Resident Evil Bootleg Chris and Claire Redfield

Claire and Chris look like they got commissioned by someone who wasn't happy about their payment. This has to be a joke or something xD
No, but seriously, Chris looks okayish in the actual game while Claire looks like someone punched her in the face and she pretends to be fine for the camera. Is this just me or do you feel the same that there is something off about their look?
Omg I'm not happy with what they did with Claire. Her eyes in game look nonexistent.
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Claire looks like she got in a lift with someone and they just farted and she’s trying to smell it, while she’s on meth.
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Chris looks great. Claire looks like her face is melting.
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as someone who isn’t a fan of RE, they look fine to me. like average people, i guess.
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Chris looks like Josh Dun on this poster, not gonna lie. And I kinda dig it.
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I guess that, in good RE tradition, Chris looks nothing like Chris. nice refference BHVR
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Well at least for the bhvrs' sake they didn't choose RE 7 Chris Redfield, I feel bad for the model ngl
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You are right but this one looks straight out of a bad porn version.
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This is too accurate, I am dying from laughter xD
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Not even surprised, the devs who do survivor appearances butcher them everytime.
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Chris looks like markiplier
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OMG CLAIRE. WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU! Does she look like that in-game?
Besides Chris, how hard is it to screw up these skins when most of them are just copy/pasted from RE2 & 3R..
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Can they please do like with Jonathan and fix their faces. They look amazing in the trailer, but they look like a bad porn movie in game, like ######### did they do to Claire to make her look older than the three others combined.
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This looks like some amateur sfm work. I know people who could have done a better job.
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Who can resist?
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This must be a joke
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Omg... what did they do to her!? Her face looks like it's melting or something. She looks so bad! Won't be getting her.
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Is this the 3rd zombie?
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Channing Tatum called and he'd like his knock off back
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It's not too bad. This is on ultra. I believe that screenshot was taken in low.
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She literally has no eye balls lol
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That certainly looks better, but I still don't really like it. I feel like they could have done better.
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Claire is clearly not herself when compared to the Resident Evil 2 remake. If Capcom saw this, they would be horrified :D
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That's weird, I also play on Ultra and she does look like in the screenshot provided earlier.
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Better gaming chair? Here's another but closer up.
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Look on the bright-side, Ash now has a deadite to kill.
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I hope they fix her face because the skin looks really good otherwise and it's great that they added a custom voice for her.
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When I saw Chris and Claire in game I was actually pretty disappointed. They look kind of bad.
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call me crazy but nemesis feels as if he has a bigger collision box than other killers, if its true, that makes him weaker by default.
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Who the hell makes these Banners. I miss the old art banners they made...the last few have been horrifying and don't look like a job from a professional at all...i could of done better using Blender. Jesus Christ
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Why the Chris thing though? I want my jacked Ben Stiller Chris from RE5 back
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Claire is a white walker?