PS4 lags, bugs, optinization..

BHVR, preformance on ps4 has never been this bad, cant move without lag, with Nemesis when i try to use his power i lag, cant land that little think from his arm...PLEAE, FIX PREFORMANCE ON PS4
Same for me ps4 I'm not alone :)
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We are in this together brother, something needs to change..
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I'm on Xbox but I'm here for you guys.
We are in this together.
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Same for me on original ps4 and my swf teammate on ps4 pro. This is terrible.
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All player on console need blood point in compensation
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It's really bad, I notice it when the killer performs most actions. It also seems to happen when survivors are unhooked.
It's screwed so many chases already...
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On Xbox, same #########. They need to fix this is absolutely ridiculous.
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Chris is the only reason I keep playing. All these lags and frame drops are getting really annoying especially midchase.
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These Devs hate console. Always have, always will.
They've lied for years about upcoming optimization and getting the game to run well on last gen console.
It's never coming.
Now go buy the $10 chapter and skins.
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PS4 player here, too. I had lag but surprisingly it was mostly on my survivor games. When playing Nemesis it was ok. But yes definitely performance issues in this update.
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The bloody lag
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Can't even walk at full speed as killer half the time
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I'm on PS4 and besides the bugs and lag, are you guys experiencing your teammates disconnecting for no reason at all? We popped the last gen and 2 of my teammates randomly DC'd at the same time, and it just happened again in another game I played. 🤔 I am also getting what looks like a bright flash of light too. Happened on multiple maps (The asylum and fractured cowshed).
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Same 🥰
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Absolutely agree.
My experience on PS4 with Nemesis has been utterly horrid thus far.
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I am on PS4 and this is an absolute travesty, i love the new content but i honestly just wanted to play the new ######### map. Now it's disabled and this is a horrible first impression for new players.
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Same man, 2 David's disconnected,and about that light, its ligh little flashes popping in and out... i feel you brother..
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Same here, and with my friends too.
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there are a couple issues. but I'm not having it on the same level as you guys.
really hope they fix this
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crashes are common as well they could at least disable the dc penalty until they fix the issue
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This is likely because they are crashing. Possibly from that last gen being popped.
Thanks, BHVR, for releasing a playtested chapter.
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Thanks a lot man..we gotta do something about this..its getting out of hand..
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Happened to me as well, when i start animation it just lags, screwing me and my power..
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I feel like they just dont feel like finishing chapters..remember when Twins came out? Welp, this isnt much better than that, and to think this was their moment to shine..
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I understand that they are "working" on it..but cmon, you brag about how big dev team is and you still cant optimize game for us, console users, its not fair..
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Im on ps4 too, this is the worst gameplay has ever felt for me
Literally everything freezes my games its so unenjoyable.
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I agree with everyone on here, the lag on console especially ps4 is really bad. I kept on getting lag in my survivor and killer matches. It’s really annoying, I wished BHVR would listed to everyone on every gaming platform but they won’t.
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Yeah, its like consoles doesnt event exist, they are like "be happy to atleast play this game" but dont we deserve same as everyone else? We pay for DLC as well..
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Let's be real they won't do anything for console they promised it long time ago we didn't get it so what makes us think they will actually start caring? As for matter of dbd it's unplayable on console now so I didn't bothered to play longer than two games... And dbd is on vacation for me I regret every money I spent on them and their game but whatever that's a school for next time
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At this point I'm just continually playing as nemesis because I must hate myself. This is the only game I know that I play where when dlc launches its a heap more bugs and the optimization gets worse and worse
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I sucked it up and played multiple matches today to see difference in maps/killers. Some were worse than others but all were bad and that is just from survivor side, I can't imagine how it was for the killers. This is not OK. We have an over 40 page post where we've been begging for optimization - this isn't something that just happened out of the blue. As a console player it's insulting that more isn't being done to make sure we have a good playing experience with the game. They'll probably do a half assed fix and toss out some BP and pretend it's all good but it's not, we need actual optimization in this game and real game health fixes.
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Couldn't agree more brother, im stepping away from the game till they fix it..i regret every peni i gave them..
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I did try to play him multiple times but its just unplayable, i dont even know why i was hyped, its BHVR at the end of the day.. they just dont care for us, they think giving us BP is gonna fix something? 😂
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100% agree man, couldn't said it better, im taking a long brake as well, bcs giving thrm support and all aint gonna to anything good for us, which is sad cuz we payed for everything we got as well
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I really had no many issues with my console but after this update it's like playing dbd mobile on Nokia from 2000
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new graphics update all over again. lag lag lag lag freeze down.... guess me reinstailing not doing anything then for me .
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though shouldn't this be in the bugs section or technical section ? and most likely need a video.
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Honestly the freezes and contant lag have cost me many chases by now.
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I'm guessing it dosent happen on the pros as i was playing on my ps5 and my friend has a pro but my ps4 is just the normal one. and since i had 200% before the update and ps5 has their own Trophs i wanted my 200% again on ps4
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Sudden frame drop and lag every time u use a exhaustion perk especially dead hard on ps4 and it occurs when doing skill checks