Are you happy with the game?

So I know there are many issues with the game, i think most people know this. but how does it affect your time playing?
Do you still want to play the game and have fun? is it mixed? Are you just playing because you dont have anything better at the moment? Or maybe because you hope it will get better because you once really liked it?
Just share your views :)
I would consider myself the last cathegory, i really liked the game and I want it to be good again. But im a ps4 user, and every time the game freezes when i lounge at somebody a little bit of my love for the game breaks apart.
But thats just my view, so go ahead!
No, I am not happy. I play this game for what it once was, not for what it currently is.
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That doesn't sound healthy. If the game doesn't do it for you anymore then no one would blame you for moving on to other things. I myself am cynical of the games future but I just play it for what it is, not what it was. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts eh?
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I don't want to go. I keep the illusion that eventually the game will provide me with the same experience it once did. And I can live with that illusion.
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What do you mean by that? What experience? It is fundamentally the same game no? Are you perhaps referring to Freddy?
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I'm very happy with the gameplay, though some maps and powers definitely need to be looked at and I don't hold out much hope that many of them will ever be addressed, much less in a timely fashion. The game also stutters for me when someone Dead Hards or when I gain Bloodlust, and this is pretty obnoxious and causes me to miss hits. Plus, grabs. Grabs are terrible. Still, these don't break my enjoyment by themselves.
Every single bit of dissatisfaction I get out of this game, and every time I want to turn it off, is the fault of the players, not the game itself. Tons of pointlessly nasty people out there.
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No i got bored off the game now and i spent 99 percent of my time playing other online games instead. I want alot to change but it wont in 1 patch so im just gonna wait an see before debating to get back into dbd as my main
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I am having fun playing the game. I like the licenses and original creations and the overall aesthetic and designs so much!
my main concern is matchmaking though. I am not a pro. Never will be or want to be. Neither on survivor nor killer side. And I am getting matched against way too skilled opponents way too often. So I am looking forward to SBMM finally used permanently.
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It's not the same as when I started playing 3 years ago.
I'm just burnt out I would say.
The only time I get back into playing is when I take long breaks playing other games, and when I do come back I don't stick around long.
I do enjoy playing still, but I just get bored in a couple days of playing. It's fun but it's just the same old song and dance.
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Yeah I’d say this is the best state it’s been in for a while. We finally got a good battle pass, The next chapter looks decent (though I’m not too excited for it myself) and overall balance is very good at least compared to what it was before
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Not really the piss poor attempt at reworking maps is genuinely killing the fun I have with the game
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Not gonna play if i'm not happy with it, so yes, i am.
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Yes! my problem is not the bugs .... my problem is the toxic players! for the rest live dbd!
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No. No I'm not. The Devs have severely neglected killer QoL in favour of making survivor easier and/or more comfortable. The lack of sounds, the jank scratchmarks, the breakable walls, the buffs to already broken maps, the reverted movement change that now makes survivors literally teleport around your screen, the lack of second chance nerfs beyond DS, which had to be complained about for two years, the increase in predropping pallets and holding W, and to top it all off survivors have been getting faster and faster on the gens.
Meanwhile, as some sort of insane way of balancing this game via misery, they keep adding killers with no real counterplay just to drive home the whole predrop-and-W BS.
So on the whole, no, I am not happy with the game. It may be at its most balanced but it's reached its lowest level for fun. And yes, a lot of that is probably stemming from me being forced to play with and against the sweatiest survivors.
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Overall no. To me the game got way more boring since the Billy nerf and it slowly made me quit playing killer entirely because i don't find other killers as fun as old Billy.
I can still have some fun playing a couple of survivor matches every now and then, but i don't have the urge of wanting to boot the game almost every day like i used to at the beginning.
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I would be much happier if:
a) Killer Adepts were just 4ks.
b) There was an offline mode/bots.
c) There were more online modes.
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Freddy is very important, yes, but it goes beyond him. Compare the game now to when I first started playing (2018). It feels like a different game.
And I hate it.
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At the end of the day, i am very happy.
This game is so unique, its got great original characters and some of my favourite licenses.
Yes it has its flaws, but playing this game has been a journey with me and my gf, so its meant alot to me :)
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How do you suggest Behaviour recaptures that feeling you had playing the game back in 2018?
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Other than giving me a time machine? I have no idea.
They would have to revert a lot of changes, and that is just impossible to happen.
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Personally yes, I'm happy with it.
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There's several discord communities that play on old versions of the game such as 1.0.0
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Yeah, I know. I was referring to the live game itself, and what it would take.
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Late 2019/most of 2020 made it very hard to like this game. I thought all chapters outside of Blight were trash from a gameplay/fun standpoint.
Slinger, Twins and PP all coming out in close proximity and being probably the least fun you could ever have as survivor, and also being pretty dull to play was starting to slowly drive me away.
New chapter is the most excited I've been for new content in a few years so I'm hopeful again.
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I love this game and i have a good time.
I want some problems to be addressed and fixed, the usual rant about camping and tunneling and good balancing.
I don't let this bother me but there is no doubt that without this issues the game will be unusual fun for me.