General Discussions

General Discussions

So, about the new map.

You have an indoor map with tight, clustered hallways, isolated rooms with limited entries, a total lack of traversal between the two floors, and one of the largest, if not the largest, size in the game. In other words, you have a map that is absolutely painful to navigate. So what do you do?

You remove all lighting ever. You make it quite possibly the darkest map in the game.

How? HOW? How do you think that darkening RPD a hundred times over is a good idea?

From my experience playing this map on the PTB, it was already my new least favorite map to play on because of just how NOT FUN it is to go from point A to point B. And now I can't even see where I'm going half the time.

Just... why?


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  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm loving the new map. It is Disneyland for my Myers. I'm also enjoying Lethal Pursuit.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Myers gets cucked by this map. Survivors with ears will hear his stomping and breathing entire minutes before Myers can get to them and start stalking them.

  • Member Posts: 576

    I agree. Personally I would loved to have seen the little city center scene with the church and such from RE4.

  • Member Posts: 576

    I can understand that. For killers all these indoor maps are great. Not so much so for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Worst. Map. Ever. Im so disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 422

    You joking? Indoor maps are trash for Killers, and RPD is the new worst map to play on in the game.

    Never before have I spent half the match knowing EXACTLY where Survivors are but been COMPLETELY unable to get to them. It's absolutely miserable.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I disagree there too. I enjoy the map as a Survivor too. It is merely a matter of learning it. There is more than enough to juke Killers in there. Give it a few weeks. This map is a compromise between an indoor and outdoor map. It has qualities of both.

  • Member Posts: 422

    It has one large atrium and then the most narrow, claustrophobic, limited hallways and rooms in the entire game. It does NOT have qualities of both.

  • Member Posts: 576

    I hope you're right cause right now I'm hating it more than any other map and that's saying something

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Oh my lord I’ve played on the new map twice and my game has crashed both times, SMFH

  • Member Posts: 576

    I don't play killer. I was going based on the other person talking about how it was great for his Myers. I can see how that would be the case.

    At the same time I see the point you're making. It's once a killer finds a survivor on this kind of map that makes it suck for survivors. The same thing that makes it hard for killers to get to the survivors makes it nearly impossible for survivors to lose them once they are found.

  • Member Posts: 3,256

    As a survivor I'm not good at looping. On this map I'm now able to go around as if I'm a pro.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    That's because this Map is particularly good for the Hide & Seek types.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Well it was disabled

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,601

    Yes right now the map is disabled due to crashing issues, it will be re-enabled when those are resolved.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Eww, another indoor map, hate them

  • Member Posts: 843

    Dear god I hope they leave it disabled permanently I'd rather wait for the dc penalty than play on that piece of garbage. All I know is I'm running map offerings every round once they turn it back on

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    They had to make it more friendly for Trapper & Hag.

    I guess....

  • Member Posts: 1,395
    edited June 2021

    I live indoor maps, just sad that my game keeps crashing on it

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    And I constantly get freezes on that map, I hate that map.

  • Member Posts: 267

    As a killer i don't enjoy this new map at all, i even think it's the worst map in the game yet.

    Running through these small corridors in first person and try to find survivors gives me a headache.

    I hear them working on a gen above me and i run across the whole map to get up.

    Not fun at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Sewers wouldve been cool too

  • Member Posts: 777
    edited June 2021

    I love the new map and I don’t find it too annoying or poor for both sides. Sure, I’ve played RE2, but the layout is still somewhat different and I don’t find it annoying at all.

    Highly disagree, but I seemed to be in the minority and can get to why you guys feel that why.

  • Member Posts: 566

    If this isn't the largest map in the game I would be surprised and large maps favors survivors already, add the fact that there is multiple floors and only a few ways to travel between floors? Makes it so survivor sided it's not even funny.

    The fact that the map is similar to Azarov's Resting Place with the gen split, the killer is forced to either play west wing or east wing not both since it will be impossible to defend. And even then, the muiltiple floors makes even that almost impossible do deal with. If survivors manage to repair one gen in each wing it's over, just like on Azarov.

  • Member Posts: 576

    In my experience survivors don't fair as well in indoor maps. My experience is merely anecdotal so take that for what's it's worth. The thing I dislike about maps like this one is the mere fact that it makes it nearly impossible to escape the killer once he has you in his sights. At least for some of us.

    I can certainly understand that a big map makes it harder for killers. I think my wording in the other comment was not quite as good as it should have been. What I should have said was this: Chases on indoor maps seem to be over much quicker than on others. And the majority of the time they end in favor of the killer. Again, that's what I've seen.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    What I'm also concerned about is the potential for really hard camping hooks. Many of the hallways are so tight the killer could easily body block the ways to the unhook.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    At this point, the devs should just disable all the indoor maps. All of them are abysmal.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I've needed to say this about a dozen times now, somehow I feel like I'll need to say it a hundred more.

    Some people like this map. If you don't, cool. There are more than 30 other maps for you to enjoy. Playing on this map isn't going to give anyone cancer just because their personal favorite killer doesn't have an inherent advantage on it.

    How about we just combine all the maps into one medium-sized open field with no obstacles whatsoever? Would that make killer mains happy?

  • Member Posts: 422

    The vast majority of people's opinions on this map are very negative. If the playerbase at large dislikes something, it's problematic.

    Who cares if there are other maps that aren't this bad? A bad map is a bad map.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I couldn't care less what the "vast majority" of opinions are on this map, as if anyone's actually even attempted to quantify such a claim. I like it. Other people like it. There are plenty of things in this game that I could also say the "vast majority" of players don't like (camping tunnelling, slugging, certain killers, etc). I guess that means that they need to be eliminated too?

    This is such an entitled community. "I hate having to adapt. I don't like this, remove it. This game was made specifically for me and my own preferred characters and playstyle, any map that doesn't accommodate that is bad and something needs to be done about it".

    I hate some maps too. I deal with it because that's life. Not everyone likes the same thing, not every map should be tailored to the same types of players. Not everyone wants to play the game the same way. That's the nature of this game. Yet any time there's a change that any individual happens not to like, the sky is falling, the bombs are dropping, the nukes have been launched, oh no, the world is coming to an end. It's tiresome.

    Once the new map has been out for a while people will only ever see it once every few days and they can go back to whining about anything and everything else that they deem to be unworthy.

  • Member Posts: 614

    I agree with this. I personally like this map. I haven't played killer on it tho and I see some issues but once people have had the chance to learn the map and know all the ins and outs I'm sure it won't be as bad. Also the opinions of people on the forums don't count as the vast majority of the playerbase because people who enjoy it are playing rather than coming here. There are also so many other platforms other than the forums

  • Member Posts: 383

    I wish there was an offering that would disable indoor maps for a trial, I would use it all the time.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Stop turning this into an Us vs Them argument.

    The majority of people on BOTH sides hate indoor maps, not just killer mains.

    They're boring as ######### because most killers don't have room to use their powers, and survivors have a hard time navigating and finding gens. Not to mention, most indoor maps are just a brain-dead hold W fest. They're just bleggghhh.

    It's fine if you like them, no one's saying it's not.

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2021

    It IS an us versus them argument. I hardly ever see anyone but killer mains whining about the map, usually because their preferred killer doesn't have an inherent advantage or because killers that they don't even play will be "further obsolete", etc. In other words "I always want the advantage, I want all the maps to be suited to me and the way I prefer to play".

    At least I can admit that my own observations are anecdotal, which I hardly see anyone else doing. I'd love to see the New York Times article that published the poll regarding how "the majority" - this ominous, silent crowd of people that apparently has sway over anything that is added or removed from this game - has decreed that the map is JUST THE WORST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO MANKIND.

    So much ######### crying and hyperbole. I played the map multiple times during the PTB. It was fine. Not only could survivors find the gens, the killer won each game. But who cares, one map out of 36 is upsetting to THE MAJORITY. Let's delete it, as well as everything else THE MAJORITY doesn't approve of. And we all know that THE MAJORITY hates indoor maps, so naturally they've already spent weeks whining about this one. Yawn.

    It's fine that others don't like the map just as it's fine that I do. But I'm sick to death of people just throwing out de facto commands like "just delete all indoor maps". "Make this one smaller". "Change it". Or making a thousand threads about how many stupid pallets or windows there are. Big deal. Play the map, be upset at the loss of all that you hold dear, then when it's over move onto the other 97% of maps that aren't this one and breathe a sigh of relief that the most painful ordeal of one's life has ended. Meanwhile other people will enjoy it, but - as THE MAJORITY will be sure to point out, as they already have - those people shouldn't count because they're bad and the map is bad and we only want what we want.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Both sides hate this map because of how awful it is to traverse. Survivors hate it for the weak pallets strewn about. Killers hate it for the god pallets strewn about.

    Most people hate the map. The outcry against this map has been the hugest since Midwich. It is not fun to play on. It needs to be changed.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    My mistake, I thought I raised some cogent points. You have spoken, the map must be changed.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Bad map design is bad map design. RPD is the worst map design since Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I thought Midwich was the worst map. Or wasn't it the game because "too many pallets"?

    I don't know. Again, I can't argue against empirical, quantified fact. Even if I could, it would be terribly selfish of me to enjoy something that the MAJORITY doesn't. RPD is horrible, most people from both sides hate it, you've decided that it's badly designed, I've come to realize that dissenting subjective opinions have no place against scientific evidence. I take back my arguments.

  • Member Posts: 422

    It IS objectively badly designed. The loops are polarizing in their strength, the map is claustrophobic, traversal is sluggish, it encourages running forwards in a straight line—it is a bad map, whether or not you, member of the less-than-1-percent, "enjoy" playing on it.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Less than 1 percent? Shoot, I was just making up that thing about the New York Times poll. Since you've got a copy, would you consider sharing it? I'd be curious as to what else I and my fellow less than 1 percent incorrectly enjoy about this game.

    ...Actually nah, never mind. If it's already been established that I and anyone else who enjoys this map make up less than 1 percent of the game's fanbase - which by your comments it clearly has - I'm not really in the position to ask for anything. I'll just go off and continue to make bumbling false observations about the rampant entitlement of this community. I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

  • Member Posts: 422

    You know what? At least you have the integrity to apologize.

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