Patch notes are up (changes from PTB)
- Demogorgon add-on "Lifeguard Whistle" now reduces detection range from the portal by 1 meter.
- Demogorgon add-on "Barb's Glasses" bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%).
- Demogorgon add-on "Black Heart" bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%).
- Demogorgon add-on "Vermillion Webcap" bonus undetectable duration increased to 3 seconds (from 1 second).
- Demogorgon add-on "Rat Tail" bonus increased to 35% (from 25%).
- The perk "Franklin's Demise" will no longer destroy items. Instead, it will drain charge from items over time and leave them empty.
- Increased the duration of the perk "Lucky Break" to 40/50/60 seconds (up from 35/40/45).
- Readjusted maximum turn rate per frame during Blight’s rush at large look angles.
- Killer - The Nemesis
- Zombies respawn every 45 seconds (was 30 seconds) when destroyed by Survivors.
- Zombies spend a maximum of 1.5 seconds in idle before starting to patrol (was up to 3 seconds)
- Zombie audio range extended to 6 meters (was 5 meters)
- Zombies now shrink their collision when blinded, allowing survivors to move past them in small areas
- Hitting a Contaminated survivor with Tentacle Strike increases Mutation Rate (the same amount as hitting a zombie)
- Perk - Lethal Pursuer
- Duration increased to 7/8/9 seconds (was 5/6/7 seconds)
- Perk - Hysteria
- Triggers when healthy survivors are is put into the injured state by any means (previously triggered only by basic attacks)
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 60 seconds)
- Perk - Eruption
- Triggers when survivors enter the dying state by any means (previously triggered only by basic attacks)
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 90 seconds)
- Incapacitated duration increased to 12/14/16 seconds (was 10/12/14 seconds)
Seems like reasonable nerfs to the zombies to make them less annoying on indoor maps. They also got rid of being able to completely deny T3 for Nemesis and buffed all of his perks (really, 2/3rd of his perks were better on different Killers since they required M1 to activate). Thoughts?
Demogorgon got nerfed. Lol.
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I like the changes to the timers. Very nice. I just hope the Zombie hits count as "basic attacks" and arent considered something else...
Very nice and fair changes to the zombies for survivors too in my opinion but can imagine it causing some typical BHVR problems with "shrink their collision" rather than removing it entirely...
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To be honest, some of demogorgon's addons were a bit overtuned. I think he'll be in a good place now.
And why do people say franklin got a nerf? Isn't it a buff? Except for key.
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I'm surprised that Eruption got buffed from being an almost useless perk to a kind of decent perk.
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The nerfs to Demo’s two add ons are a good thing, it’s literally all I’ve seen on every Demo since the change and he has other strong add ons that deserve a chance to shine.
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keys now have no counter, still no key nerf in sight
thanks bhvr!
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Hysteria Ghostface, never get heard all game. Sounds fun!
The real issue is Franklin's Demise not destroying items, it was the only counter to keys and keys don't need charges to open the hatch last i recalled.
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How in the world is that a buff? it's a nerf. it no longer destroys items and removes them from the game entirely. Survivors can go get the item any time; they aren't pressured to get it before it disappears anymore. That's a nerf.
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How is franklins a buff? Before it completely kicked the items in the entitys face, now it only drains them. But yea, lets keep keys how they are.
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It's not the original version.
They heavily buffed the killer perks but left all the survivor perks untouched. Guess I should of expected that already.
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They didn’t just nerf Demos addons, there are also some buffs to other addons..
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Its a nerf because it used to delete the items but also could be seen as a buff becuase if they do pick up the tiem before it would have been deleted it now has way less charges so its kinda both
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Can we talk about how Franklin's, one of the only answers to keys other than just 4x gen slowdown and a meta killer + good addons to make them never get more than 2 gens done, just became useless against keys?
That is absolutely ridiculous. Especially considering how many lobbies I queue into and dodge that have a key. Why has there still not been a placeholder adjustment to hold us over until the "rework" comes in?
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Don't keys have charges too?
Like, the X seconds of use and after that you can't even use them on hatches anymore?
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You can use a key that has no charges
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They buffed all of nemesis perks. Seems fair for the most part. Lucky break was buffed so that's interesting
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The charges only affect the aura-reading addons for keys, but not the ability to open hatch or time the hatch is open…
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The only item that less charges really means much on is Med-Kits since you can deny a full heal by draining a few charges off a med-kit.
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The only use Franklin's had IMO was maybe stopping Keys. Now it doesn't do that anymore.
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They are seriously not listening community again.
We all said Trickster is weak killer in PTB time. And they released him weak.
People keep said T3 is useless and powerless. It is not worth to get it. And again BHVR is not listening fans. Good Job!
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Demo addons nerfed why? He was actually tolerable to play and fun to play against :/
And Franklin's is now garbage. The only reason people uses it was to get rid of keys...
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The reduction to Demo black heart is pretty fair it was a Grey add-on and they buffed the default version of his power anyway, no big loss. People complaining about keys are understandable but the perk screws over every item in the game in its pre-change state. If I could use the original version of Franklins back when Survs had the old Decisive, Mettle, and whatever y'all can adapt to it now lol
Aside from that sounds pretty good, Nemesis's perks got a buff, none of the addons were touched, one of the better PTB to live conversions. Though I don't play Blight enough to have an opinion on his change
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How so?
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Just when you thought keys couldn't get anymore annoying, you can't even get them out the game as killer. Just gotta hope no one picks them up
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I personally bring 16 charges with medkit or 32 charges for 1/2 self heals. One hit on someone with a medkit and you lose 1 full heal chance. So that's a direct nerf to medkits. You recover a toolbox and you will have less charges now but in old case scenario, if you get it before timer runs out you get to keep full charge and "wait..killer has franklins. I'll use all my charges now" will be the mindset.
Besides what's the difference between losing all charges and losing the item altogether except for keys? And keys will eventually get changed so it wouldn't matter in the long run.
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Agreed. I'll adapt by never using it again and running more slowdown, camping and tunneling even harder.
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You can now gain charges to T3 with Tentacle Strikes against Containment survivors (rate is reduced by 1/3 similar as if you hit a zombie). So while T3 may not be stronger, it should be much easier to get to.
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No it isn't, old Franklin's would instantly make you lose X% of its charges upon dropping it, now when you drop it, it will gradually lose charges while on the ground.
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You can return later on the trial to collect it
Say you bring in an event item, you can still collect it later and keep it
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I love this.
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Yes i saw. But again what is point to get T3? 1 meter more range? Not worth it.
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^ this.
The Nerfs to Barbs Glasses and Black Heart are fine. They were his best Add Ons by far and considering that you can get them every game without any problems, a Nerf is fair.
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No more "just bring franklin" argument, i guess.
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Yeah but why would a survivor escaping with an empty item affect you? It's good for both survivor and killer now the way I see it. Besides they only will die trying to collect their item.
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Keys are a symptom of root cause(s) but if you wanna go that way than by all means do it. As for me I find repetition and that mindset very dull and boring
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I’d say a 20% increase in range is a good buff midmatch, would be a decent add on if it was in that form. What is he supposed to get, instadowns with his tentacles, making him the easiest killer to win with?
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Once you hit T3, it's permanent. With the build up from hitting containment survivors, you'll just hit T3 without needing to go out of your way to do so.
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the eruption buff actually seems very interesting. I'm looking forward to trying it out on Blight.
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Honestly was expecting Barb's Glasses and Black Heart to get nerfed, those 2 ran with SF/Enduring and either Bamboozle or Crowd Control essentially left survivors with no way of escaping chases alive
I'd much rather Demo be balanced and fun rather then Overpowered
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Not a fan of the franklin's change.
Kinda wish lethal pursuer had a second effect cause it literally lasts less then 10 seconds.
Other then that seems pretty alright.
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it will take years until they change it, also now countering keys is even harder.
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Same. Super hyped to try it out. Probably won't be even close to the levels of pop or ruin but I'm still interested to give it a go.
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Dude 1 of a Jill weakest perk was pretty much a decisive strike when the killer attempted to kick a generator and that was arguably one of her weakest perks.
What did you want them to heavily Buff from that. make sure it nukes the killer the second I spawn into the map
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Dull and boring? For Survivors yes. But also effective as always.
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I think the buff to lucky break was needed.
The revert-change to franklins, however, was not.
Dont get me wrong, i play solo survivor, and between suicided, dcs and tunneling killers i love my keys. But the killer gives up a perkslot for that, and i think it was just fine.
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You punish those dirty survivors! Use your amazing killer skills to camp and tunnel those survivor's out of the game! These posts are too funny 😂
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1 meter is three feet; more than two pallet lengths combined with its base range. If you can't win with that, you are the problem.
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Only 1 add-on got buffed and its pointless one. Rat tail used to be 50% before it got nerfed to 25%. I am only sad for his barbed glasses change. it was my favorite add-on him :(
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Surge is crying in a corner.
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I mean Franklin's never bothered my swfs team. One of us would bring in a green key and go on and get hit to test out if Franklin's was on the killer. Of so, we just hid the key somewhere. Or sometimes we would immediately hide the key in the beginning 🤷♀️