Face camping/camping Nemesis players

Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

Anybody else getting tons of tunneling and face camping/camping Nemesis players tonight (it's 10pm here now as I'm writing this...)?

A friend and I played about 10 matches this evening, while waiting I also played one match before we started playing matches together - where I was blatantly tunneled and camped to death by a Nemesis killer. Then we start playing matches and we got Nem as a killer about 6 out of the 10 matches, with 5 of them face camping people to death (only the last one of the 6 actually played the game...).

In one game, I spawned in viewing range of the killer, so they immediately start chasing me, looped them for a bit (2 gens were done in that time) before going down and then they solidly face camped me to death. I spectated after dying and they did it to the others as well. Was a rank 17 killer, I was rank 9 - this is after rank reset. Then they were surprised that I was less than happy being face camped to death, as it takes 0 skill, which I told them. They were sad that I wasn't happy for them beating someone that's "twice as good as them". I don't know how they can expect me to be happy for them when they only won by face camping me to death - if they allowed unhooking, it may have been a different story. They won by using 0 skill.

Now, I'm still an average player, I only have about 500 hours in the game and the highest surv rank I got was 7 before rank reset just now. I don't mind losing matches as long as I feel like I could actually DO something in a match or if I at least had a fair chance. But this irked me. Are they really that desperate just to get kills because they aren't skilled on a new killer yet? What they don't realize is they won't get any better by playing that way, 'cause you don't really learn to play Nem during chases etc, so what's the point? Just made it very un-fun to play the game tonight on the chapter release, as it was a lot of matches in a row. Usually it's not as frequent (camping), so you at least have some good games and then some bad games, so the game is still fun to play.

Did anyone else get a lot of blatant tunneling and face camping/camping Nem killers?


  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    Sure, that's what I thought as well - but that's no reason to make a match completely miserable for someone because you are still learning a new killer. So I guess this is my PSA lol - by face camping someone, you learn no skill, you don't get any practice - it just sucks for that survivor and the killer is still less skilled than they would've been if they had actually TRIED to play the killer.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    well thing is you wait to load into a game to test new killer with no gen defense and barely any perks , then try to use you power 4 times aaand 3 gens are done.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    True, we all have good and bad matches, I get that. I just don't get face camping someone to death. I understand tunneling (and proxy camping to an extent) are valid and sometimes necessary strategies, but face camping? You learn nothing by just standing there preventing anyone to unhook.

    Just wanted to know if this had happened to anyone a lot upon Chapter Release as well, because if this becomes a trend (face camping Nem killers), it's going to be horrible for survs.

    I play both surv and killer - just want to clarify, so I'm not anti-killer :) when I play killer I go hard, but I don't camp hooks unless someone is already close by and I saw them (thereby proxy camping while chasing) and I don't tunnel. But that's just my playstyle I guess, I at least try to give survs a fair shot. Face camping really sucks haha I don't care what the devs say. If every killer face camped, survs would probably stop playing the game out of frustration.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    I get tunneling and camping are sometimes necessary - but face camping? You can't really tell me that's strategic, 'cause you literally waste time and lose gens by doing that, as well as BP. So I don't see why face camping is strategic. Just seems like someone desperate for kills at the expense of someone else's fun.

  • Skaty
    Skaty Member Posts: 66

    I’ve had no issues against playing against any killers tonight the nemesis players I’ve gone up against have also been very fair.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    As many other people said, its probably new players trying out the killer. Resident Evil is a huge franchise so they probably went on DbD to check it out.

  • Bonquiqui414
    Bonquiqui414 Member Posts: 222

    It’s always posts like this when new killers come out like dang you got camped get over it

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited June 2021

    Eh camping is so easy to counter though. Sucks for the one person but eh, sometimes you eat that shît sandwich, sometimes it's someone else.

    I can't say that I've never tunneled or camped cus I have. Granted ever out of spite though, except this one time this David item switched to a key at the very last second in the lobby. I happened to be playing Freddy who I run Franklin's with all the time, cus it's funny popping out of a gen and smacking a toolbox away from them. But yeah his ass I tunneled and tunneled hard until he and the other David who was dressed exactly like him (mostly cus I couldn't tell the difference >.<) were the first ones out of the game. And yes, I made sure that key was destroyed when I found him. Kept him slugged and camped out over both him and the key until the right time. So I mean everyone's guilty of doing these things for different reasons.

    But I mean I think it's ridiculous complaining about these things. Especially when 8/10 times survivors will accuse you of camping or tunneling anyway when you didn't. So I just stopped caring about survivor complaints since it just seems they'll cry no matter what I do. Or tell me to get Covid and die. That one's happened twice so far!

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    I only tunnel Jills and yell STAaaaaRS while im doing it

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    This is the first time with a new killer release I've experienced this, been playing for about a year. Okay, so I just have to grin and bear it and not have the game be fun for me as well, as long as the killer has fun face camping me and others to death, that's cool. :/

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    These are some of the sweatiest games I have ever played. We could have fun games on the dlc launch, but no, every killer is camping hooks because they don’t know how to play him. Total snooze fest after you’ve been hooked once. Terrible teammates every game too.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    Wow I can't believe someone told you to go get Covid and die - and have that happen twice already. That's really messed up. I get complaining is useless, I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this 'cause I haven't experienced this with any previous chapter releases since I've started playing about a year ago. Maybe it truly is because it's RE. It just sucks because it really made my night playing the game and un-fun one - at first I just brushed it off, but then it kept on happening and it just wasn't fun.

    And I just don't understand the "strategy" behind face camping, but that's apparently just me. Just doesn't make sense to me 'cause I don't see that as a good strategy when I play killer or as strategic at all for any killer. But everybody's different :)

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Complaining that a rank 17 on a brand new killer is not playing the way you want them to play while they are winning. You merely have 500 hours, that is more than me man and I am after rank reset 4 with killer tend to play between 1-3. All I have been facing are keys (literally 4/6 games had a key brought in), offerings and people slamming gens. People will try and play to win.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    Haha I'm glad you had a better night than me :) I really like this chapter and am excited for it, tonight was just rough. Or maybe just bad luck getting so many face campers in a row.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Came across a camping Nemesis on RPD before it got disabled and I asked him why he face camped when he were straight clueless on gen locations alone.

    I kid you not, his answer was:

    "Because I can."

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    They were a new killer. They don't know any better. Just the fact that you even got CAUGHT by them is enough to question your own skill.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    That's fair. I personally never take keys in as survivor, if I happen to find one during the trial I may use it, but I won't go into a trial with one as I feel that's just an easy out as survivor, I don't think it's fair tbh - like how I feel face camping is just low and not strategic gameplay. I try to play "fair" as both surv and killer and not do the things that make it super un-fun for the other side because I play both sides and know what it's like, but yes, that's not how everybody is and they are allowed to play however they want to within the rules of the game, I get that, although it sucks. I just don't understand face camping and why people do it as I know how much it sucks for the surv and how stupid it is strategically as you lose gen pressure and gens and waste time and don't build up any skill on your killer be doing that. It's bad for the surv and bad for the killer, all you get is an easy kill, but that won't help you get any better.

  • Artemis5
    Artemis5 Member Posts: 49

    I understand that, and as previously stated, I am still relatively new to the game myself with 500 hours, so I know I'm still just average at playing the game. I spawned in within viewing range of the killer and they immediately started chasing me (and I looped them for the duration of 2 gens), which I feel isn't that terrible - it's not the best, but it's certainly not the worst either.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Literally my first game I had a Nemesis face camp, tunnel and shake his head at me the whole game. Had 3 hard tunneling ones after that, seems to be getting better though

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Don't get me wrong, face camping after 2 gens were already completed should mean you lose with a 1k... as in 120 seconds it takes to kill someone all the rest of the gens can be completed. Yet with some bad plays on the survivors end and/or inexperience you can still come out with a win.

    It is usually only useful as a play at the end game where you don't have much else to defend, gates tend to be 99ed and you cannot defend both or when people swam you while you try and hook... the poor sod on the hook is your only bait or consolation prize based on the survivors choice.

    I play both sides, but playing killer really showcases that you don't need to consider the fun of the survivors, each time you try you will be destroyed at higher ranks. Camping, slugging, tunneling... all have a time and place to be used, if people make mistakes punish them it is simply what you have to do if you play to win. Usually regardless of how you play you will be called a camper or a tunneller or worse, it doesn't really matter.

    Also give new killers a bit of slack, they might not understand how to track people, find them and feel that if they leave the hook they lose all the pressure they have because they wonder off into nowhere.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yep and I got the screenshots for both of those too. Think I'm gonna start making a salt folder and keep these screenshots lol. But yeah it's happened twice and I've had general salt thrown at me even when I play fair. Legit had some guy being extra salty for losing against my lvl 2 Twins with no add-ons and one perk, and that perk was Surge lol. The guy went off on me calling me trash and this and that. It was actually kinda funny.

    But like I said I can't speak for all killers, cus yeah I know there are killers who will camp and tunnel just to be spiteful dicks, but outside that one David and the key incident I usually tunnel and camp out of desperation and need a quick momentum shift. If I'm behind on hooks and they're slamming gens I'll go and tunnel who I think is the weakest one in the group and then adjust my strategy depending on what they do. If it's the EGC and I have no kills and like two hooks and someone is on a hook right there? You bet your ass I'm gonna hunker down and start making s'mores next to that hook lol. Also yeah if it's a low rank potato killer doing that then there's really no use getting upset. They're probably new to the game and don't know any better. Hell I've only been playing this game for two months now and there's still shît here that I don't understand and need to learn myself lol. So long as they weren't being dicks in the after game chat it's fine.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    And I understand that you're relatively new. I don't expect you to get a 5 gen run. However, you must do the same for that killer. You most likely have 100x more hours than him. They don't know any better than to facecamp. So please, next time make exceptions for new killers just like I'm making for you, ok? They're also new.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    The only Nemesis I’ve played against so far stood in the open exit gate to camp…but was off-center so I just walked by and out, laughing.

  • AceKChrome
    AceKChrome Member Posts: 5

    You seem like the type of person everyone loves to play against /s