All These People Crying About Franklin's Demise

The majority of you didn't even use Franklin's in the first place. Why you acting like this is going to impact all of your builds that you never made?
Franklin's went from a bad perk to still a bad perk, end of story. Continue on your day running Ruin + Undying
Yep. People who see a Key in a Lobby did not equip Franklins, they just dodged the Lobby. It is just a Nerf nobody will care about in a few Days, but now it has to be the big drama.
I prefer this version of Franklins. I only see that Perk frequently when Survivors are able to obtain Event Items (what a surprise that Killers run Franklins exactly at this time..), so at least there is a higher chance to get this Event Item back now.
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- Most people ran it solely to counter keys. Something that the nerf completely removed.
- Just because you don't like people that care about the balance of the game doesn't give you the right to be condescending about it.
Post edited by Rizzo on37 -
Franklin's was used every time a key was in the lobby for me. I think this change is pretty BS. If they made it to where charges are required for a key to open hatch, fine. But charges aren't required, which is ridiculous itself. So now keys have zero counter. If a key is in your lobby, high chances people are escaping early.
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People DO use it. It's not a meta perk by any means, but it was a nice option to combat the plague that is keys.
I've had several matches where I've got 4k with Franklin's because the survivors simply REFUSED to let their precious keys disappear.
Post edited by Rizzo on15 -
I ran it on Wraith so that I could camp Keys.
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I'm not sure you're one to call out immaturity.
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Takes one to know one right?
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Right. Pluss what if they find a key in a chest, and they don't have franklins it won't matter there. So that means if they see someone equip a key just leave the lobby 🙄 not a big deal.
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And my point is proven. Perhaps you should take some time to chill out.
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Ranks are a poor way to measure skill. It only shows how much time you've spent playing the game. Just because you personally haven't seen people bring Franklins doesn't mean in any way that no one is using it.
I predict this thread is going to be locked soon.
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Killers before Franklin's change: "nah keys op I don't want to use franklins in my build, it's not a counter anyway wahaaa wahha".
Killers after change: "######### bhvr you just took away the only counter to keys that I never used and always pretended wasn't a counter I'm so angry".
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What baffles me is how people are going crazy over the nerfs to Franklins Demise and Demo addons, yet completely ignore the buffs to Nemesis and his perks.
I think this just again goes to show the killer bias on this forum.
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"Oh, such delicious irony"
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That typically happens with any good buffs
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The frustrations come from the fact that keys still wasn't nerfed for almost half a years since the drastic mori changes. Now they're removing one of the only semi-counters to the most annoying item so people are rightfully upset.
Imagine if suddently flashlights couldn't do flashlight saves anymore. Just because they're rare occurence in your average match doesn't mean there wouldn't be a ######### storm of survivor complains over that.
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I actually used Franklin's quite a bit. It's not a terrible perk if there's 3+ items in the match. You'd be surprised at how greedy survivors are for their items when they knew they might not be there later.
Wonder what the drain rate is. Hopefully it'll drain 1% per second.
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Most of them are damn stupid. I know if I see a key I will leave that lobby. No need to go into the game and tunnel and be a #########.
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My speculation is they only nerfed it because they couldn't figure out a way to make it not delete the Vaccine item
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Gee or maybe they went from "oh we're still gonna nerf keys, still gonna nerf keys" to removing the one hard counter to them in this ######### game.
And people DO use the perk. You're making an asinine assumption in the first place about something that's evidenced to be true, but honestly that's not even your motivating factor for this god awful thread anyhow. You're actually only upset because other people are upset about something to which you're indifference, and the world demands order, ergo their concerns are irrelevant and petty. Hence your own "spoiled children blah blah blah" with far more grandiose childishness.
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That would be straight from the BHVR playbook, so you might be onto something there.
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For now i see 1 spoiled child here.
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But i liked seeing an item under a pallet pop outta existence
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Put the thesaurus away, using big words you saw on your word of the day calendar doesn't make your bad take any better.
Keys are not ruining your games. You don't have to end every game in a 4K. It is okay to lose.
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if your key is depleted, can you still escape through the hatch with it?
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I approve of this rare and sophisticated vocabulary, at least in relation to the rest of this forum. Proper articulation does make grievances feel a lot more... raw.
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I loving how you guys can't even defend Franklin's anymore because you know how bad of a perk it is and just went to strawmanning.
You guys are not playing against 4 key sweatsquads all day.
You are not losing your games because that one purple rank claudette brought a key
Chances are you win or lose most games before the key even becomes a factor
It is okay to not get a 4K
Why run franklins to counter the one item that triggers you when you can just run a better perk that just flat out wins you the game instead.
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Franklins Still has the easiest counter ever: simply drop the item yourself to prevent it from getting knocked out of your hands/drained by FD. Even before Removing its ability to destroy items, this counter was such a simple thing to do that even smooth brained survivors could figure it out, and go hide their item in a corner until needed (usually keys). With that, FD was already pretty sad, but now that keys are immune from being countered at all, FD went from a bad perk to a useless perk.
What can I say? I doubt any survivor would Play with Self Care anymore if it was changed to only enhance how fast medkits heal you when healing yourself, instead of giving you the ability to heal yourself at a reduced speed without one.
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This isn't even a nerf. Assuming it drains item charges over time while on the ground, this makes it much more effective against items other than keys. I can live with that. Before, I always ran Lightborn over Franklin's because, if I ran the latter, I would either have to camp the damn item or fully expect survs to return with their flashlight's full amount of charges in less than a minute.
I've seen killers [BAD WORD] about keys for a while now, but I don't run into them often enough to notice them specifically, and I'm not sure I'd care enough if I did. Can't believe people would rather taker a DC ban for a few minutes than play against an item they don't like.
EDIT: Filter didn't catch my profanity, censored it myself.
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LOL. Which words did you have to look up there champ?
Try reading more.
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I highly doubt they're actually dodging lobbies if they see a single key. That's some real down-badness if so and kinda just shows how unskilled of a killer they are if they seriously can't adapt to a single item in their match
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None of them. You and I both know you don't use that vocabulary in common conversation yet you're using it now to make your bad take sound better.
Why try to make your bad take sound smarter when you can just not have a bad take? I'm just calling you out
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Many of us, myself included, would run franklins if we saw a key in the lobby. Additionally, it was fun an niche on killers like hag when there were a lot of items in the game. It functions as a pseudo slowdown if survivors start going for their items. Now there is less incentive for them to do so in the middle of a match, and they will just go grab it at the end of the match just before they escape.
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Keys need to be removed/reworked immediately, there's no excuse at this point. This drastic nerf to Franklin's literally removed any remaining counterplay to this broken mechanic.
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OP doesn't seem to know how good Franlin's
iswas vs keys and map SWFs. Sadge.1 -
You're right I don't.
Mostly because whenever I bothered to notice a key in game I just killed the dude or I had already won the game.
Keys and items in general are such non-issues that I don't even bother to look at the lobby screen when I'm queuing up. Nothing a survivor can run is going to change my gameplan, I'm still going to do the best I can and if something turns out to be an issue in-game I snuff it out.
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Keys aside, which the devs have already said are about to get changed, it's actually a buff to the perk. Most of the times survivors were able to recover their items and use them, now they could recover them just to discover they have not enough charges.
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They nerfed a counter to keys, should I say more?
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Yes, you do actually. How is this a problem
Why are you running Franklin's to counter keys?
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because its literally the only way to counter them?
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You know how actually keys work, don't you? Now they can safely bring a key in the lobby and they don't have to worry about losing it for Franklin's
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Okay, here's a really weird hard counter to keys.
What if....
You just killed them? I know. Strange right?
Now you can do this a number of ways. Tunnelling of course works wonders. But you could also just not play awfully and just win the game before keys even become a factor.
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Franklin's was a counter to medkits and it's still a good counter to medkits.
People who used franklin's against keys were kinda silly. Against smart survivors Franklin did nothing against keys
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Yeah gen rushing+ body blocking BT and DS is so hard you know
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Just wait 12 seconds for BT. Get some patience, think about how bad Franklin's is and was in the time you can just wait for their BT to run out.
DS is sparingly used now. The chances that you'll run into a guy running a key AND DS at the same time is slim at best.
You'll be fine kiddo. You don't need Franklin's to be toxic to survivors
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I've heard it all before
But no bubba. That's just another asinine assumption from an ego too fragile to reconcile its own limitations among a universe of experiences and perspectives outside itself.
I've got a hundred+ posts on this forum. Feel free to read as many as you like, and do get back to telling me who I am and all the things you know about me. Each post was constructed in my own voice; each presents my actual personality; and each conveys my genuine thought process, and--golly gee willickers--even my day-to-day diction.
You're still applying your sample size of one--a sample-size of self--to everyone and everything. I'm just me homeslice. There's nothing special about you. Except maybe the education required.
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If you think this perk was bad why are you defending the nerf? Did the nerf make it any better?
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Franklin's is still a broken perk, imo. The fact that you can remove an item I spent 3000 to 19000 blood points on was totally bullshit. Now it still trashes the add-ons so the player is out 0-13000 IF they get a chance to pick that item back up. Still entirely unfair, imo.
What needs to happen is this; Make Franklin's Demise send the item out of the game. It doesn't get dropped, it gets sent back to that player's inventory for use on other matches. That would make the perk very good, and get rid of this flat out ridiculous waste of survivor blood.
While we're on the topic of wasting blood, BHVR, get rid of the bloodweb entirely. Make it a shop where we can buy every individual item a certain number of times per day, with perks being purchased in a random rotation of say three perks then slot machine it to three new perks when one is bought. We should never be forced to waste our blood, when the grind is this ridiculous.
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Ok im slow to this what happened to franklins