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Patch notes are up (changes from PTB)



  • Member Posts: 22,850
  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Franklins was mostly changed due to Nemesis. With the vaccine being a single use, Franklins effectively destroyed the vaccine completely.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Can't argue that. However I don't enjoy treating the game as a job or becoming a meta slave in order to beat the other meta slaves and argue one is better than the other

    This is my preference and ultimately everyone is free to build however they want its all decided by what one is comfortable with

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Wait. So, no minimum Zombie patrol distance from hooked survivors?

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Franklin's nerf is kind of disappointing. Now survivors won't be rushing back to their key after being unhooked. They can pick it up whenever they feel like it. I feel like this is the point keys should've been nerfed at least a bit. Maybe require charges to open the hatch so Franklin's would still work on it.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I love what they did to Nemesis's perks and I'm very glad they listened to feedback on the cooldowns, but seriously? Franklins nerf while still doing nothing to stop keys? I never ran Franklins, but this is absurd. Meanwhile moris in their current state are still 'toxic' or whatever the hell.

    Seems like they didn't fix zombies' lack of collision when hitting survivors either, so getting stuck in a corner with a zombie is still an unsalvageable situation.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Vermillion Webcap also got buffed. Increases undetectable duration by 3 seconds from 1 second.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    Then why not change the vaccine so it cant be destroyed and or dropped??

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    That makes a little sense but why not make it so Vaccines don’t count as an item. The only items that should count as a item are Toolboxes, Medkits, Flashlights, Flashbangs, Firecrackers, Maps and keys because with those you can leave the match and keep them(except the flash bang?) so they should make it so the vaccine doesn’t count as a item.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Does this mean fireworks won't be destroyed by Franklin's anymore?

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    I believe so yes, for the same reasons - one use item

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    This makes me very happy since those are my favorite item. My swf teammate and I can go back to blinding eachother without killer ruining it. 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    But vaccination isn't even that significant? It's not like Plague; being sick against Nemesis does not have significant downsides beyond the inability to stealth indefinitely (which other killers already have in their basekit, so the removal of the option isn't anything new.) The dominant strategy in the PTB was just to stay sick and ignore it, because it actually denied Nemesis more of his power. Even though that's been fixed in the live update, survivors still aren't hurting very much from remaining sick. They can heal, Nemesis still takes two hits to down them.

    This has much farther-reaching consequences than cutting off a strategy to one killer that wouldn't even be that impactful in the games it was employed. If this was seriously a concern, the team could have made it so that vaccines were unaffected by Franklins and weren't dropped. This just destroyed the only counter to the most broken survivor item in the game. Killers either have to accept that all remaining survivors can up and leave the game early, or dodge the lobby. There's nothing else.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Seems like it, since they don't have charges and that is all that Franklin does now after hitting a survivor, removes charges over time. Which is honestly even more useless than having to camp an item for 90 seconds for it to be not a threat.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited June 2021

    The nerf to Franklin's Demise was unnecessary, since, once you know the killer has it, all you have to do to completely nullify its effect is simply drop the item yourself either during or before an upcoming chase, and as long as you know where you left it, you'll never lose it to FD's effect. It was the EASIEST counter to a perk ever, but I guess the majority of survivors were too smooth brained to figure this out, so the devs (who have a history of overly coddling the players) took away the only tool killers had that could potentially counter the most overpowered items in the game. It also doesn't matter if it drains charges anymore since survivors can just recharge said items by 50% with Built to Last, which was introduced 2 chapters ago, so for the survivors using it, this is now a hard counter to FD.


  • Member Posts: 359
    edited June 2021
    1. It didn't destroy items instantly.
    2. Is being infected truly that big of a deal if you only have 4 chances to remove but, one person can loot all four chests then hide them.
    3. If it's that big of a deal why not make an exception, instead of buffing the most hated part of the game from a killer perspective.
  • Member Posts: 236

    Eventually... they've been saying eventually for a year now. Yet moris are getting their second change in that same time frame. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to change keys. And now with this change, another thing has to be added to them.

    1. An animation for the hatch opening, 3-5 seconds depending on whether pink or purple key. Getting interrupted by hit or grab does not reset progress on opening hatch as key stays in the hatch.

    2. Charges required for key to open hatch. Both keys would need at least half charges to open hatch.

    3. Keys no longer can be found during active trial unless certain criteria is met. I'd say all totems cleansed, at least 2 survivors dead, and only one gen left to fix. All of this plus hatch opening animation creates pressure on the survivor as they take a gamble on if all totems are done and opening that last chest, getting gens done unless they are the last survivor in trial, and then beating the killer to the hatch and opening it before the killer downs them.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yeah its pointless. you hear his footsteps when undetectable and he makes a sound when using portals. if you want stealth add-on, use his iri one that make it silent. I was using the lifeguard whistle for info and barbed glasses. both got weaker. apparently overperforming i guess... even though I don't think i'd win any strong team with him. just anti-fun changes.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    We also said that the perks were too weak, and they buffed all the killer perks. We also pointed out that Nemesis couldn't tear up if all survivors just stayed infected, so they fixed that and Nemesis can get some charge when hitting contaminated survivors as well.

    Don't just cherry pick examples to try and push your "devs don't care" agenda.

    They also buffed Trickster in a following hotfix.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Every time I think about buying a killer, they just confirm why I haven't bought any killers or content since like Clown or Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I'm glad they buffed Lucky Break back close to what it was in the ptb. 120 was too much but 45 was not enough. I feel 60 seconds is good and balanced

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I love the hysteria change. Really looking forward to play with that.

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