Thoughts on Nemesis so far?

I'm curious. I've played roughly 10 games as him and he seems pretty fun and like a good killer. I want to see the community's thoughts on him and maybe where you would put him on a tier list.
I think people are being over critical on the guy. He doesn’t really excel at anything, but it doesn’t inherently make him weak. From playing around 15 games with him and acquiring perks that mitigate his early game issues, I think he’ll fair fine.
The one thing that does bother me are the zombies. I think they’ve got to be less based on RNG, and they’ve got to do something about them on larger maps. They’re virtually useless on larger maps, while becoming oblivious demons on closed maps.
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He's only fun to me because he's new. Stopped being fun after 12 or so games. He isn't very good either, probably low B Tier. His perks aren't very interesting or good aside from the initial tracking perk.
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I've only played one game of him so far and it was swamp lol
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I"m not entirely sure what to think. A lot of the Nemesis's I've been going against are incredibly predictable with their power.
Like a Huntress that revs at every pallet, every time, and loses massive distance because of it. So I'm not sure if Nemesis is weak, or the players.
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I mean he isn't good, but isn't bad either. I personally think he needs to be just a hair faster. He's deplorable on large maps. Really fun to play when the game doesn't crash.
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Nemesis needs to be faster the way he is now is a joke first the rpd map offline and this mechanic of him being slow it is just hard to play a good game the survivors just go in circles it's a joke
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He's okay. Pretty much just a mid-tier killer. Not hard to exploit if you know how to play against him and he has the hardest time snowballing compared to Oni and Myers.
He has a really weak early game, because he has no really way to force pressure on survivors since by default all survivors take 3 hits from his tentacle strike and he can't break pallets with tentacle strike just yet. It's also very easy to quickly lose pressure you build up with vaccines since they force you to hit survivors an extra time with your tentacle strike.
Once you tier up and survivors drain all the vaccines so they stay contaminated then he starts to shine. I know 1m difference on his Tentacle Strike at T3 may not seem like a lot, but there's a lot of times where that extra distance is the difference between survivors making a vault and getting hit during their vault.
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What do you guys mean by he needs to be faster? He is a 115 killer.
Honestly I think he is fine for the most part. He comes with quite a bit of tracking in his base kit. His power is pretty decent. Yeah people can use the antidote but there are only 4 on any map. Yeah he isn't the next s teir killer bit does he really have to be
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I also wanted to add that his addons are just bad overall. I've been messing around with different addons and as far as the non mutation rate addons go, I just don't see the difference or impact of bringing them.
The killing zombies for undetectable is kind of neat, but it's hard to use effectively since zombies can just roam to dead areas of the map and the undetectable only lasts 15 seconds.
Zombie speed is barely noticeable and doesn't seem to help them hit survivors that run past them. I also can't really tell the difference in zombies with detection addons.
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He’s great. Incredibly designed, and his kit is very robust and thoughtful.
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I dunno. Feels slow compared to others.
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Nemesis need to be fixed because he has tree different power and why is he so damn fast. If your going to give him a tentacle and zombies maybe makes as slow as their 1 Myers
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The lack of survivor conplaints about him is worrying.
You know what it means if survs dont call q released killer op....
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He's the only killer other than old freddy that could hit a survivor and not get a healthstate down, which I don't really like.
He's weak to W.
Other than those issues he's alright.
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He's definetly fun! Good? eeeeeeeeh questionable.
He's obvious weakness is the whole 3 hits thing and the zombies are RNG. Kinda reminds me of Pig in that regard. I've had epic moments where a zombie was camping a vault and survivor went from healthy to down in .1 seconds basicaly from tentacle and zombie hitting simultaniously. Also nice when zombies decide to block of shack for example. I've definetly won a fair amount of chases from survivors SEEING a zombie is there and having to leave the loop, not necesarilly being directly hit by the zombie itsself.
Perks wise, the standout for me was Eruption. Like someone said earlier that he doesn't know if Nem or the player controlling Nem is weak i've had some insane value come off Eruption + Pop (yes the bloodweb was kind). In about 4 of the 10ish games i've played i got a 4k due to Eruption as i'd find someone on a gen @80% kick it, down the survivor that was on it cos he was trying to loop an LT wall or pallet camp or something. Eruption goes off disableing 1-2 people trying to slam that gen, i'd hook and by the time i'd walk over both pop AND eruption were available. Rinse and repeat. I've knocked gens, with 3 people tagging in and out on them from 80+% to 0 with this combo. And this was on like 4/5 gens reamaining. It's AMAZING how greedy survivors get when ruin isn't in play......... Then i tried playing Blight with Eruption Pop Tinkerer and BBQ and i got DESTROYED for like 6 games in a row. I dono , there was a line in the patch notes about "adjusting" blights collision but i'd hit like 2 in every 10 Lethal Rushes in the open field and slide along the walls of Cowshed / Fence of Cowtree ... people have gotten really good at dodging Rushes.
It's also nice in the early game if you happen to find a gen with like like 5% and a Blendette working on it, you can just kick and not waste time searching, around, it'll go boom eventually.....
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He seems pretty decent. He power feels very smooth and fun to use, I barely had moments where I felt that shouldnt hit or should. The HItbox is well of the strike and is very usefull on most loops.
Only 2 things I would still change on him however is. Survivors should not get a hit burst when you infect them. Also nemesis should get a "dash" or "run" ability because this is just a iconic thing to him and has always been, I dont get it why the devs didnt implement it. They can nerf the zombies to even it out with his new mobility. The dash should have a 60sec cooldown and a 2,5 sec charge time simiular like Oni but with the growing mutation rate the cooldown should also been reduced. T2 to 50 sec and T3 to 40 sec.
I think this wouldnt make him too strong or frustraiting to play against since you can use any attack in the dash, its just for mobility.
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You go to your room and think about what you've said young man. Shame on you.
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Yes, that this is a killers forum
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As a survivor main I think he is good, not overwhelmingly but good enough. He builds up his power during the trial which is fun. When his power is at the top he is very powerful. Learn to use his power and he is good at anti-loop and he breaks pallets faster than Bubba it seems. Plus his zombies makes indoor maps with hallways a nightmare.
I'm projecting him to be a B-tier killer from what I've seen so far.
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I think Nemesis is pretty good and I'd say I won about 6/10 matches against him. With that being said, he just came out so I imagine people will find new techniques & perks that synergies with his power.
Although I will say, he's a weaker Pyramid Head/Plague. Besides his zombies (which are great in indoor maps & pressuring off gens), the fact that his infection practically does nothing other than wow-I-can-finally-injure-you & that it gives the survivors a Sprint Burst when hit with it makes him disappointing. A few minor buffs would bring him from B tier to A tier easily imo.
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I don't know kinda clunky. Not as easy to hit those tentacle attacks on console as I'd hoped.
I find him kinda dull powerwise. I just wish he did more.
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Hey have you theory crafted some perk combinations or add-ons that would be good on him? What have you been using? I'll probably end up asking you again later...because I always value your input on builds n such.
I'm not sure about the add-ons at all, sorta hoping int3r4ct puts out the hard numbers on them all so I can see exactly what they are doing. But so far contamination on survivor hits are what I think is the best, but I've been using zombie detection range and speed together. As for perks I'm in that area where I'm just putting on random stuff or throwing crap at the wall to see if it sticks.
I @ed you on your profile but I honestly don't think those ever send out notifications cause I never get any either.
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He seems pretty balanced and he's fun to go against. I really don't like how his tentacle attack works tho cuz half the time it literally doesn't touch me but I go down, like it needs to be adjusted so I can actually see if it hit me or not. There was one game where I dropped a pallet and dead harded immediately after and his level 1 tentacle hit me. Literally through a downed pallet and a dead hard.
Overall I think he's a good character, balanced and fun to play against.
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So far it was fun to play him, power is a bit difficult to use and I rly like the zombies (concept), however they are bit buggy sometimes. I had match on Temple of P. and one zombie spawned downstairs in the back side and didn't move and the orher was stuck outside somewhere.
In terms of overall power, I think he is somewhere in the middle, not sure yet if lower-mid tier or just mid-tier killer.
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Good and funny for low elo. Stomped by competent players.
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Probably the most fun I've had with a killer in a while. Idc if he's weak or whatever I'm still gonna main him
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I think Nemesis is just painfully mediocre.
He accels at nothing and lacks an identity of doing anything.
Freddy and Demo both are also jack of all trades.
However Freddy has better generator defence meanwhile with the add-on rework Demo is a lot stronger of a chaser with slightly higher lethality then average with his reworked shred add-ons + STBFL.
So Nemesis doesn't really accel at any sub area of being a jack of all trades as he lacks the lethality of demo nor the generator defence of Freddy and his only defying factor being tracking is mostly RNG dependent(zombies tracking is great but completely unreliable).
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I’ve been sticking just to his teachables to really understand him.
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Only issue i have with him is his tentacle hitbox and how survivors get sped up when contaminated. That to me is so stupid. The only time a survivor should get a sprint burst like that is when they have been injured.
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He is simply a worse pyramid head in every situation. Against good players you'll get stomped because he requires so much time to get any momentum going.
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Hmm I've been using a mix of that and other perks... I've been using lethal pursuer and eruption, bbq and discordance (all like level 2).
So far I feel like eruption is probably a little bit of a waste of time on him unless you use brutal with it to not waste so much time kicking a bunch of gens but lethal pursuer has been great as I've been able to get early game pressure and spread out contamination
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He is ok. Not too strong nor too weak. The only thing I'd change is to make his 3rd mutation bonus more relevant. One additional meter to his range attack is not really much, maybe it could allow him to hit more survivors at once.
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He's mediocre at best. The team was so worried about making sure he had counterplay that they left him as pretty much an inferior version of PH and basically every way. Zombies are useless pretty much the entire game (though on some indoor maps they can do work) and his power is just, meh. I mean it is solid at countering loops but other killers do what he does better already. He's fun but not very good. No map pressure at all and his range is so short that most of the time survivors just W away. Also his add ons are bleh.
Honestly this killer needs a lot of love, for such a staple in the horror field he is way to lacking. People want to say he isn't weak but honestly he is just a lesser version of killers that already exist.
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yeah do they know the perma shift W?
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The quality of mid tier killers is pretty bad tbh. That and the last two killer were awful for a number of reasons. The killer role is due a strong killer. His leveled up tier 3 is really underwhleming which is kinda frustrating.
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I feel the same. I'm on Xbox Series X and I found it incredibly difficult to use his tentacle, although I am the first to admit I'm just not that good. I also found him incredibly slow. I watched some streamers on PC and he seemed way faster and easier to control so I don't know if that's even a thing? Overall I found him boring to play as though (mainly because I could barely ever hit with the tentacle - couldn't get close enough and whenever I did, it was easily dodged).
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That is literally all his power does. He can't hit over walls or low obstacles, only pallets and windows.
There are too many restrictions on his power to be used creatively thanks to all the moaning and crying survivors do about "free zoning" and demanding counterplay for thee but not for me. It is slow to take out and has a massive delay if you cancel the power where you literally can't do anything.
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He’s pretty dull to go against, did we really need another anti-loop killer?
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Good on pc but a big sluggish on console. In other words.. another pyramid head, but zombies.
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Dispite me getting owned every match and really missing most of my tentacle attacks causing me to lose match after match.... I'm somehow having fun, and had a huuuuuge laugh while memeing with someone who didn't see a zombie comming her way.
The only thing I'm still not sure about is the speed boost survivors get after first tentacle hit. If they are not losing a health state, should they really get a speed boost??
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not a top tier killer, not bottom tier either.
he's a good mid tier character but ultimately no one i would pick over Daddy Slinger if i wanted to do well.
that being said, he is incredibly fun to play though.
at least from my experience (which, as everyone elses, has been rather limited so far)
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Dunno... I find him quite boring. You have no control over the zombies (which most of the times do absolutely nothing), you have no control over the survivor's infection... all you do is whip whip and whip whole game. Also the fact that he basically needs to hit you 3 times unless you just play him as a powerless M1 killer and that his tier 3 feels underwhelming. He's B- to C tier imo.
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I find him fun but his tentacle hurts him so much until tier two/three. The problem is the speed of the game right now just don't fit the amount of time required to fill meters especially if your me and only play on giant maps and haddonfield all day. I noticed my zombies in the first half of the match (when I need them most) where always on the edge of the map stuck between two wall, rocks, fences, etc. I like that they buffed his perks so they are not completely useless I really love eruption saved a bunch of time in my trials, and Lethal pursuer I ran to apply immediate pressure only to find out how busted the spawn points are in this game. Scott was right and I hate agreeing with streamers.
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I love nemesis you just need to know how to work him. The zombies add the extra scare the game needs which I love as well. Being chased by nemesis the footsteps are terrifying but amazing. Thanks devs
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I think he suffers from the same dilemma hillbilly does. Sure he’s new and cool but what’s the point when demo and plague can do what he can do better
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C tier at best. He'll get dunked on by decent players once they realize the tentacle and zombies are a free Sprint Burst when they aren't infected. He gives survivors 8 free health states to work with. That's insane.
Yeah, bots are always going to get zoned into M1s by the tentacle even though they're uninfected. You can 4k them with no traps Trapper.
Good players use the first tentacle for the free Sprint Burst, so Nemesis has to be a powerless M1 to injure them or spend time trying to land a tentacle hit just to be able to do something productive with their next tentacle hit on that specific survivor. And then they can use a vaccine.
A Nemesis spent a good 20 seconds to land a tentacle on me at a Badham car, and for his efforts he won the prize of chasing a still healthy survivor through the school. Very strong killer. Yes.
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Very very fun killer!
And is pretty fair in strength
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He’s fine.
but the Zombies are so annoying!!!
you get hooked?
a Zombie comes to facecamp you
you are on a gen?
a Zombie comes to stop you from doing your objective
you are healing someone?
guess what… a Zombie comes
they should do something about it.
the zombies get so much value for being an AI
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Nemesis just feels... slow.
Zombie hits also need more feedback from killer POV. Maybe add a bubble notification when a zombie hit occus.
Otherwise he's alright.
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Overall somewhat disappointing tbh, but with a few tweaks I think he could be in a great spot. His tentacle strike shouldnt give a sprint burst when only infecting or make it so that survivors can spread the infection somehow. Adding another zombie depending on the map would also be good since on maps like say mothers dwelling they are beyond useless where as on a map like say hawkins or lerys they may actually get a few hits or waste a few pallets.
Other then that I think his tentacle strike is fine, has good enough range while having some cool gimmicks and the zombies are neat but for the most part poorly implemented since surprise surprise they are buggy as hell and get stuck all the time, like at least once every other map or sometimes multiple times in a single match. If you could at least somewhat control like just getting them to move to rough area of where you want them or something so that its not just complete rng whether they'll spawn and patrol in actually relevant areas of the map.