Irri Head Simple ez fix?

Make it work like deathslinger's add on when it's a certain distance it activates. You can even make the capacity normal even, maybe less. Main purpose you would want to balance the range not the amount. I think it's a simple fix, but let me know what you think. Ik it doesn't fix the hitbox, but nothing is perfect
You like how it is or want to see a change?
Current iri head is in a pretty good spot I'd say. You only get one before you reload and I feel that's pretty fair. High risk for high reward. The problem with making it into a range requirement is that good huntresses can still get multiple downs pretty easy with it, especially on open maps like the cornfield.
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I went against an iri head Huntress the other day and actually had one of the most fun matches of DBD I've had an a while. A little unrelated, but you wouldn't get that with a Iri coin copy and paste.
Plus, it would only be useful on certain maps at exceptional levels of skill, which I don't think is fun add-on design.
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I mean it's bad, sure if you get the hit you get a bit of a time save, but the amount of time you're going to spend reloading is just going to kill you even if you have 100% perfect accuracy and never miss
But the old iri heads were OP so it's definately better this way than how it was before.
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It's still a pretty bull sh*t addon tbh, especially with the absolute bonkers hatchet hit boxes. It's better now that you cant semi spam them but I'd rather just have them removed honestly.
Pinky finger is in this category as well.
I'd rather just move along to the next match asap when someone uses these addons.
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Tbf huntress already gets a fat nerf with indoor maps so the range requirement doesn't change the challenge she has.
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Sooooo an addon that's a waste of BP is a fix?... oki then.
Not that current Iri head isn't a waste of BP....
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Good huntress players won't miss the close shots and the shot requirement just make it similar to another killer add on and not make hers and outlier that can upset a mass amount of players. I don't care for irri head, but it is complained a lot about people so I think it be better if we made range the focus.
If the huntress wants the one shot she needs to give up range. Plus making her having info perks even more awesome. Imagine the clips or clutch throws from a good amount of ways. Instead of a run up to the survivor until they vault or throw a pallet.
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Pinky Finger makes clown playable tho😂. As Clown is one of my most played killers, he is bad, while huntress doesn't need much to be good, just maps can limit her. Clown still needs the fat hit after throwing the bottle on ya.
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devs are too lazy and dont listen to feedback