Nemesis is clearly too op

Cant loop.
Cant jump.
If he saw you he already got you.
3 games and we already hate him
Cant wait for the nerf incoming (8) (^_^)
This seems like half irony and half seriousness. I can't tell which.
Nemesis isn't op, regardless. Quite mid tier, his whip has a super long Cool down if it's dodged, and it slows him to hold the whip as well as when he misses the whip.
Even when he hits the whip, the 1st whip hit which only infects you gives you a speed boost to reset to a new chase possibly.
Zombies can also be quite derpy on walls.
I hope it was irony. 😅
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Nemesis OP? no, not really when compared to PH, Huntress, Freddy, Bubba, Spirit etc.
Zombies...? YES, definitely OP as Hell!
They're always where you don't expect, have no TR warning, and can completely shut down a good loop, hook rescue, healing attempt, or tight corridors/doorways/basement stairs. If they couldn't be killed with pallets and blinded with flashlights they'd be unstoppable. As they are right now, I'm highly tempted to just uninstall DbD because of those DAMN DIRTY ZOMBIES!
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Hahaha another survivor that instead of learning to play he ask for nerf
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Zombies aren't op. They're slow and unreliable, can be heard grunting/gargling toward you from a decent distance away, and can be dodged quite easily or completely countered with a flashlight if you have one.
Their best aspect is intel, zombie walking at the survivors to alert Nemi where some may be, but even that is unreliable given how spread out they are, and their buggy pathing.
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Sluzzy is that you?
On a more productive note i'd call him a less sweaty, more fun to play PH.
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Fool! You activated my 'Get Gud' card!
My advice? Play Nemesis for a couple matches. See just how op you feel with your harmfully accurate beam whip, fat old lady speed, and your useless pet zombies.
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/s means sarcastic. I think they were joking.
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On a serious note, I didn't buy him because I know he'll be NERFED in 2 weeks some way.
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I find him to be the easiest killer, on release, to loop. Every killer since Spirit release has given me more trouble.
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Fck that all i wanted was Mr X just for the footstep noise
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being OP and strong are COMPLETLY different things
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Surprised there was no Zombie sandbags.
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Sluzzy.. are you there?
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3 hits required for a down is a massive time waster. Even with a skilled Nemesis, survivors have so much time to find a new loop. Combine that with vaccines, you have a killer that can end chases quickly when in range of his M2, but holding W is way too effective against him. BHVR needs to do something about the burst of speed after contaminating a survivor.
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"We already hate him" ah another god complex swf most likely
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Played 2 lost 2. He's clearly decent. Zombies are a pain getting you off of gens
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He's at best Low B Tier or High C Tier when played at best situation.
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I'm leveling him up solely to serve my zombie masters.
Ive played about 7 games as survivor against him today and zombies disrupted gen progression more than he did.
They block windows, hallways and gens like a high school bully.
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get better at the game
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Is this sarcasm? I don't see an /s.