Killer mains, what would be your biggest QoL request on your main killer?
The Game, Badham and Ormond are actually quite balanced. They have already been reworked and loops have been addressed. You need survivor sided maps just as much as you need killer sided maps. The Game can very easily turn extremely killer sided, unless you're facing a sweat squad. But that's more about a difference in preparations than it being about the map. If survivors prepare for a genrush when you dont prepare against one, survivors will simply genrush. If survivors prepare for constant healing, and you dont prepare against healing, survivors will always be healthy. Outside Haddonfield and some environmental hitboxes(there is literally a cardboard box outside the old house of pain on Badham that survivors can walk over, but killers get stuck, but the other way is also true, lots of killershacks have small pebbles that survivors get stuck on but killers dont), maps are balanced quite decently.
Freddy's addons are mostly fine. His power since his rework has always been a bit boring, cant make a boring killer more fun through addons.
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Oh, that's a bit of an issue that DBD has with overlapping animations. You can start a fast vault from fairly far away, and Doc's shock doesnt hit untill 0.5 seconds after the visual shock on the ground(unless you have addons). So they are able to start the animation as they first scream. Since window vaulting has a priority animation, they will still vault the window. Honestly, I dont mind too much, there are a lot of borderline disgusting shocks you can do to prevent them from doing anything in shack(no window, no pallet, no dead hard) and guarantee hits that even Spirit could be jealous of. So survivors having vaulting priority doesnt really matter when playing Doc, as long as they got progress towards Madness 3.
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To be fair, you dont really hear his snarling and footsteps if you dont have any line of sight on him. His footsteps are one of the most silent ones in the game.
Besides, if you uncloak and lunge, you would make the same distance as if you were still cloaked and walked there. You regain your distance with a lunge. Considering you want counterplay against killers, survivors would need some indication that the killer is about to land a hit. Ghostface's cloth is louder than Wraith's snarls for survivors.
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Honestly, dont really have issues with Spine Chill. You can easily counter it by looking away. You'll know who has spine chill and who wont. So if you expect a certain survivor to be in an area, look a few times towards them quickly and then look away. They will take that info as if you were chasing someone and remain on the gen. People who use Spine Chill tend to heavily rely on Spine Chill too, you can use that against them. Heck, they might even call you a hacker for it. Happened to me too.
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Just give Spirit a visual animation when phasing. Freddy should have same number of snares as pallets. Pig needs lots of love like make it harder to get the RBT off and no escaping while wearing them again. Collision boxes for world objects need to really be looked at in general for killers like Blight, Billy, and Bubba.
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-reduce the cooldown on his power to 20 seconds
-nerf his current cooldown addons a bit
-rework most of his other addons. Like, change his crouch addons to reveal range addons.
-Revert the lullaby change
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The game only has 1 unfair pallet. There are 5 super safe pallets in a small area, and that's because of the basement being there. Once those pallets are gone, you cant save people from the basement anymore. The Game starts out survivor sided, but turns killer sided quite quickly, especially if you have a drop hungry survivor. Just let em drop 2 pallets, break them and chase another survivor, they will expect pallets to still be there, and since they wont have pallets in those regions any more, its an easy down.
I've never had issues with killer performance on The Game. Thinking its unbalanced is simply not knowing what decisions to make on that map. Is it boring? Sure, breaking pallets for a full minute simply isnt fun, but I can easily get kills by only making sure 3 specific pallets are gone. That's it. 3 Pallets and you turn The Game from a pallet paradise into survivor hell.
Badham is also fine, there is only 1 variant that's a bit problematic due to it's size, but that's it. It's, again, depending on knowing what decisions you need to make.
OFCOURSE THEY REMOVED THE GEN SLOWDOWN ADDONS ON FREDDY, THEY MADE MATCHES LAST 20+ MINUTES WITHOUT FREDDY NEEDING TO DO ANYTHING. That's like giving Trapper an addon to remove 10% from a generator everytime he kicks one. Teleporting to gens already takes 1.2 seconds, no need to increase that. Getting sound is actually amazing, because you can hear survivors from a much larger distance. They arent just louder with the same sound sphere. Their sound sphere is actually increased. Learn to listen, and you'll understand how helpful those addons are(let alone that he has an addon to counter Iron Will, aka, the strongest survivor perk in the game, countered by 1 single addon). The only addons that need some addressing are Black Box(15 seconds is a tad short for an addon that only works after gens are finished) and Z-block. The rest works in his own benefit.(Seriously, run Blue Dress and Green Dress with Pop, Overcharge and Lullaby, you'll enjoy that 54% generator regression)
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FOV slider for sure.
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Zombies infecting people should give you the mutation for it. It's already bad enough that people can just never use the antidote so you never get any more mutation, but even worse if they get hit by a zombie, they can even do so intentionally, to keep you from getting mutation. On the other hand I don't think mutation makes that big of a difference but still.
I would prefer if each infected person slowly increases your mutation meter rather than just getting some when you initially infect someone and that's it
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Remove the cooldown after nurse blinks and fix her 1,894,902 bugs.
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Fix Nurses bugs
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They should fix those bugged grab animations with every killer. Lost countless hit's cuz of failed grab animation and then there is delay until you can hit
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To disable SWF, so i can play any killer and have fun with any perks. Atm i cant play any killer and enjoy it, so yeah..
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Bhvr pls. It's been like a year and a half.
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Three years. She's had the blink bug that makes you UNABLE TO USE YOUR POWER for three years
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Fix Blight's collision pleaseeee
Have you ever played blight on swamp? :(
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For Plague, I'd like to be able to channel corrupted fountains from a distance. It's such a pain to have a fountain and be unable to access your power without throwing the game.
Nurse- deadzones. There are certain objects I just know I have to blink a certain way around
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Ah yeah that's right. I was mostly talking about the lunge bug though. God I hate that bug with every fibre of my being. It's been in the game since Nurse got her rework about a year and a half ago. It's the most common bug for me and I get it at least once or twice per match.
I can only recall like 2 instances where I've gotten the infamous blink bug tbh and the most recent of those was about a month ago now. I guess I'm just really lucky when it comes to that one, but lunge bug hates me.
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Fixing Slinger's hitbox issue with small holes..
...can't tell you how many you Can't even shoot through and it makes me mad.
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Fix Plague's puke hitbox. I don't like when i hit a survivor with green puke, they make the sound, and i don't infect.
Also why can't i see scratch marks during frenzy as legion
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Nurse's blink recharge wouldn't eat a partial charge.
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Nurse: fix the bug where you lose a blink
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Add collision to stumps and cars for Blight. There are other objects with messed up collision as well.
Make Billy good again :(
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Fix grabs, fix nurse’s bugs, wider FOV
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For blight, I would say allow him to m1 lunge out of a slam.
It's nothing too big, just a small QoL
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You already have the camping with the Twins what are you complaining about?
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Release Nemesis already.
Joking aside, I'm switching mains when he comes out. But, for Bubba? Fix his hitboxes, I lost count how many times I tantrum without touching anything
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For Pyramid Head, smooth out the changes in movement speed when using his power. I don't want to feel like i'm being punished for leaving trails before even entering chase.
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I second this for Mikey.
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This. The fact that you have to shock so far in advance just to deny vaults due to latency or whatever is annoying.
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to be fair, there are a LOT of maps where you have no choice in what gens you do, from teammates doing certain gens first, the map itself, or just RNG.
they could just increase the range where you see him by a tiny but i guess, its just way too easy to play and do well with Wraith now in my opinion.
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Smaller Killer Hitbox ^^
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Oni's PTB chase music. It was soooo goood why did they had to replace it ;(
Old Legion since all the issues are nowdays fixed, I loved the old gameplay without moonwalk abuse ofc.
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2s cooldown instead of 4s for Legion if you haven't hit anyone so you can actually use your power for mobility. Also longer baseline power duration
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Buff Thana or another regression perk. I know it's debated a lot but at high ranks, gens really do go extremely fast, even with heavy map pressure.
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Remove Huntress' lullaby from her POV. I dont care if the survivors hear it, but I dont wanna hear it over and over the entire freaking time.
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I think that's more of a map design issue than generator issues tho. Still, if the devs want to be more creative with maps, they would need to address rushed gens and rushed kills.
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I think they should add a general speed buff to legion to make him 150%. Spirit's faster and has a relatively equal cooldown, while still seeing scratchmarks, having her attack count as a basic attack(and thus down people), the only difference is that legion could chain survivors. But you could easily make it so that for each chained survivor, legion slows down 10% or smth.
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Perhaps its just more that I see the balancing choices behind things. And yes, considering the pressure points of that map, you need some very strong pallets to compensate.
And no, those godpallets are above the basement, that's why they are strong. If they were anywhere else on the map, I'd agree with you, which is why I say there is only 1 god pallet that I consider unfair, and that's the one on the opposite side of the map after the dropchute. No reason for that pallet to be that powerful as its already a strong corner for survivors.
And the one towards the middle near the drop isnt a god pallet, the staggertime they gain is equal to your pallet breaking time. So it either cancels out the stun or the palletbreak. It's a strong pallet, sure, but not a god one. You can gain hits there if you mindgame it right, as survivors are pretty much forced to drop that pallet if they take a hit, if they dont drop it if they take a hit, they're dead.
Again, those 2 godpallets are next to the basement. It's already the most powerful basement in the entire game, very easy to defend. Those pallets are the only 2 resources survivors have on potentially saving their teammates without making it a hook trade. If those pallets are gone, chances are slim to none that it wont be a hooktrade, let alone that they might actually turn a "1 survivor in the basement" situation into a "2 survivors in the basement" situation, at which point, as a killer, you have very little reasons to leave that area, as they could then easily turn a 2-man basement into a 3-man basement. So yeah, balanced pallets. Once they are gone, you have a god-tier basement.
What long loop on the mainfloor? There is only 1 long loop above and that is at the exitgate. Any other long loops are chained tiles, which depend more on player-to-player basis.
As for Freddy, you do realize the 1.2 seconds is regardless of distance, right? You could use it to teleport from one side of the map to the other side, meaning you can literally move 100 meters per second. Nurse blinks at 13 meters per second. Let alone that you can 99% a teleport without affecting it's cooldown and without affecting your movementspeed, it's literally back within 2 seconds. Meaning you have a ton of pressure for practically free that you can use mid-chase without affecting your current chase at all.
So yes, The Game is balanced, doesnt make it fun to play on. Being balanced and being fun are seperate things. Odds are very likely that if you lose on The Game due to pallets, it's more due to the decision making of survivors being superior to your own. Ofcourse, this is excluding practicing tournament survivors who tend to use pallets to buy enough time for their genrush to finish, but in that scenario, it doesnt really change the matter at hand, as those survivors would destroy you on any map.
Just because you dont like a map and perform badly on it, doesnt mean its unbalanced. If you wanna talk unbalanced, look at Haddonfield that still has hedges and fences that are 20 meters long or longer with no way to cut off the survivor. The Game has plenty of ways to cut off the survivor.
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Really? I guess I don't go against enough Wraiths as survivor. I'm always conscious about my footsteps when playing Wraith cause they sound like stomps.
That's why I said bone clapper and not coxcomb clapper, the bell still makes a noise, it just doesn't have direction. It usually causes survivors to be more careful if they're smart and let's you get grabs if they think you're somewhere else. Considering that Wraith is still kind of weak in general, I don't think it would be crazy to make his yellow clapper basekit. With Ghostface, if you can hear his cloth, it's almost always too late for you to get away from a hit/down unless there's a pallet or window right next to you, since he can attack from his stealth. Wraith doesn't have that advantage, so without a clapper addon the possibility of grabs and deception of other survivors isn't possible, which just feels like it should be part of his normal gameplay.
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Ghostface moves at the same speed while crouching. 3.6 m/s. It's his transition to crouch which is faster.
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You were the one who said 1.2 seconds, I just copied you. And even then, its regardless of distance, regardless of trigger, the only thing that could cripple Freddy is generators being finished. But even in that scenario, his teleport will ALWAYS be towards an objective he needs to defend. And his cooldown? It's 10 seconds if all survivors are awake, 4 seconds if all survivors are asleep. That's not really a big cooldown considering the 10 second penalty is applied regardless if you 99 your channeling or of you use 10% of it. If you 99 it, survivors on that generator will be gone as there is literally 0.3 seconds of time before you're actually there, if you're in chase, by the time you finished your chase and hooked the survivor, those 10 seconds will be over and you'd be able to teleport to that generator. Dont pretend like that tiny penalty is worth mentioning as if it affects Freddy's performance if he fakes it. Because it doesnt. He's not slowed down, if he meant to go there, he can still walk there and only be 5 seconds later than he intended to be.
And ah yes, using a random video by a random youtuber against a random rank 7 console killer in the second game, and LOSING their first game even though they "abuse" the god pallets(how would they lose if the map was unbalanced and they were abusing?).
Also, still didnt affect my points, there is only 1 misplaced godpallet on that map that needs a change, the rest is fine balance-wise. Just because something is a godpallet doesnt mean its bad. Once its gone, it's a deadzone. There is a reason why The Game has more kills than average. There are barely any usable windows(there are 6, 2 on a T&L, one in the ice chamber, one on the drop chute, one in the TV room which is practically useless and one next to an exit gate, which is barely used since its not really a good window either), thus the only way a survivor can chain loops is going from removable resource to removable resource.
The Game is a boring, but balanced map. If it wasnt balanced, the expected outcome would be that more than 2 survivors escape on average, which isnt true, the average is slightly more than 1, and that 1 often tends to escape through the hatch. We can all agree The Game is boring as it has very repetitive mechanics for Killer. It's force pallet drops, break, rinse, repeat. Very little mindgaming going on with most pallets, making them boring due to brute forcing, but boring is not unbalanced. Heck, the only way the survivors would win by chaining pallets, is you chasing the same survivor the entire game and ignoring the remaining 3. Which is honestly your own mistake if that happens. Dont just focus 1 survivor when there are 3 others to worry about.
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For trapper to be able to carry two-three traps default or at the very least have the yellow dye add on become default it would be a tremendous change that would allow for more freedom
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I want a hook counter on all killers, seperate like survivors as, not a total. I know some people will use it to tunnel, not going to lie I will if a match is going badly. I like to play fair for the first few gens though so seeing who is on 1st or 2nd hook would stop me from accidentally knocking people out of the game early. It's not too bad when there are 4 different survivors in game but when two or more enter the match dressed the same It's hard to keep track of.
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Stop nerfing perfectly balanced things