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Worst Map on Dbd? (In Your Opinion)



  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Pallet Town. People knows this map as The Game. Worst map.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Shelter Woods

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I love Silent Hill, I like how the map looks.

    But, oh my, worst map to play.

  • Member Posts: 67

    Any map where the basement is incredibly hard to find. I mostly play killer, so some maps I haven't bothered to learn where the basement is. Some of them are a little too hard to access too.

    Lerys comes to mind

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Haddonfield, for both survivor and killer. Those fences are awful and this is why i also don't like Badham Preschool that much.

  • Member Posts: 707

    As a survivor main:

    Midwitch. Not only is it a bad design but its so boring to play. Looks good, that's it.

    3(4) ways to get up is waaaaay too little and there are no looping tiles, just a bunch of unsafe pallets and dead end rooms.

    Horrible, just horrible.

    The worst part is playing killer is no better. It takes ages to roam the map and patrol gens.

    This is the last map they made, and the feedback should be enough or them to give up on the indoor maps. But NOPE, here comes another one I just can't stand to play. RE chapter or not, they should at least make it like the police station was the main building and having streets instead of having another indoor map with a roof terrace.

    All other maps are fine for me, both killer and survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Dead dawg saloon - Free win for killers if they play even average

    Midwich - ######### game design

    Swamp maps - Extremely ugly

  • Member Posts: 477

    Lerys, hawkins and the swamp.

  • Member Posts: 116

    For Killer: Haddonfield and rotten fields

    For surv: lerys, midwich and hawkins ( maybe Racoon City PD, we will see)

  • Member Posts: 843

    Shelter Woods really doesn't live up to its name. And it brought some friends: Rotten Fields and Wrecker's Yard. They're all gonna give you a bad time

    Hawkins is the worst though. I really hate that place. Haddonfield is close behind

    Also swamp maps are terrible

    Azarov's Resting Place is 3 gen hell in solo lobby

    Dead Dawg Saloon sucks too

    Lery's is also pretty annoying, but I actually kinda like Midwich even though it's basically 2 donuts stacked on top of each other

    I don't think there are any maps that really make me think "ooh yeah this place" I kinda hate them all but there are some I hate less

  • Member Posts: 443

    Racoon city police station.

  • Member Posts: 443


    I thought I would never see someone complain about that, I also hate them, because they lack from originality.

  • Member Posts: 911

    In what way?

    For survivor, for killer? For a specific killer? My least favourite?

    Be more specific because i have loads of answers

    - Haddonfield is really bad for killers

    - Lerys is bad for survivors, and bad for any mobility killers and ranged killers.

    - Hawkins is bad for killers like huntress and blight

    - Wretched shop is awful for survivors as it spawns massive dead zones.

    - The game is horrible for killer so many safe pallets.

    - Swamp i really dislike as well

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Midwich. Just depressingly crap.

    Not a fan of the swamp either.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Gas Heaven


    Springwood III

    Just joking, all the springwood maps suck.

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    Any indoor map

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Really hard to pick just one. The devs struggle with map design the most.

    - Indoor maps. The gameplay is bad and gets artificially slown down on both sides because of restricted sight. Many killers become pointless. I regret loading up the game any time I get an indoor map on either side.

    -Haddonfield. It's really an indoor disguised as an outdoor map. Fence/hedge rng is absolutely ridiculous.

    -Badham. Way too big. Indoor structures. Boring.

  • Member Posts: 1,836


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  • Member Posts: 375

    Dead Dawg Saloon as a survivor, the map is just too small. 

    The new Coldwind maps as a killer - I just don't see anything on them. 

  • Member Posts: 568

    Midwich map. I hate that map. Dark, so much rooms, can't tell where the gens are, lost about 90% of the time, hard to find hex totems, etc...

  • Member Posts: 1,379
    edited June 2021

    Not counting Haddonfield, probably Dead Dawg Saloon, Mount Ormond, and something something. I love the aesthetic and atmosphere but Saloon is a pretty dull map overall. I've never had any headaches on it like with Mount Ormond its just pretty badly balanced for both surv and killer

    I have a love hate relationship with the swamp maps

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Nobody likes Grim Panties. It’s ugly to look at and it’s poopy to play on. Some of my worst matches have been on that map.

  • Member Posts: 67

    For killers, Haddonfield without an argument. For survivors, Midwich in solo queue.

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