Switch/console users

Is anyone else playing on the switch, or another console platform, continuously getting DC'd? The game will run smoothly until it doesn't and either crashes or freezes. I keep getting hit with the DC penalty and I've gone from rank 4 to rank 6 in an hour and a half because of it. Sigh.
Apparently many ppl experience this issue just like you so no ur not alone they again managed to broke their game like they said in live stream "pretty good job so far"
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Well, I guess, I'm glad to know I'm not alone... But it also just makes me want to sit out of the game until it's resolved. I was so excited to play too 😭😭😭
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My is still downloading because it has 20gb after it's done and I try ill make sure to let u know If I experience same thing (I'm ps4)
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Hello, fellow switch user! That's interesting! I think all of my DC'd games were also on the new map. I wonder if bringing a different map offering would help.
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Yeah, I've crashed twice now & I don't want to get the half hour penalty so I have to stop playing :(
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As a switch player, I can confirm the new map single-handedly causes crashes.
I have crashed three times while playing on the new map, one crash when playing as Killer (Nemesis, obviously I'll be playing as him), and the other two crashes while playing Survivor (David and Jill). I was able to play on the new map for a couple of minutes until my game closed itself because "an error occurrred".
I was also able to play a match on Autohaven and that worked out just fine.
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Thanks for letting me know! I just played a game with a coldwind offering and had no problem this time. Sucks that we can't even play the new map.
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yup, crashed once on the new map as Leon against a Nemesis
i got the normal “an error occurred” message and i had to unplug my ps4 because it literally froze on that screen
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So it affects all consoles in general? 😨
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What a nightmare
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i was trying to record a game as the new killer on switch and the game crashed at the end of the match than i got a DC penalty for it. i just stopped playing after wards.
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Xbox Series X user here, also got Freezed on RE map and crashed to Dashboard, with DC penalty.
Time to stop playing until BHVR fix this or we are going to hit 24hours DC penalty before tomorrow.
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Looks like they've disabled the new map, I'm on xbox and it's happening there also
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It is not only on the new map.
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yes, it always happens on my switch its so irritating. I wish they'd change the depipping system D':
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I mean, I just crashed again on Family Estate (David, against Nemesis). It was during the late game when all gens were already finished. But that type of crash has already been in the game for a longer amount, so I can't really blame the new chapter.
Still though, I've been having that issue since Trickster's release.