Slamming head against a wall with Nemesis

Just utter pain to use, the tentacle feels incredibly weak compared to what use it is. The wind up and cooldown feels nerfed from ptb, you pretty much need to be on someone to attempt an attack, and even then you have a higher than 50% chance of missing anyway.
He gets absolutely bodied by anyone able to move slightly to one side or the other.
I've won every game so far but two, including the 40 on the PTB and the five today.
It's a you problem.
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As far as I can tell from the patch notes, Nemesis's tentacle attack was not changed from the PTB except for granting him a small amount of Mutation when whipping Contaminated Survivors.
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Well since hes one of the few killers who can attack over obsticles it sets him up a bit better than most when it comes to loops. You just gotta know when to attack so as to increase your infection bar
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I’ve escaped against him 9/10 times. Maybe u had weak survivors?
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It seems like his tentacle reaches further than it can hit. Sometimes I can see the tentacle reach but doesn't hit.
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I think he's fine. The only problem is that the range of his tentacle hit is...weird. I can't tell what exactly the range is, is it the blue line that comes across the screen or is it the tentacle itself?
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I've played 5 games so far, and I have zero kills... 😭 Hopefully it's just a case of having to practice a little more.
I'm also having to wait several minutes to find a game, but I guess that's because more people are playing killer tonight...
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I feel like tier 3 should always damage a survivor regardless of infection. I mean what's the point of even going for it if it make only a minor change in the range.
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You can hardly see how far ahead it hits. I mean, he can get downs with M1s, but hes the tallest killer. Zombies sometimes help but can also turn some loops into infinites.
Getting out of T1 is harder to hit tentacles than m1s.
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Difficulty should be set at hard ,we're talking Nurse level
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Nerfed version
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Good players can just whip out the tentacle at will ,this is the thing,I fear they will change eventually, but if they do I'm afraid he will be severely gutted
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Get Good
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The thing about Dead by Daylight, their not taking into consideration, is the difference between PC and Console.You say get good ,but theirs so much middle ground to cover in between the two
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When his tentacle withdraws, it still does damage. If you miss and turn towards the survivor, it'll still hit them if they're in front of you. Hope that helps a bit!
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True. Here's what i've found regarding his tentacle: it has a short delay after it lands before it actually registers a hit and seems to stay on the ground for a half-second or so. Also, zombies move toward noise notifications - all of them. Force them to vault and do noisy things and if they refuse to leave a loop you'll soon have zombies at that loop making it so they either have to leave or get hit.
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After playing him for a little over an hour, I honestly think he's one of the worst killers in the game which is disappointing because he probably has the most hype behind him out of any killer.
- He takes way too long to down people because of having to go through 3 health states.
- Tier 3 feels like it should be how he is at the beginning of the game.
- His tentacle visual is completely unclear as to whether I can hit over something or not.
- The speed boost on contamination shouldn't be a thing.
- Zombies constantly get stuck on things and do nothing.
- You get 2 zombies regardless of map size, so Hawkins and Mother's Dwelling both have the same amount of zombies.
Post edited by Crypticghoul on1 -
Okay, using a slight sweep as opposed to trying to hit a line is proving much better. Got the adept.
There are still a fair few tiles he is useless at though.
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Second killer in a row that cannot end chases quickly.