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Love the content but I'm disappointed

BHVR I am on PS4 and i haven't had performance this bad in a chapter launch ever. Seriously what is going on guys? Did you guys even do any QA testing or play testing? Now the new map was disabled and that's what everyone wanted the most! We haven't had a new map in over a year and not even us or the new players who are coming in and breaking records can even experience it. What the hell is going on over there?


  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Ps4 here as well. New Killer would be great if the freezing bug werent there, but it kinda ruins it.

    Im sorry? But if you make a game for pc, then make it console to get more money, then the least you could do is make sure that you're testing and optimizing for both platforms.

    Side note: the Claire and Chris skins are pathetic. Please redo them.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    S.....Someone else likes the new map?

    No. This is scientifically impossible. I've been told several times today that no one likes the new map. One of them even gave specific poll numbers which put fans of the new map at less than one percent. The people who hate the new map MUST be correct that it is objectively poor and everyone who counts hates it.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    @miketheratguy I can't even give an opinion because I haven't played it. I know people are shitting on it because it's indoors but i could care less i just wanted something new which we haven't had in over a year god dammit! Screw everyone else who thinks i have to hate something they hate, i want a new map even if it's rust from MW2 !

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    In my anecdotal experience the people who have been shitting on it for the last month are killer mains who are just butthurt that their preferred killer, or any killer at all, does not have an inherent advantage. "Too many corridors". "Too many pallets". "Too big". "Too hard to find anybody".

    I played on the map multiple times and it was just like any other match on any other map in terms of performance. The match lasted an average of about ten minutes, just like normal. The survivors were able to get at least a few generators, just like normal. The killers and survivors encountered each other and had chases, just like normal. The killer won more matches than he or she lost, just like normal. Sometimes people escaped, just like normal.

    I'm of the belief that many of the people who are complaining haven't even played the map, they just decided that it was too big, too narrow (despite the fact that there are MULTIPLE wide open areas) and generally too INDOOR to be worthy to them. "It's not DBD". Oh, shut up.

    I'm not even against people complaining. But the complaints are so scorched Earth, so worst-case-scenario, so loaded with woe and hyperbole, that it's profoundly annoying. No one's wanting to make objective assessments as to what allegedly makes the map "terribly designed", they just list the things that they don't personally like about it - which, again, generally comes down to "it's indoor, I hate indoor maps, and it looks like it won't be fun for killers".

    It's a fun map. The vast majority of the maps in this game are, and I would never go around complaining that the ones I don't happen to like should be deleted. That's both ignorant and incredibly selfish.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    @miketheratguy thank you for clarifying that. Most people aren't objective when it comes to this game. I've accepted people will always find something to project onto this game. But man was I looking forward to playing it. I'm worried if they'll change it to appease people or tinker with it a lot because of the reports of crashing.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I feel the same way, which is why I've been ceaselessly defending this map. Don't think that everyone hates it, regardless of what some here will say. During the PTB there were dozens of comments and threads about the new map and plenty of people loved it. Like most maps, I think it's probably more 50/50 than anything. Some people love it, some people hate it, and those who don't feel passionately about it one way or the other are just playing the game and not coming here to join either side.

    I hope that you get the chance to play the map soon. I enjoyed it, despite the fact that I think I escaped it only once. It's mazelike, but not in every section. There are multiple wide open areas, outdoor areas, areas where characters can see each other from balconies and staircases, areas where people can loop around shelves or pallets and whatnot, areas where characters can try to hide, etc etc etc. It's a map that has a lot going for it. But because it's not another large open outdoor map you're going to hear a lot of killer mains complain about it for a while. Maybe some survivors too, but from what I've seen they're a lot more reasonable about it (they're not begging for it to be deleted, for example).

    I won't lie, my favorite maps happen to be some of the indoor ones but that's because of the aesthetic more than anything else. For example I also love MacMillan Estate but hate the swamp. It just depends on how you play, the atmosphere, the layout, etc. There's nothing inherently wrong with this map (aside from, obviously the crashing issues it's currently experiencing). It's something different - an indoor map that's both mazelike AND very big - and some people simply don't want that. Others, such as myself, find it to be a lot of fun. I can't guarantee that you'll like it, but my personal opinion is that it takes a pretty one-sided bias to hate it.