risk-reward aspect for the Survivor- Spend the time healing up, giving the Killer more time but making the slow-down not so bad and regaining a health state, or try and sit on gens at 1 health state with slower gen speeds.
Idk, I'm weird with straight gen regression perks as a whole.
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Gen slow down perks:
Corrupt Intervention: Good but if you run Hex perk survivor have a much better chance at finding them early,
Dead Man Switch: Only work when you hook the obsession & block gen if survivor stop repairing for a max of 45s. Way too situational to be viable. I don't really know what to do with it to make it viable/meta.
Eruption: Doesn't really work well with M1 killer & you need to kick ton of gen & it have a very long cooldown. This perk really stink. I'd give it 20% faster kicking gen with synergy with Brutal Strength only (so could go up to 40% faster kick) with 10% (or heck even 15%) regression. keep in mind survivor can very well know you have that perk and finish the gen before it activate, it need to be strong because of that and the very long cooldown.
Ruin: Obviously good perk, not much to say about it.
Oppression: Kick a gen and up to 3 other a regressing, the huge downfall is the randomness of those gen. If it make gen explode when being worked on I could see the perk being viable as it would give some information. It would make it more decent but honestly I don't see how you can really make it good/strong.
Overcharge: The difficult skill check doesn't do much against half decent survivor & only really work with perk/killer/add-ons that make skill check harder but even then there are better option. I don't really know what to add to make it stronger without making it too similar to other perk. Maybe make the gen explode for 5% when the skill check trigger regardless if the survivor miss, hit a good or great skill check and increase the sound of kicked gen by 8meters for 2min. I think that could make it viable.
PGTW: Counter gen tapping suck on most killer. Don't get me wrong, it's good with mobility killer but awkward to run with killer who don't have mobility. Maybe buffing it to 25% or 30% with a 30 or 45 second cool down could solve the issue? The cool down would prevent huge snowball effect when downing survivor quickly & the boosted reduction give you more reason to go out of your way and kick a gen instead of chasing a survivor.
Surge: Heavily map dependent, if it exploded the 3 closest gen with a 10% regression I'd see it as a viable option. At best you'd get 20% regression as I don't see why 3 gen next to each other would be worked on.
Thrilling Tremors: Block generator not being worked on is nice but why on earth world more than 1 gen have progression and not be worked on as you pick someone? It also prevent gen regression so completely destroy any synergy with other regression perk. Maybe buffing it to 25second could make it viable with some play style.
Break any synergy they could have unless if there should be a synergy (like Eruption) and killer would have a great variety of gen regression. Some stats might seem too strong, I didn't put too much thought on the overall balance but that's how I think each regression perk could be buffed to add more variety into the game.
Other perk that affect gen progression/game progression:
Dying Light: Being a snowball perk is fine with me but there's just too much stack needed. To make it viable on it's own you need to buff it but if you do so you might want to prevent killer from also having any of the pure gen slowdown perk & Thanatophobia as it would have some nasty synergy. Get rid of the obsession's bonus, 8 stacks of 4% debuff and prevent/deactivate any other slowdown perk.
Thanatophobia: A bit like Dying Light. Kill every synergy with other slowdown perk & buff it to 6% or 7% slowdown.
Slowdown perk are obvious a big deal and like exhaustion perk I think it's fair to only have 1 per match but for that most of them need slight/medium buff & break 99% of the synergy they can have. It's the only way I can see them be more viable and not OP.
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It's hard for them to make new slowdown perks because you can stack them too much. Thana isn't a great perk, but if you buff it too much it can become oppressive when combined with Ruin and Pop.
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Not directly a gen slowdown perk, but sloppy butcher actually pairs pretty well with ruin/pop if you're having a bunch of fast games. Doesn't work on certain killers, but most killers can always get value out of it. If they spend time healing, that gives ruin and pop more value. If they don't heal, you can punish that decision
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That's why they should kill most synergy and buff most of them. It would give us more variety without making them too strong.
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This. I love DL with sloppy/thana on my Legion. Easy games that you dont have to sweat. Just turn off your brain and chill
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Corrupt intervention