You know I actually think the devs will agree with you on this.
They're gonna do it the next chapter release instead of mid chapter patch just so we can wait another month and a half.
54 -
Lol, is the yelling helping? Do you feel the game becoming more optimized with every capital letter?
17 -
I wish.
36 -
its how I voice my displeasure.
24 -
And is there anything you have in mind to help other than question the OP's choice of wording?
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We usually get at least one hotifx between a chapter and mid-chapter. Probably shouldn't expect anything this week, because microsoft, sony, and nintendo validate patches first.
3 -
They dont need fog whisperers, they need fog screamers lol, thanks for making the post, we need to unite and spread it till they hear it, we payed for dlc as well, i can deal with controller being 100x harder, but i cant deal with bad preformances, cmon BHVR
18 -
First of all, i wasn't criticising, I was making a joke. The more you yell, the faster they fix, funny joke, no?
My suggestion is to not take a game so seriously, I guess? I get that some people feel entitled to dictate how fast BHVR puts out bug fixes because they chose to spend hundreds of dollars on it, but they CHOSE to do that. I got this game for free and have unlocked all killers for $30 total.
I absolutely love this game and want it to do well. BUT I also understand the complexities of how game design works, and a game with this many variables is only going to have more bugs every time they add stuff. And bugs are extremely hard to decipher and find, much less fix.
If we want the game to survive, they must keep putting out new content, causing significant resources to continue to be siphoned from the bug-fix team. I wish they could skip a release for QOL improvement, but the fact is, the lack of revenue and loss of community interest would likely sink the game.
Would it be great if they came out with a hotfix? Sure. Do I feel entitled to have the devs do anything other than stop supporting the game at any second? I do not.
1 -
Fair enough. Just wanted to know if it was working ;P
Do you feel better at least?
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0 -
Good, screaming into the void can be very cathartic lol
1 -
They always have a hotfix within days of chapter release.
0 -
True, but the PS4 issue earlier in the year took a month.
9 -
I get 120 FPS with my 3060 Graphics Card. After this patch, I get frame rate drops to like 103 randomly XD
1 -
Console (PS4 to be exact, can’t speak for other consoles) has had this optimization issue since the beginning of time. I will say that after this patch, the frames are absolutely awful, at least before I could see where I was lagging towards/into. Now I just end up wherever.
5 -
My Xbox cannot even run this game at a steady 30fps, and dips into the teens indoors. Are we even playing the same game?
5 -
see that's the biggest problem I have is the devs prioritizing new content first rather than fixing their own game.
0 -
I took a couple of hours off the game when the game wouldn't stop crashing on me and DCing me.
I turned it on a while ago, had a fun and amazing match just for the game to crash right before I escaped. Now I'm sitting here with another 30 minute DC penalty and my second de-pip. I can't.
0 -
My pc is struggling to hold 120 fps on low and i am not even using 100% of the gpu. There is something seriously wrong with this update and it is making the game chug and lag.
They need to hire actual beta testers instead of just shoving it in the game and using the players. but you know.. investors.. money.. general lack of giving a ....
7 -
I just got this graphics card. It's the newest on the market. I can play heavy intensive games on Ultra settings with almost 200 FPS. On here, I get a steady 120 and now after the update, I get 17 FPS drops that I should NEVER get with the newest graphics card on the market. That's pretty awful.
9 -
So what hope is there for us consolers when even the newest PC thingamabobs aren't enough...
8 -
I agree, but you can't be mad at the developers because its management and whatnot that determine what to prioritize. And as I said, skipping a content release would be detrimental to the longevity of the game for various reasons. If i were the developer, I'd refuse to work under deadlines to ensure the quality if my product, but most developers don't have that luxury, especially when this started nearly 6 years ago
0 -
Musta cost ya $5k+ if its the newest, amirite?
0 -
Got a pre-built before the scalper ######### happened lol. Water-cooled and all. 32 gigs of ram at 3200 speed with 1 Terabyte of SSD and 2 Terabyes of 7200 RPM Hard Drive. It's a nasty thing lol. It was $2800 after tax and shipping. 3080 was $3200 but just couldn't spare the extra since I needed a monitor also.
1 -
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over my 12 FPS Nemesis. 😝
3 -
Wow! A whole 12 FPS??? I keep crashing so I can't get into the game
7 -
Oh, i mean, the GPU shortage has been going on since last year, so I assumed something bought before that wouldn't be newest lol. My bad
Lucky break man, I've been looking for a VR capable graphics card since January and I just can't do it at these prices. And the problem isn't just the scalpers, its the bitcoin miners, the silicone shortage, and general increase in demand as well. Its a whole $#!+ storm.
0 -
I got it like a week ago but I was on backorder for almost 8 months lol. I got the price for MSRP but the waiting was terrible lol. I refuse to pay scalpers so I chose to wait. Glad I did lol.
1 -
When people paid money for the game they better fix it right ######### now. 5 years is ######### long enough. Enough adding ######### to the game when the base game is broken to hell. Boycot all future DLC.
1 -
Luckily I have a better console, at least some FPS are better than straight up crashes!
1 -
Just played my fist game since the new update... I crashed and now have a DC penalty. Done playing till it's fixed. How in the heck do they release updates that is so broken? 🙄
4 -
almost as if they didn't actually have a PTB.
2 -
Each patch bringing us ever closer to our destination on 'The Road to 60FPS' kappa
0 -
At least it gets the word out....
Even though it's not the most efficient way...
Ya know any checkmarks from Twitter? /s
0 -
being an ######### to random people online is not funny or helpful.
it's just you being an ######### for the sake of being an #########
0 -
Yong Yea, Jason Schreier
0 -
gl fixing bhvr's spaghetti code
0 -
Sorry, Caps Lock.
0 -
have you tried running dbd in direct x 12? I'm running an i7-8700, 1070ti getting locked 120. set your steam launch options to -dx12 to force dbd to run in dx12
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I agree that they should focus on bug fixes. But they have to do what the shareholders want. If you don't wanna play, boycott away.
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Lol, OP wasn't even mad, why you getting so tilted? Im not being an @$$ (or whatever [BAD WORD] you were using), clearly some people thought it was kinda funny. If he wants to shout at the developers, some people would call that a jerk move, its all about perspective.
0 -
this is the kind of issue that is most likely going to be addressed in a hotfix.
those take ~1 week, but in serious cases like this one i could see it happen quicker than that.
lets hope for the best...
0 -
you are implying emotion when I just said it as a matter of fact.
Being an ######### to your irl friends is funny because they know it's a joke.
being an ######### to a random person isn't funny, it's just you being an #########.
0 -
The use of [bad word] implies emotion in your message. That's the point of cussing, to add emotional emphasis. And no, its not rude to make a joke. Go find some other crusade that actually matters, you're the only one bringing negativity here
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0 -
Why always there's people attacking?.
We need to Unite, this is some something bad for the game, so we most to agree and ask for solutions for these issue
0 -
Already tried that. It actually made my ######### go down to 100 XD I got aIntel Core i9-9900K CPU and a 3060 Graphics Card. It just seems after this update, I get frame drops out of no where on maps when something happens. Never happened before. Some reason, some reason my font changed O.o