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Worst Map on Dbd? (In Your Opinion)

Member Posts: 2,340


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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Dead Dawg Saloon.

  • Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2021

    It's either Wrecker's Yard or Rotten Fields. Both of those maps are horrible.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Midwich in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited June 2021

    Lerys, gameplay wise. One of the best maps for survivor to hold shift + w on. Good luck tracking and keeping up, especially as a 110% killer. Half the game you'll probably be trying to initiate a chase. I also really dislike it as survivor when going against stealthy killers or e.g. tinkerer. With no Spinechill, the killer will usually get a free hit/down and there's nothing I can do about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Honestly, Midwich period.

    Its aesthetically pleasing, and that is all.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Hawkens hate this map as killer hate is as survivor. Never queue up for killer any more but when I do I got to AFK on Hawkens to keep myself from having to camp survivors to apply any pressure on this boring map.

  • Member Posts: 1,400


    Sanctum of Wrath is moving up there with how often I play it tho

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    dead dawg saloon is terrible I don't see a whole lot of people like this map tbh

  • Member Posts: 176

    The new one, after that hawkins.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Well of all times me and you have played here are the worst maps (for survivor)

    • Midwich. Needs no explanation.

    • Shelter Woods aka boulders and trees the map.

    • Rotten Fields. I mean it isn’t bad but it’s nothing but open corn. So killers like Oni, Blight, and Huntress have a field day.

    Every other map is fine except I personally hate the other three indoors maps but The Game is chock full of safe pallets. Lery’s has good pallets and is vault heaven. Hawkins is uhhh....not the worst map ever? But it’s so boring because all the pallets are unsafe so you just pre drop them.

    I know that @Cornpopers_Evan will say that he LOVES Haddonfield though. Best map ever.

  • Member Posts: 9,702


    It's the only map that I hate playing on both sides about equally.

  • Member Posts: 353

    I know people want to say Haddnofun, but I believe the Game is the worst map. You will never lose as survivor on that map if your good. Every pallet besides 2 are God Pallets, and have no feedback. It's boring on both sides and is in desperate need of a change.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Hawkins. Outside of aesthetics, it is by far the worst map imo.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    “boulders & trees the map”

    I swear that sounds like a movie title that will trigger every fiber of my being.

  • Member Posts: 21,212



    The Game


    Dead Dawg

  • Member Posts: 392


  • Member Posts: 1,521


  • Member Posts: 8,266

    3 original realms with no main building: Shelter wood, Rot field, Wreck yard

  • Member Posts: 43

    Lery's. I just HATE it

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Springwood & its 5 abominations

  • Member Posts: 6,829

    Haddonfield by far.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Red Forest. I'm one of the few who seem to truly disdain this map.

  • Member Posts: 53


  • Member Posts: 2,336

    All the Nightmare On Elm Street maps. If I get them my fun drops to zero and usually that's my last game.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Shelter Woods is probably the worst map in my books. There are at least things I can admire about Haddonfield, The Game, Coldwind, etc; even if I think their gameplay is frustrating, they have incredible aesthetics, or a solid concept, or something creative that makes playing on them distinct. Shelter Woods is just... a combination of bad playability and profound laziness. There's nothing to this map. Just a ton of dead zones with the same trees and copy-pasted structures. Wrecker's Yard and Rotten Fields are also very bad maps nearly on par with its awfulness - without a main building, there isn't much reason for them to exist compared to their brother maps - but Rotten Fields at least offers survivors somewhere to hide in its giant dead zone and Wrecker's Yard doesn't have the same cross-map visibility to complement its lack of pallets.

  • Member Posts: 788

    Midwich and the game tied for worst. Haddonfield close second

  • Member Posts: 193

    Backwater, specifically Grim Pantry.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    Hawkins. Remove that #########

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Or what my friends @Cornpopers_Evan & @MegMain98 like to call it:

    Grim Panties.

    I also don’t care for this map either.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Midwich and Shelter Woods IMO

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Dead Dawg sucks for survivors, Haddon field (tho twins is good on this map, same with lerys, mid, hawk. twins is good on this maps)

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Azarovs and swamp

  • Member Posts: 536


    Every other map in the game has a decent amount of meaningful interaction between the survivor and killer, if I'm sent to Haddonfield sure I'm not thrilled but I'm being challenged and I'm interacting with the game. Midwhich is two stories of glorified square that results in not only some of the longest traversal times of any map, but also some of the most thrilling chases too.

    An argument could be made that some of the side rooms have some decent pallets that aren't worse than Hawkins or The Game, but it's in the survivors best interest to just run the halls as long as possible and briefly come into a side room to make distance and start the cycle again which makes playing against a good team on Midwhich a blast. When you get a group of players that just want to have fun it's not too terrible but I would still prefer any other map over it.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    All of the indoor maps. Absolutely hate them and I play the game less because they keep adding them.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Haddonfield, but....


    I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as it’s made out to be. Bad. But not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Rotten Fields.

    Haddonfield may suck more to play, but Rotten Fields is the most bland map with zero interesting things AND it sucks to play. At least Haddonfield is unique and memorable since it's from Halloween.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    The Game. I hate it as both survivor and killer. Hated it before rework and still hate it after rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,201
    edited June 2021

    As killer I would love to walk b line it straight to where an aura is. In Hawkins you have to go around over under zip zag and hope the aura isn't exactly where you just started. Now you gotta do all that walking again. And as a survivor I feel the same like can we please not have to be in a rng maze anymore please??

    I'm getting pretty sick of these doors blocked off with generators and breakable walls too. I feel like these should be much more easily destructible by both sides before anyone can think of having fun in these god awful indoor atrocities.

  • Member Posts: 1,985


  • Member Posts: 320

    Coal Tower. I consistently have horrific RNG there, with nothing but strong tiles in braindead link patterns. Yesterday, it spawned 5 windows in a straight line. No prizes for guessing where the survivors went every single time.

  • Member Posts: 5,279


  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Shelter woods and Rot fields - boring and no features. Both need deleting and new variants made.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Either the Sheltered Woods of the Rotten Fields, because they're both so bland and uninspired. It's not exciting to play either as killer or survivor.

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